Entries by Aimee

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OP-Ed: The Three Personality Traits Most Prone To Burnout

First, let’s get one thing straight: burnout is not an individual problem; it’s an organizational problem that requires an organizational solution. Self-care has been the prevention strategy du jour for decades. And yet burnout is on the rise. Why? Because we’re ignoring the systemic and institutional factors that are the real causes of burnout – […]


Marcia Diaz: Managing Director, PGIM Real Estate

“Wherever you are, get the best experience, keep developing your skills, and keep networking. Whenever you’re asked to do something, make sure you do it well,” says Marcia Diaz. “You’re creating your brand. Whatever happens next, make sure someone will want to pick you to be on their team.” Diaz speaks to unexpected opportunities in […]


Monica Marquez: Co-Founder, Beyond Barriers

“It’s transfer of knowledge, it’s paying it forward, it’s saying ‘here are the unwritten rules that you need to know that not everybody is going to tell you’,” says Monica Marquez. “Why don’t you learn from my mistakes, and then maybe you can get here in half the amount of time that I did?” As […]

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11 Tips From Latina Leaders on Self-Confidence and Self-Promotion

As part of celebrating Hispanic Heritage, The Glass Hammer covers career insights and tips shared by Latina Leaders in business whom we’ve had the fortune to interview over the years. In this retrospective two-part feature, we’ve mined the best experience-based guidance across our profile interviews with Latina leaders. As the theme of authenticity, self-confidence and […]


Alma Rosa Montañez: Chief Corporate Counsel, S&P Global

“One of the big challenges for most people of color, and perhaps for many women, is individuating,” says Alma Rosa Montañez. “Being able to cast yourself as an individual by whoever is perceiving you, as opposed to whatever the perceived group stereotype might be.” Montañez speaks to her journey as a woman bridging two cultures, […]

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Embracing Culturally Relevant Latina Leadership

Theglasshammer is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 2021 with profiles of Latina leaders and feature themes. When we look at the numbers among corporate leadership for Latinx executives, little has quantitatively shifted, but what is finally evolving is the talk around the journey: towards valuing culturally integrative leadership. Latina Style called out the Top 10 Corporate […]


Six Forms of Cultural Wealth You Can Leverage As a Leader

In her model of community cultural wealth, Dr. Tara J. Yosso identified six forms of cultural wealth (aspirational, navigational, social, linguistic, familial and resistant capital) possessed and earned by socially marginalized groups, and countered the lens of cultural deficit. Cultural wealth is defined as: “an array of knowledge, skills, strengths and experiences that are learned […]