WeAreTheCity.com was founded in April 2008 with the aim of providing information to women who wish to progress in their careers via networking and events. The concept of the website is to provide services that not only help women develop themselves both personally and professionally, but also contributes to a wider strategy of supporting working women in the UK more broadly by bringing together the charity sector and potential entrepreneurs on to one common platform.
WeAreTheCity’s core pillars are as follows:-
- To provide an inspirational platform for women who wish to learn, progress and drive their own professional growth.
- To raise awareness of female related networks, events & training to promote the importance of networking and gaining new skills.
- To connect and encourage women to give back and share their time/skills with charities, social enterprises, schools and the pipeline of future corporate women.
- To provide a suite of programmes and services to assist organisations who are actively seeking to enhance the careers and prospects of their female talent pipeline.
WeAreTheCity in numbers (Oct 2014)
- 6 million hits per month
- 200,000 unique visitors
- 40,000 members (80% professional women)
- <3,000 Alexa ranked UK website
- Access to 13,000 women through our social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin)
- 4,500+ articles (all articles receive in excess of 1k views)
- 60+ events delivered/co-partnered
- £60,000 raised for charity
- 7 core service and programme offerings aimed at corporate clients
WeAreTheCity provide the following services & programmes to a number of organisations who are seeking to support and enhance the careers of their female workforce
- Careers Club – Online careers support club aimed at enhancing the skills of junior to middle management
- Recruitment and job board via WeAreTheCity Jobs
- Mentoring – Industry specific
- Global Webinars
- Talent attraction events
- Maternity Coaching
- D&I Consultancy
- Training – Client handling, CRM, Personal Development
For more information about our corporate services, please contact Info@wearethecity.com
In 2012 WeAreTheCity was recognised by both Mumprenuer and the Good Web Guide for our work in the female community.
WeAreTheCity also has a sister site in India, www.wearethecity.in.