Tag Archive for: Wells Fargo

Julie Burger“I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve built—not just as a public finance department but in the way we serve and connect with clients, which has always been a priority for me,” says Julie Burger. “Being a player-coach leader lets me guide the team while staying hands-on, delivering smart, impactful solutions every step of the way.”

For nearly two decades, Burger has dedicated her career to public finance, crafting a path defined by hard work, meaningful connections, and a passion for tangible impact. From her very first internship at Bank of America, she realized she had found the right fit—a field that blended challenge and purpose in ways that resonated deeply.

“I loved public finance,” Burger reflects. “It’s been my career since day one. Starting as an analyst, I worked incredibly hard to learn, grow, and show that I was willing to work harder than anyone else. That’s been a central theme in my career— dedicating myself fully and relentlessly to everything I do.”

In 2011, Burger joined Wells Fargo during a pivotal moment when the firm was in a building phase. “I had the chance to help build our transportation public finance practice from the ground up,” she recalls, noting how much she enjoys collaborating with her clients and colleagues on meaningful projects.

Her unwavering tenacity and passion didn’t go unnoticed. Two years ago, she was named Co-Head of Public Finance. “It was a challenge and an opportunity,” she says. “Public finance needs more women leaders, and I felt I owed it to myself and others to step up. It’s been incredibly rewarding.”

In her leadership role, Burger, alongside her co-lead, has guided her team to remarkable success, achieving a top-five ranking as senior manager of negotiated issuance in the municipal market. “I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve built; it’s the result of the team’s hard work and dedication,” she says.

The Tangible Impact of Public Finance

One of the reasons Burger remains passionate about her work is its visible, lasting impact. “Public finance is about infrastructure—the roads we drive on, the hospitals we visit, the colleges we attend,” she explains. “It’s tangible. When we work on a project, we’re helping to build something, which isn’t always the case in every area of finance.”

From bridges in Pennsylvania to a new street lighting system in the District of Columbia, Burger finds inspiration in being part of something bigger than herself. “Infrastructure is vital—it shapes how people move, access clean water, and build their communities,” she says.

Hard Work, Empathy, and Embracing Change

Reflecting on her success, Burger credits a few core principles. “Be willing to put in a lot of hard work. When you put in the effort, people notice—your boss, your clients, your colleagues. It makes a difference,” she says.

Burger also points to being kind and empathetic as important in her career. “Sometimes women feel they can’t be empathetic because it might seem like a weakness. I think the opposite. Empathy is a strength. I came up the ranks, so I understand what it’s like to be a junior analyst or a woman trying to succeed in this business.”

In addition, Burger highlights being solution oriented. “It’s about being thoughtful in how I serve my clients and delivering the absolute best results. I care deeply about the people I work with, and that drives everything I do.”

While hard work, empathy, and being solution-oriented have been her guiding principles, Burger candidly admits that embracing change has not come as naturally—but it’s a skill she’s intentionally developed to grow and succeed.

“I’m not someone who loves change,” she confesses. “But one of the best pieces of advice I got—and now share—is to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Challenges can be scary because inevitably they involve change, but it leads to growth. It’s about taking calculated risks and being okay with change when you know it can lead to something better.”

The Player-Coach Approach

Throughout her career, Burger has refined her leadership style, finding that the player-coach approach aligns best with her strengths. “I’ve always loved working with clients—solving problems, delivering solutions. When I took on this role, I didn’t want to lose that connection,” she explains. “I still actively work with clients, and I think my team appreciates that I understand what it’s like to be in the trenches.”

She believes in leading by example. “It’s not about telling people what to do—it’s about showing them. I’ve worked under some great leaders who stayed close to the work, and I’ve tried to emulate that.”

In addition to being intentional about the kind of leader she wants to be, Burger also emphasizes the value of creating a positive team culture. “Nobody succeeds alone. I want my team to understand that being a good teammate is key to success—not just for themselves, but for everyone.”

Mentorship is a Responsibility

At Wells Fargo, Burger continues to look for opportunities to give back and support the next generation of leaders, whether through formal arrangements like the Women Go Far initiative or informally within her team. She sees mentorship as a responsibility, especially for women leaders.

“It’s important for women leaders to pay it forward—that’s how we ensure the next generation of women rises to leadership. Whether it’s mentoring junior professionals or collaborating with peers, sharing lessons learned and lifting each other up is essential to building a stronger, more inclusive future.”

Finding Balance

Outside of work, Burger has found ways to unwind and maintain perspective—something she acknowledges she didn’t prioritize earlier in her career. “One thing I’d probably tell my younger self is to do a better job at work-life balance,” she reflects. “I was very focused on work and succeeding, but it’s important to have that balance. It makes you better, more grounded, and centered.”

Yoga has been one of the ways she achieves that balance. “I’ve gotten into yoga over the last few years. It’s a great way to de-stress and spend an hour without a phone, just focusing on the moment.”

A lifelong sports fan, Burger spends her Sundays immersed in football. “People know not to bother me from 1:00 to 7:00,” she laughs. She’s also passionate about animals and finds fulfillment volunteering at a local shelter, giving back to a cause she’s always cared about.

By Jessica Robaire

Maureen O'Connor“I always tell people that the key to my success is loving what I do, because when you truly enjoy your work, it shows—and clients can feel that,” says Maureen O’Connor. “Over the years, my clients have seen that I care as much about the outcome of their transactions as they do, and that has been crucial to building strong relationships.”

Exuding passion and enthusiasm, O’Connor demonstrates how loving what you do and honing your emotional intelligence are essential to long-term success. She reflects on the importance of skillful communication, maintaining in-person connections, and prioritizing finding work that is deeply fulfilling for a sustainable career.

Fueled by the Energy of the Markets

Dynamic and driven, O’Connor has always thrived in high-energy environments, making the fast-paced trading floor the ideal fit for her career.

“I love the markets and how what you read in the press that morning is going to have an impact on what you do that day. It’s exciting how things are ever changing, and that no day is like the last.” This unpredictability, far from overwhelming, is the fuel that powers her. “The buzz of a trading floor is the energy that I thrive off of.”

