Entries by Aimee

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How To Disrupt Gender Bias in the Virtual Workplace

What can leaders, managers, allies and women themselves do to minimize and challenge gender bias in the virtual workplace? Last week, theglasshammer.com explored the impact of the virtual office in either neutralizing or amplifying pre-existing dynamics of gender bias. Ultimately, the gender bias present in our cultural paradigm is also present in our offices, and […]

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Is Gender Bias Amplified in the Virtual Workplace?

While remote working is a key element to creating more gender equality, the coexistence of the virtual workplace alongside virtual schooling has exacerbated the disproportional hours women spend on caregiving and domestic work, driving women to exit the workforce or consider downshifting their careers. The dissolution of physical boundaries between home and office and classroom […]


Remote Working Hacks: From And For Executive Moms

When interviewing female executives for her first book, Pulitzer-winning career columnist for The Wall Street Journal, Joann Lublin, became intrigued by the strong representation of executive moms. “I was surprised to observe that more than 80 percent of the women, irrespective of where they had landed in their jobs, had kids,” she recalls. “And when […]


OP-Ed: Going Back to “Normal” or Creating A “New Normal”?

I, for one, don’t want to go back to normal. We have an opportunity this month, during Women’s History Month, to assess the current state of women’s equality around the world and make the appropriate and overdue changes to create a new normal. As I look around today, there is no question that the global […]