Entries by Aimee


Mariah Turner: Associate, PGIM Private Capital

“If it’s always the loudest voiced people who are taking up space, some of the more insightful opinions get lost,” says Mariah Turner. “I like to think that I’m someone that tries to champion the softer voices in the room.” Turner speaks to showing up in a room and the community, as both a team […]

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Black History Month 2022: Why bell hooks was right

Before the word ‘intersectionality’ was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, bell hooks critiqued a narrowed feminism that hailed from the white middle class living room and neither addressed interlocking webs of oppression nor recognized its own race and class privileges – therefore, blindly disregarding the multidimensional plights of non-white, underprivileged women. Her message has […]

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Unlearn, Learn and Relearn: The Key to Career Change and More Meaningful Work

With four in 10 women considering leaving their current roles, “Unlearn, Learn, Relearn” could well be the mantra for executive-level professional women looking to switch tracks to more meaningful work. Despite the ‘passion at work paradigm’ being around for more than six decades, there are downsides to that approach. It could be a straight path […]


Rachael Sansom: Managing Director, Red Havas UK

“As a leader, teams take their cues from you. Everybody has different styles, but people have to feel some sort of essence from you,” says Rachael Sansom. “And in the agency business, that’s also true in terms of the client relationship.” Sansom speaks to creativity, why Gen Z inspires her, the value of your essential […]

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Why Introverts Are Needed In the Workplace

When you enter the corporate world as an introvert, one of the first hurdles you may have to overcome is the societal expectation that you should behave more like an extrovert. The temptation to be someone you are not can be overwhelming and may lead to disappointment and missed opportunities. What if rather than hiding […]


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) – The Thinker.

When I came to the U.S. almost twenty years ago, I saw a day off work in January and started asking questions. People in Corporate America, of all elks and creeds, didn’t seem to have many answers for me. My friends who lived in the boroughs (we were in our 20’s so rent was cheaper […]


OP-Ed: From Gaming to Gowns: Bringing More Women to Artificial Intelligence

Bringing more women into artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t just about gender equality. The science of AI offers the opportunity to make data more human, positively impacting nearly every aspect of our lives. Since artificial intelligence uses technology to mimic human decision-making, it is a field that requires a diversity in perspectives from the people who […]