O’Connor feels fortunate to have built a career that still ignites her passion, even after more than two decades in the industry.

“It hasn’t felt like work in that regard. I really enjoy what I do—it fulfills me on a very deep level.”

O’Connor’s talents particularly shine as Wells Fargo’s Global Head of High Grade Debt Syndicate because the role is more about building connections with clients and finding a way to bring two sides together than it is about selling.

“My goal is to be upfront about what we can accomplish for you, and I love that. I enjoy being direct with people.” She continues, “it’s about finding that perfect balance between what the investor and the issuer wants, ensuring that neither feels like they got the upper hand, but rather that the outcome is fair.”

Building Stronger Client Relationships with In-Person Connection

Given that much of O’Connor’s role involves balancing both sides of a deal, she believes forging strong client relationships is essential—and in her view, the best way to do that is in person.

“I’m not one for small talk—I love real conversations,” she says. ” In my view, in-person connections with clients are critical – it’s harder to build a serious and deep connection with someone virtually.”

O’Connor believes that in-person meetings, preferably outside the confines of a conference room, are where true bonds are formed.

“I love to hear people’s stories, to understand what makes them tick,” she explains. “It’s not about using that knowledge to get something for myself; it’s about figuring out what’s going to work for them.”

While her job in syndicate is to carry a deal across the finish line, O’Connor sees it as much more than just completing a transaction.

“All the work you do leading up to that moment, getting to know your clients better, makes the final leg so much more meaningful.” This personal touch, she believes, is what sets her—and others in her line of work—apart.

Delivery is Key

For O’Connor, mastering the art of communication has been another key element to her success. While technical skills and attention to detail are critical early in one’s career, she believes that as you advance, it’s the softer skills that become more significant.

“I think having a high emotional intelligence (EQ) is really important,” she says. “When you’re a junior, it’s all about analytical skills and efficiency. But as you get more client-facing, it becomes much more about how you deliver.”

O’Connor prides herself on her ability to read people and adapt her approach accordingly. “I used to joke that the number one skill in my job was sounding good on the phone—now, it’s probably sounding good on Zoom,” she laughs. For her, clear and confident communication is essential. “It’s not just about what you say, it’s about sounding good saying it.”

Not only is confidence key, but making the delivery dynamic and engaging is essential as well. She emphasizes that effective communication is about more than just data—it’s about ensuring that the message sticks.

“Delivery is so important, and I don’t think people spend enough time polishing it. They work too much on the content and not enough on thinking about how to say it with emphasis in a way that leaves a lasting impression.”

The Art of Navigating Difficult Conversations

O’Connor points to another crucial element of communication—adeptly navigating hard conversations—as an asset in her role. Working in syndicate, she walks a fine line between the demands of issuers and the expectations of investors, advocating for both sides with skill and empathy.

“You get one of those tough trades, and sometimes the music stops. Your ability to deliver bad news becomes crucial.” She continues, “the way you handle those hard conversations is a critical skill that sets apart the good from the great at this job.”

O’Connor believes her success in this area comes from her ability to communicate directly. “I always ask myself, ‘How would I want to receive this news?’ And the answer is usually straightforward: I’d just want to know,” she says. This candid approach earns her respect, even when emotions are running high.

“It’s about your ability to impart to them, ‘this doesn’t feel good on this side, either. We’re not where we want to be, but we’re going get you to the best possible place we can’.”

O’Connor finds that approaching difficult conversations with a “we’re in this together” mindset not only reassures her clients but also fosters a collaborative atmosphere that helps navigate tough situations.

Passion is Preferable

O’Connor is clearly passionate about her work but acknowledges that there is a balance between caring deeply and maintaining emotional resilience.

“It’s hard not to take things personally when you care a lot. I’d tell my younger self not to stress so much.”

Yet, she emphasizes that bringing passion to the job is not only acceptable but essential.

“One of the worst pieces of feedback a woman can receive is being told she’s too emotional,” she shares. “It’s unhelpful. Asking someone not to care is not a solution. I love passion. I can help rein in or smooth the edges around that, but I can’t make somebody care about something they don’t care about, so I’d much rather somebody go in that direction than the other way around.”

In her view, the goal isn’t to care less, but to take things less personally.

“I’m not going to ask people to be less emotional. I might ask you to hone your reaction but never to care less.”

For a Sustainable Career, Love What You Do

For O’Connor, having genuine passion for one’s work is truly the foundation of a sustainable career.

“You have to ask yourself why you’re entering this business,” she advises. “Have a heart-to-heart with yourself, especially in those early years when sacrifices are abundant. If you’re in it for the wrong reasons, you won’t last. You have to truly love what you do because, ultimately, the money alone won’t sustain you.”

O’Connor encourages aspiring professionals to reflect on their motivations and be open to trying different roles to find their passion. She shares that she bounced around early in her career before finding her fit in syndicate in 2006.

“Don’t be afraid to pivot early in your career,” she stresses. “You must find that role that makes you happy. Otherwise, with the long hours and demanding nature of the work, you’re not going to thrive. You need to be in a seat that you genuinely love.”

As a mother of three girls, O’Connor aims to show her daughters that it’s possible to pursue a career she loves while finding deep fulfillment in her family life. For her, it’s less about achieving perfection and more about showing the importance of hard work and learning from mistakes. In her downtime, O’Connor spends quality time with her three daughters, loves baking and playing mediocre tennis with friends – simple joys that keep her connected to what matters most.

By Jessica Robaire

Rachel Goldin Jinich“Run towards the fire.  Go to where there is growth and where you can make an impact,” says Rachel Goldin Jinich.  “To me that’s always the recipe for success.”

Jinich exemplifies the drive to seize opportunities and master her craft amidst challenges. She reflects on how her authentic leadership style, commitment to growth, and dedication to supporting diverse talent and fostering a collaborative culture have defined her career.

Running Towards the Fire

From the beginning of her career, Jinich ran towards opportunity.  Pivoting from an undergraduate degree in political science and Spanish literature, Jinich studied finance in graduate school, finding a passion for commercial real estate.  Jumping at the chance to get experience on the lending side of real estate, Jinich joined the Wells Fargo commercial real estate team in 2006 in Boston, where only two years later she quickly learned how to weather a volatile market in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.  Reaching out to her mentor and asking to join a new group dedicated to handling distressed debt workouts, Jinich gained valuable experience and established long-lasting connections throughout the firm.

