Tag Archive for: get ahead

Nicki GilmourHappy President’s Day 2020. We are taking a publishing break this week to work on our new site behind the scenes that should be launching at the end of March. Look out for that. Also, as it is the school holidays for many, we urge you to smell the roses and spend time with those who matter and want to talk our own advice there too.

In the meantime, here is a selection of our favorite “how to” career articles. Career articles regarding “how to” never get old! Here are 5 picks that our readers liked most and have some of the highest readership figures over our thirteen years of bringing you the information that matters regarding how to navigate to the next level, beat the office blues and break your own glass ceiling:

Some were written a while ago but remain solid in their advice and relevancy. Enjoy and see you next week!

1.How to Survive a Re-Org and keep your career on track

2. Negotiation Tactics to close the gender wage gap

3. What to do when you feel undervalued at work?

4. Are you an “insecure overachiever?” stop the imposter syndrome

5. Who is on your Board of Directors?

6. Get Promoted in 2020!

7. Negotiate More Vacation Days!

8. Avoid Burnout with this article and this one too.

9. How and When to find a new job.

10. Use the Lattice not the ladder in your career.

Coaching is the ultimate career secret weapon and is where the rubber meets the road since advice is generic but coaching is specific to who you are and where you are.

If you want to be coached as a soon to be or a new leader or even just want to be even more excellent than you are today, then get in touch with Nicki  (nicki@theglasshammer.com) for a free exploratory chat to see if leadership or executive or career coaching is for you. Write coaching in the title of the email so you dont get lost in the pile.

We have a number of excellent associate coaches ( all Columbia University qualified) who can be matched with you, including Nicki who is also an organizational psychologist, looking at the systemic as well as the individual career enablers and de-railers.

Enjoy the week!