“There is no better time than during a crisis to truly master your craft and discover what you still need to learn. I had the privilege of working with incredibly talented individuals, many of whom are still with Wells Fargo today and with whom I continue to collaborate frequently.”

Always looking for growth opportunities and embracing challenges, Jinich continued to broaden her skillset in commercial real estate, working across various groups including Real Estate Merchant Banking, Special Situations, Hospitality Finance, and Specialty Capital, where she started a specialized lending group for data centers.  Her breadth of experience and proven track record positioned Jinich to seamlessly assume the leadership role of her predecessor, becoming the head of Specialty Real Estate Finance (SREF) last year, with responsibility overseeing lodging and leisure, data centers, healthcare real estate, and manufactured housing.

“I am thrilled to lead this talented team focused on some of the most exciting sectors across real estate.”

Leading with a Growth Mindset

Jinich’s approach to seeking growth opportunities not only propels her career advancement, but also defines her leadership style.  She notes that being open to learning from others and drawing on their expertise is an important element of how she shows up as a leader.

“It’s having a healthy dose of humility and a growth mindset in order to learn from the people around you.  Put your ego aside, be a willing student and ask questions.”

Jinich also emphasizes authenticity as key to effective leadership, particularly as it engenders trust and respect from the team.

“Being candid resonates with people because they know whatever it is, they can trust that you will be transparent and direct.”

Jinich appreciates the authentic leadership style of her own manager, Kara McShane, head of Commercial Real Estate, and hopes to emulate that with her team.

“I believe people will respond positively to you if they see that you genuinely care about them, are invested in their success, and the team’s success.”

Finding Support in the Wells Fargo Culture

Jinich attributes Wells Fargo’s culture as a big contributor to her ability to lead authentically, including feeling comfortable sharing when she does not have all the answers.  She finds the thread of being humble and willing to ask clarifying questions woven throughout the organization’s leadership.

“What I truly appreciate about our culture is that even our most senior leaders can participate in calls and ask fundamental questions about the deal, the client, or the underwriting process without hesitation.”

She continues, “When I look at people who I respect and admire and see their ability to admit they don’t have the answers, and to learn and draw on the experience of others – that is the secret sauce.”

Jinich also highlights the emphasis on a team mentality as a particularly supportive aspect of the Wells Fargo culture.

“People understand that you win together.  When someone new joins, people invest the time in educating and helping them because in the end we are all just trying to get the best outcomes for our clients while supporting the team.”

As a leader, Jinich hopes to continue facilitating an atmosphere of collaboration, as she feels it is a unique and important element of Wells Fargo’s culture.

Creating a Team Culture that Elevates

Jinich is thoughtful about the culture she wants to create for her team, and how she aims to model that in her leadership style.  As a leader in a business that traditionally has fewer women in leadership roles, she is dedicated to supporting diverse talent.

“I’ve had a lot of support throughout my career to continue to advance and I want to make sure that everyone in my organization feels like they have a shot to get the big job, to win the big deal, and to be successful. Representation matters and Wells has incredible women in leadership positions and in the talent pipeline”

She continues, “I want to make sure that there are many women behind me who have that same opportunity and that we’re creating career paths.”

For Jinich, elevating others involves providing the constructive feedback they need to improve and advance emphasizing, “it’s making sure that same level of feedback is available to all of our employees.”  She aims to foster a culture that encourages ongoing dialogue by addressing actionable feedback promptly rather than waiting for mid-year reviews.

“Although it can at times be uncomfortable, people are receptive and crave that input. I want that feedback, too. I don’t expect it to be a one-way communication.  I want to create a culture where people feel comfortable speaking up.”

Setting Boundaries for Success

Navigating a fulfilling career and motherhood, Jinich understands that balancing time and energy between one’s personal and professional life is challenging.  She acknowledges, “sometimes it’s going well and you feel like you’re nailing it on every level and then there are days where you feel like you’re failing at everything.”  She continues, “I’ve had to learn to say no to things that aren’t important in my personal and professional life, so I can say yes to what truly matters.”

As a leader, she aims to create a culture that emphasizes setting boundaries, encouraging her team to take the time they need or ask for resources to avoid burnout.  She wants to be sure that balance is available, promoted, and supported for everybody.

Jinich finds balance outside of work by embracing the outdoors, whether she’s cycling with her kids or volunteering on the board of a nonprofit summer camp. She believes that being in nature and staying active are essential for self-care, enabling her to better support others.

“Whether it’s your son’s baseball game or a Pilates class, wherever you are in life, and whatever you have going on at home, setting boundaries is important.  It’s the key to a sustainable career.”

By Jessica Robaire

Jennifer Doyle“Life is about picking yourself up when you get knocked down. Those who do that the best are the ones who tend to be the most successful, however you might define success,” says Jennifer Doyle.

Tenacious in the face of challenge, Doyle is a leader who does not quit. She shares how this mentality of perseverance and optimism has helped build her career and shaped her life.

Moving Forward for Success

Starting as a temp more than twenty years ago, Doyle describes the opportunity of getting in the door working on the trading floor as “winning a lottery ticket” and paving the way to the career she has today. Being surrounded by intelligent people in a fast-moving, competitive environment that is also relationship-focused felt perfectly aligned with her personality and strengths.

“As a former college athlete, I like to compete, I like to win, and I like to be part of a team. I also enjoy making decisions and operating in a fast-paced environment. It was a fit from the beginning.”

Fast forward to today and Doyle is a Managing Director and co-head of the Structured Products Group at Wells Fargo’s Corporate and Investment Bank. However, she will be the first to tell you that success does not happen overnight.

“There is a certain tenacity and grit that is required to be successful in this business. If you can cherish the highs and reinvent yourself and pick yourself up when things get hard, that resiliency in time will keep you moving in the right direction.”

Doyle approaches her life outside of work with the same mentality of persevering when the going gets tough and recognizing that she has agency in the process. It served her well in dealing with the shocking experience of being one of the passengers whose plane crash-landed in the Hudson River 15 years ago while on a business trip.

She reflects, “If you went into that experience an optimist, I think you came out even more of an optimist. If you went into that experience as a pessimist, I think you came out even more of a pessimist. We all experienced the same thing, but everyone had a different interpretation of what happened and how it affected them.”

For Doyle, her optimistic outlook and belief that she needed to keep moving forward meant that she got on a plane the next day because she “did not want fear to rule my life.” She adds, “I tell my children happiness is a choice. I choose to be happy, and if I was unable to make that choice today, then I’m going to try to make that choice tomorrow.”

Sponsorship and Speaking with Authenticity

Beyond resilience and determination, Doyle points to having the support of others as integral to her career. She shares how the kind of support she needed shifted over time as she continued to build confidence, finding there is strength in speaking with authenticity.

“As I developed in my career, the sponsors that I acquired would later tell me that the reason they took an interest was because I brought a different perspective and opinion to the table.” She continues, “People wanted to hear what I had to say because they recognized that I didn’t have an ulterior motive, I was genuine.”

As a leader, Doyle mentors and sponsors others in both formal and informal capacities, often finding her calendar full of people interested in connecting to get her advice or opinion. Being sought after for her point of view is a direct reflection of others seeing she genuinely cares and takes an interest in their growth.

“My mission is to lead in a way that balances the needs of the business and our employees – and ultimately drives positive outcomes for both. I’m always thinking about what’s best for our team and what’s best for our clients. That approach has cultivated a desire for people to want to talk to me and get advice.”

Doyle has twice been the head of Wells Fargo’s WomenGoFar network, as well as its executive sponsor. She also is a sponsor for BOLD, a program designed to provide mentorship and sponsorship to high-potential talent at the firm.

Challenging the Norm

As determined as she is to persevere in the face of obstacles, Doyle is also unafraid to challenge the norm stating, “I do think I am a change agent. It probably took me 20 years to have the courage to say that.” She speaks to the recent experience of being a woman in a leadership role playing in the Wells Fargo Pro-Am Golf Tournament and what it meant for her to participate.

“I was blown away by the response that I got from women, so many of whom pulled me aside afterwards to tell me how inspirational it was seeing me play in what was publicly a field of men.”

One comment that was particularly touching to Doyle was a woman who said, “you’re breaking the mold.” Intentionally participating in the tournament to prove that a woman could do it, Doyle is thrilled by the response of her colleagues – both men and women.

“As a leader, I now have the opportunity to challenge and change what people consider to be the norm, and I actively do so.”

Using a Passion for Golf to Connect to Community and Family

Taking her passion for golf beyond breaking molds at work, Doyle is on the board of First Tee of Charlotte, an organization that provides opportunities for youth who would not otherwise typically have the opportunity to play golf.

“It integrates the game of golf with character-building learning experiences and emphasizes values such as honesty, integrity, confidence and perseverance. And of course, they have fun.”

Doyle is also passionate about bringing the game of golf to more women, not only because it is typically a more male-dominated sport, but because she herself has gained so much from the sport.

“It provides an opportunity from a business connectivity standpoint to play with clients or colleagues. I love being outside and in nature, getting exercise by walking the course, and it’s a chance for me to spend time with our children.”

Doyle admits that one of the reasons she got into golf was because her spouse and children enjoyed the game, and she didn’t want to be left out. Now that her children are teenagers, she is thrilled to have the opportunity to be active with them outdoors for an extended period without distractions like smartphones. It also ties into her approach of managing a successful career and time with her family.

“I am really present. It’s not about quantity, but about the quality in everything you do, whether it’s at work or being with your family.”

By Jessica Robaire

Britt BrownGrowing up in the Bronx, just a mile from the last stop on the 1 train by Van Cortlandt Park, I called a yellow house on the edge of Riverdale Country School home. My father’s role as the 24/7 maintenance and security guy at the school afforded me the opportunity to attend one of the best schools in the country. My dad, with his infectious smile and unparalleled work ethic, has always been my role model. At 66, he still works tirelessly, not only at his full-time job but also shoveling snow and remodeling kitchens throughout Riverdale.

Despite the advantages my father’s sacrifices provided, it was clear early on that I was different from my affluent classmates. I distinctly remember struggling to read aloud in kindergarten and my mother’s stern advice: “You need to figure this out or you will be left behind.” Harsh as it may seem to tell a six-year-old, that message instilled in me a resilience and determination that carried me through my academic and athletic endeavors. At Riverdale, I learned to be my own advocate and to outwork everyone in the room. This mindset propelled me through my collegiate athletic career, playing lacrosse while juggling various work-study jobs. Every challenge I faced was met with the support of my team, lifting me up before I could succumb to doubts.

After college, I chose to pursue a job in Charlotte, NC, instead of New York City like many of my peers. My parents were concerned that I would encounter challenges as a masculine-presenting lesbian of color living in the South. The reality is that I “come out” every day simply by being myself and this daily reality initially made me apprehensive about finding a supportive community. However, my experiences at Riverdale and Penn had prepared me well. I had plenty of ups and downs in my athletic career, but every single time, it was the team that lifted me. Joining the Asset Backed Finance Sales and Trading team at Wells Fargo, I found colleagues who, despite our different backgrounds, took me under their wings and guided me as they would any new analyst or associate. Finding a team whether it was on the field or in the office has spurred inspiration, great collaboration, and helped me sustain my career growth.

Reflecting on my seven years at the firm, I attribute my success so far to three key factors:

  1. Being Authentic and Team-Oriented: Embracing my true self has been crucial. My masculine presentation and she/her pronouns are part of who I am. Honesty about my identity has been vital for my success and my ability to support others. Leading with a team-oriented approach helps me navigate diverse environments and achieve common goals.
  2. Finding Mentors and Sponsors: It’s very clear to me that I wouldn’t be where I am without a team of mentors and sponsors along the way. The advice, time, and candor they’ve shared has allowed me to navigate my career to what where I want it to be. More importantly, the individuals who acted as a sponsor by advocating for me in a room that I wasn’t in. It has been useful to engage with all types of people. For example, a majority of the mentors that have given me great advice usually do not look like me or share a similar background. This has truly allowed me to see, hear, and witness situations in various dimensions guiding my decisions on what to do with my career. My mentors have asked me challenging questions like, “What’s your purpose,” “What truly makes you happy,” “Where do you think you’ll thrive and where do you think you’ll fail.” They’ve also imparted invaluable life advice. I’ve not only listened to that advice, but also integrated it into my life.
  3. Constant Learning and Growth: My passion for learning keeps me engaged and motivated. Whether through reading, playing board games, building Lego structures, or working out, I am always seeking to improve myself. I’m always trying to learn things whether it’s playing around on Codecademy, reading about the “chip war,” or learning new training techniques for a Spartan race. Learning something new engages me daily to be a better person and be myself. Continuous learning has been a cornerstone of my personal and professional development.

As I look ahead, I am excited to continue learning from my peers and mentors. On a personal note, I am thrilled to be expecting my first child with my wife, Kate, in July. This new chapter in my life brings a heightened sense of responsibility to pay it forward like so many folks have for me. I hope to help mentor new employees and encourage them to be their authentic selves at work. I hope to help recruit more diverse individuals to the firm, so we have different perspectives up and down the ranks. Also, I look forward to engaging more in the community with charities in Charlotte like Time Out Youth, the largest LGBTQ+ youth organization in Charlotte, and continue my work with CityLax, the largest PSAL lacrosse non-profit in NYC.

By Britt Brown, Senior Product Manager in the Structured Products Group of Wells Fargo’s Corporate and Investment Banking.

Mandy Wan“You have to put in dedication and hard work to be successful. There are no short cuts,” says Mandy Wan. “Stay true to your core principles and advancement will follow. Be open-minded to embracing new opportunities and giving them your best effort.”

Wan shares how she values learning from diverse experiences, her insights on setting the right culture in a team, and what it means to be a leader who “walks the talk.”

Finding the Right Fit on the Trading Floor

Wan learned from an early age the value of hard work and determination in pursuing her dreams. Growing up in Hong Kong as the eldest child of parents who were refugees of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Wan took care of her younger brothers and worked after school and during summer breaks to help contribute to the family. Recognizing that to build the life she wanted, she needed to find the right job to support it, Wan attended business school with a focus on accounting.

Although Wan ultimately found accounting wasn’t for her, she remained motivated to work in an environment where she could learn and meet people from different backgrounds and explore other countries. She found what she was looking for on the trading floor.

“During my final year of school, I secured a part-time role at UBS where I worked on the trading floor. It became clear to me that this was where I wanted to be. The environment is incredibly diverse, with people from many different cultures, and the fast-paced, dynamic nature of the job presents new challenges every day, making it exciting.”

Directing her energy and enthusiasm to every opportunity, Wan successfully moved up through UBS, having the chance to travel around the world to market Asian financial products. She relished these experiences as they broadened her horizons, giving her a window into how other people communicate and make investment decisions. Now as the Managing Director, Head of Markets, and Co-Head of CIB APAC at Wells Fargo, Wan channels her tenacity and drive into leading Wells Fargo’s APAC Markets business.

Shaping the Business from the Ground Up

Wan’s entrepreneurial spirit shines through when she describes her passion for leading the Wells Fargo Markets business in APAC.

“I have a full mandate to manage the client franchise in Asia. The opportunity is thrilling as it allows me to envision and shape the business we aim to create from the ground up. I love that aspect because I get to continually learn and be challenged by it.”

In addition, Wan points to the people she works with as integral to what makes her feel deeply committed in her role. She highlights the advantage of being able to recruit those who share that drive when you are in the position of starting anew.

“I always feel more energized when there are people around me who share the same passion.” She continues, “When you build a business, you have the opportunity to assemble the team, and you want to look for someone who is entrepreneurial and energetic and has the passion to enhance the business. When you get the chance to pick a team like that, people feel invested in the sense of ‘we get to do this together.’”

Setting the Right Culture

Another advantage of leading the process of developing a business and team is being able to shape the culture from the beginning. For Wan that means, “a culture of doing the right thing, of running the business, and doing what’s right for the customer and the company. The customer values partnership a lot more and are looking for a trusted party to help them really talk about how we can help them become financially successful.”

Setting an ethos of integrity not only aligns with what customers want, but it is also what members of the team want. As Wan reflects, “employees these days desire to work for a company with aligned aspirations, where they can develop personal achievements. They’re looking for meaningful goals that matter to them, and they want to work alongside people they respect and can learn from, and this particularly applies to recruiting and retaining young talent.”

As setting the right culture recruits, retains and motivates the team, it ultimately is good for business.

“A positive culture can lead to favorable P&L outcomes, as well as financial success and satisfied customers.”

Being a Leader who “Walks the Talk”

In thinking about how she creates the right culture for the business and her team, Wan points to effective communication and recognizing that you have to “walk the talk” as a leader.

“I give very candid feedback, but constructively. The team also needs to feel comfortable to embrace candor with each other in a respectful way.”

She highlights that, “this industry is all about people and the number one thing about working with people is communication. I always urge people to reflect on and improve their communication style.”

As Wan sets the tone for communication by being respectful, but constructive in her interactions, she also is purposeful in how she shows up as a leader, in some cases quite literally.

“The most important thing is that you yourself have to walk the talk. For example, after Covid, a lot of people wanted to work from home. But if you want the team to be in the office, you have to show up. You are demonstrating to them, ‘I’m here and this is why we are here: we need to talk to each other, we need to communicate, because we are on the trading floor’.”

Another example of how Wan models her expectations of others is in how she supports her team’s development.

“If you want people to really take care of junior talent on the floor, you must start with yourself. Consider how you would invest time and mentor your team members. Eventually, everyone will observe your behavior and realize that they should follow suit.”

Be Present in Everything That You Do

Wan relocated to Singapore from Hong Kong last year. Although this wasn’t the first time Wan lived in Singapore, it was the first time she made the move as a mother of three young boys. Getting a family settled while leading the APAC hub made for a busy year and Wan reflects that at times when it’s hard to find work-life balance, she puts extra effort in organizing her schedule, focusing on staying present, and engaging in doing what she committed that time to do.

“Multitasking is a myth. You have to stay focused on what you’re doing in the time that you assigned for it, and then you will find that you are a lot more efficient, therefore improving the quality of time you spend with your family and outside of work.”

Wan also prioritizes wellness and staying active and loves to connect with her kids through sports. As a family they ski, snowboard, and play golf together. She extends this passion for wellness to her work. She is a strong supporter of wellbeing and employee engagement initiatives across the region as a way to engage with her colleagues, devote time to their wellbeing, and give back to the community. Wan is the Executive Sponsor for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion council in APAC and leads with authenticity and a style that is evident both in the office and in her recreational pursuits.

“Focusing on building the right culture is important for the entire firm. That’s why it is important for me to walk the talk and show up.”

By Jessica Robaire

Jill Ford“The equity capital markets are unique in that they’re looking towards the future. The companies we’re raising capital for are disrupting the world, and giving us a glimpse of what’s next. I really enjoy that aspect of going into work every day,” says Jill Ford, Co-head of Equity Capital Markets at Wells Fargo. “No company’s the same, no day is the same, no transaction’s the same. In addition, you get to be around incredibly smart, strategic, visionary thinkers who are potentially going to change the world.”

Embracing Change No Matter How Established You Are in Your Career

With more than three decades of experience in investment banking, Ford is motivated by the ever-evolving landscape of the equity capital markets and the broad array of challenges and opportunities it presents. However, it took trying a few different jobs in the beginning of Ford’s career to discover that a role in equity capital markets was the right fit for her. She reflects that the twists and turns of this early stage were important in understanding, “what I enjoyed doing and what I didn’t enjoy doing, but also to see what I was actually good at and what I wasn’t particularly good at. Both of those things are hard to get a handle on until you’re in the workforce doing the job.”

Ford recently embarked on a new challenge in her career, leaving the firm where she started her career and where she had worked for two decades, to join Wells Fargo as co-head of Equity Capital Markets. Her decision highlights the importance of embracing change, no matter how established you are in your career. She acknowledges that there was a steep learning curve in getting acclimated to a new firm and job, not only in the sense of building a network of connections across another organization, but also in proving herself and establishing her value. Now that she has settled in, she is pleased to find that her instincts landed her in the right place.

“I’m thrilled to be a part of Wells Fargo…I’m starting to feel ingrained in the culture, particularly how team oriented it is. Everyone is eager to help me navigate the company and connect me to others. There is a wonderful momentum and energy throughout the organization.”

Success and Development as a Leader

As a leader in equity capital markets, Ford knows what it takes to rise through the ranks. Reflecting on what has contributed to her success, Ford points to having the discipline to put in the work and build relationships with clients over time by actively listening to their concerns and what’s important to them.

“Being willing to go the extra mile for a client, being willing to go the extra mile for a team, creates a certain amount of goodwill.” She adds, “I have a strong muscle for taking in what is important to different stakeholders, synthesizing how to best serve them, and giving them options that optimize that priority stack.”

Ford believes that being a good leader is about going outside your comfort zone. She shares the example of offering constructive criticism as a tool for helping others grow.

“Being willing to give constructive criticism to people, even if it feels uncomfortable, is a skill that I’ve had to acquire. Not just giving feedback once a year during reviews but giving it constantly. People will be able to move their careers forward much more quickly if they’re given not just the pats on the back, but true constructive criticism.”

She continues, “I mentor people that way as well, which is not just to say, ‘okay, let’s have a coffee and I’ll tell you how great you are,’ but ‘let’s have a coffee and discuss where you think you might fall short. Then I’ll tell you what I think or help connect you with people I know will give you a straight answer.’ There are ways to coach that feel good for everybody and there are ways to coach that might feel a bit outside your comfort zone, and you have to do both.”

Reflecting on the constructive feedback she received over the years, Ford benefited from it but also wishes she had received more, noting it was hard to come by earlier in her career when there were fewer women leaders around her.

“I feel like a lot of men shied away from having those difficult conversations with women or anyone who didn’t look like them. In the end, that stymies your goals and your opportunities to advance.”

As more women have risen to leadership positions over the years, Ford has seen a productive shift.

“The playing field now is a little bit more level – because men see us as equals, they’re more willing to have those tough conversations with us, which is refreshing.”

Learning from Other Women Leaders and Being the Model for the Next Generation

Given the history of underrepresentation of women in senior leadership positions in the financial industry, it’s no surprise that another significant element Ford attributes to her career development is having the guidance of other women leaders as role models.

“There must be mentorship and guidance, whether it’s formal or informal, or you’re not going to see the end game for your career. As a leader, I have to be that person for others. Seeing a woman or diverse colleague reach the upper rungs and manage groups is not only inspiring, it sends the message to others that you can make this happen too.”

Ford shares that her greatest inspiration came from a senior woman leader who not only exemplified effective leadership but also spoke about the importance of her family.

Ford continues: “She had an incredible ability to get what she needed to be successful at her job, both up and down the chain. She also was the one who debunked the notion that ‘you can only have one kid in finance’ because she had three. She told me how she made it work and gave me a lot of practical advice for having multiple kids. Then she went on to become the CFO of a multibillion-dollar company.”

Aware she will be that inspiration for others, Ford is pragmatic in her approach to balancing her career and motherhood, acknowledging the sacrifices involved in having a demanding career while giving her children the quality time they need.

“I don’t sugarcoat how hard it is, but I always let people know it gets easier. The more senior you get, the more you can delegate…Your job and being a mother are both full-time jobs and it’s impossible to have two full-time jobs, but you can outsource what you need to outsource. You can ask people to help you and you can put your foot on the accelerator and on the brake at different stages in your life and at different points in your kid’s life to make it all work.”

The advice she offers is: “Be a sponge, figure out how everyone’s unique situation is working for them and then take the best parts that might apply to your situation. Make sure you have support, whether it’s a spouse or parents or hiring babysitters, so that you can figure out how to get the job done with more than just you.”

Finding Joy Personally and Professionally

Now that her children are older, Ford feels the pull of the balancing act less. She has more time to dedicate to her passions, both professionally and personally.

From a personal standpoint, Ford finds joy in downhill skiing and calls it one of her “secret weapons” for staying close to her children as it brings the family together outside in nature. She is an avid foodie and delights in a good taco truck as much as a Michelin starred restaurant, both of which are easy to find near her homebase of New York City. In her spare time, you might find Ford pouring over an interior design magazine, exploring her interest in innovative design concepts.

Professionally, Ford is excited for the what the future holds in leading the Equity Capital Markets business at Wells Fargo.

“I want to continue to be a part of companies that are transforming the world for good. There are many small companies that have great ideas and investors who want to put money to work in those types of endeavors. I relish being a part of linking these two worlds to move the ball forward and effect change.”

By Jessica Robaire

VanessaMcMichael“I have a lot of passion for what I’m doing,” relates Vanessa McMichael, Head of Corporate & Public Entity (CPE) Strategy at Wells Fargo. “I want to make the most of each day that is in front of me.”

McMichael shares her insights on finding her niche in the financial industry, using her voice to elevate and empower others, and being a single mother while working towards her career goals.

Putting in the Work

Speaking to what she has learned so far in her career, McMichael maintains, “you have to put in the work. There’s no substitute for it. Any leader that you speak with has put in the work and is still putting in the work. It’s something that I harp on a lot, because it is necessary. It certainly has gotten me to where I am today.”

McMichael is the first person in her family to go to a traditional four-year college, and she recognizes her parents as giving her the grit and work ethic to succeed. Her father, an African American nuclear engineer and small business owner, emphasized to McMichael throughout her childhood, “Vanessa, you have to work hard. You’re going to have to work harder than other people.” It was an important life lesson that aided his own success, and one that he passed on to her.

Giving birth to Vanessa in high school, her mother did not get the chance to graduate and subsequently worked in factories her entire life. When her parents split up when she was young, she witnessed her mother work hard to rebuild her life, demonstrating to McMichael that, “if you want it, you have to go get it. No one else is going to just hand you what it is you think you need.” And, even more importantly, she saw firsthand how women can do it all.

Moreover, Vanessa is a childhood cancer survivor, and this is one of the central reasons why she strives to seize each day. This is also a reason why she has to be mindful about taking on too much, “because it’s easy to do when you’re trying to make the most of every day.” And although her parents taught her how to work hard through leading by example, her experience with cancer was a significant contributor to her drive and work ethic. She highlights that going through an experience like that suddenly, with no prior family history, and as a child, “changes your perspective and stays with you.”

McMichael took these experiences to heart, and it gave her the drive to reach goals she set for herself. After studying Japanese in high school, she attended Howard University’s business school. Initially, she wanted to move to Japan and create commercials, and she thought business school was a good starting point. But instead, she discovered her path to the banking/financial services industry after listening to a presentation by Wachovia on campus. She remembers being struck by the diverse representation of people at the presentation and compelled by the work they described.

After graduating and working for Wachovia for a few years, she then went on to get an MBA from one of the top business schools in the country, the University of Chicago Booth Business School. Following her MBA, she joined a rotational program at Wells Fargo on the trading floor where she had the opportunity to explore different areas of the business. It was during that program that she “stumbled” into the strategy group, an area she has been working in ever since.

Finding Her Niche

Working in the strategy group at Wells Fargo for over a decade, McMichael points to the value of finding your niche and a role that is a “good” fit. In particular, she highlights the variety of work she does day-to-day and the relationships that she has made as what keeps her role fresh and interesting.

“With our clients, who are corporations and public entities, my job is to equip them with what they need to make informed fixed income decisions. So, with that, my day-to-day is always different. I can talk to five retailers in one day, all in the same industry, but the conversations are varied.”

Vanessa added that although each client situation is unique, there has been a shift in the broader conversation with clients this year as the rate environment falls. “We are no longer in an environment where organizations can sit back and earn interest on excess cash so easily.”

Harkening back to her high school dream of creating commercials in Japan, she recognizes that her career at Wells Fargo is maybe not so far off from where she thought she would start: “I’m not creating commercials, but I am creating stories. I’m telling the story of what’s happening in fixed income markets and how the narrative can impact my clients.”

Another element of her job that she enjoys is having the opportunity to speak at conferences that corporate and public entity clients attend. She adds, “That’s probably what I enjoy the most about my job, is getting on stage. I’ve even told folks that I’m probably more comfortable getting on the stage in front of a lot of people than having a one-on-one.”

McMichael recently had the opportunity to speak to a much larger audience when she was interviewed on Bloomberg TV, addressing money market funds and the outlook for 2024. As this was her first live TV experience, she was initially nervous about being on camera, but then she found her rhythm, and it turned out to be a lot of fun.

Mentorship and Sponsorship

McMichael recognizes mentorship and sponsorship as contributing factors to getting her to where she is today, particularly as they not only helped her learn the “rules of the road,” but also “what I need to know” to succeed.

“I’ve had to build mentorship relationships to learn the rules of the road on the trading floor because the rules are not apparent all the time.” She adds that it is important to have both mentors and sponsors because, “sponsors are the folks who are telling me what I need to know and helping me take action to obtain it. I’m sharing projects that I’m working on or what I’m thinking, and they will say, okay, ‘you’re thinking this, you should go meet this person.’ That’s part of the role of a sponsor and the other part is speaking on your behalf when you’re not in the room.”

Using Her Voice

Reflecting on being a woman of color in the financial industry, McMichael believes that she is in control of how she is perceived, so it is important to use her voice to that effect.

“Going into situations, I’m very aware of who I am. I am a woman. I look different. I don’t think people automatically assume that I’m Black because I am mixed. So, I have a voice, and I use it. Instead of shying away or being self-conscious, I use it as an advantage. I want to be a good representative of women, of women of color, and of diverse women. We all have a voice, and we have to advocate for ourselves.”

McMichael takes action and uses her voice by supporting other women through the WomenGoFar network in Wells Fargo’s Corporate & Investment Banking division. While on the committee she created a speed networking event where women had the chance to meet five to ten new people within an hour. It was an impactful way for junior women to get a chance to meet women leaders, who might not otherwise have the time to commit to a longer networking activity during work hours. And likewise, the senior leaders appreciated interacting and hearing from junior women across business lines.

Taking her support for women in the workplace a step further, McMichael recently coordinated a wellness workshop on stress and the impact it can have on the body, particularly as women are often juggling many different demands on their time and energy. This topic is especially important to her given her health history. McMichael is thrilled this initial idea has developed into a Wellness Series and is looking forward to creating additional content to further promote the well-being of women.

In addition to taking action to elevate women, McMichael has a network of African American colleagues that she engages with regularly, whether through sharing job opportunities or articles of interest to keep the dialogue going. “We have Employee Resource Networks for diverse teammates, but this is a grassroots way that I’m trying to engage and educate particularly around internal mobility for our diverse talent.”

These projects demonstrate the value of creating a space for connection that supports the advancement and inclusion of a diverse workforce.

Being a Single Parent and Succeeding in a Career in Finance

Connecting with colleagues who can understand her experience was also an important part of McMichael’s journey, as there was a time that she balanced being a single mother and developing her career. McMichael remembers when she first became a mother, she met senior women around her with stay-at-home husbands, and so her confidence wavered as to whether she would be able to advance in her career without one. She worried that she would be “stuck,” because she did not have the same kind of support. But she met other single parents at Wells Fargo who could relate from a lifestyle perspective.

“That connection with people opened this new life for me. One where I went from feeling isolated and stuck to one where I felt empowered and supported.” She continues, “If I could speak to younger Vanessa, I would tell her not to feel that you can’t be successful in this business, because you’re a single parent.”

McMichael expresses her joy in motherhood and the exciting prospect of sharing her interests with her now older daughter. Recently, McMichael introduced her daughter to salsa dance, a passion she held before becoming a mom. They also enjoy traveling and exploring together. As she looks ahead, McMichael is energized to continue growing and challenging herself at work, while keeping up with her daughter and husband and their busy life at home.


By Jessica Robaire

Lola Ninonuevo“As a leader, it’s less about you the more senior you become. It’s about who you lead and being available, honest and authentic with your teams,” says Lola Ninonuevo. “It is a pivot to realizing you’re here to serve people and you have to make time.”

When she was twelve years old, Ninonuevo told her mother she wanted to travel internationally, see the world and become a business woman. Growing up speaking Spanish at home, she then studied Japanese while obtaining her economics degree, began her career in a Japanese bank in New York, and has spent the last 25 years working out of London in global positions, joining Wells Fargo in 2020 to help lead the international business strategy.

Finding a Bigger Reset in London

From early on, her Puerto Rican mom and Cuban Puerto Rican father impressed upon Ninonuevo the value of a good career. She was drawn to banking for the multicultural, international environment and the financial security. In 1991, she took that first trading assistant job with a small Japanese bank in World Trade Center in New York. As the only woman on the trading floor, she both served tea but was empowered early on to take on additional responsibilities such as cash management for the branch and representing the bank at industry round tables hosted by Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Having gained experienced in the fixed income market, she then joined BlackRock, which at the time was a start-up and small boutique asset manager, and worked with the founding partners to set up the middle office and trading support functions.

In 1996, she was approached by HSBC to help build out their Global Markets business. She was attracted to their global footprint, and in 1999, she relocated to London with HSBC and went onto work for 23 years across a variety of global roles in the Corporate and Investment Bank. London offered her international travel, a strong learning curve and new career prospects. But what London also provided was a reset and new freedom of self, supported by now being a part of a multicultural global and diverse organization.

“I had not been ‘out’ in the workplace in New York, and that was hard. It impacted my decisions and ability to bring myself to work, for example talking about what I had done over the weekend and attending corporate events with my partner,” she recalls. “I felt more at home in London where I felt comfortable to be more open about my personal life, because I could be Lola, the American woman who moved. Not the Puerto Rican woman. Not the gay woman. It was just Lola.”

Two decades later, in 2020, Ninonuevo was approached for the COO role at Wells Fargo. While still based in London, returning to a U.S. work culture has felt like a homecoming. She notes that John Langley, CIB COO and Head of International, has been a fantastic leader, support and sponsor. Ninonuevo has found a welcoming, collaborative and optimistic culture at Wells Fargo and enjoys connecting with both international colleagues from different backgrounds as well as reconnecting with American colleagues across the US.

“I can be an American advocate while bringing my international perspective to the table to help drive the Wells Fargo global strategy,” she says. “It feels like coming home, and it’s fantastic to be back.”

Creating a Brand of Speaking the Truth

When it comes to rising up to the executive level, Ninonuevo notes self-awareness is critical – including knowing what you’re good at and what you’re not and building a team that complements your strengths and weaknesses. Resilience and being a powerful collaborator are also essential.

“In banking these days, with both the complexity and risk management challenges we’ve had since the crisis, connecting the dots and bringing people together to solve problems is a key part of what I bring to the table,” she reflects. “I really focus on building relationships. I’m honest and candid in my approach.”

Her willingness to be incisive, which found a home in British culture, helped Ninonuevo to breakthrough to the C-suite in 2012. When HSBC was in a crisis with compliance issues, she stood up and spoke truthfully about what was going well and what was not going well. That became a turning point in her career, catapulting her into a global role leading the firm wide compliance transformation across 60 countries.

“When I came in and talked to the board and the regulators, they knew they were going to get honest and balanced feedback. And that became my personal brand – a person with integrity that got the job done. In my opinion, since the crisis, the role of women in banking has become very important in C-suite jobs. Because I personally think we are more inclined to ask difficult questions, be honest, and not just go along for the sake of going along. And that tribal mentality of going along was a pitfall in the industry.”

Pivoting to a Collective Leader Mindset

“In my opinion, being a true leader is not just about managing up anymore or trying to get the next job,” says Ninonuevo. “I genuinely think I should be judged based on the teams I build and how I encourage and empower them.”

This involves a greater level of willingness to let go and let learn.

“When I was progressing through my career, a lot of it was about me and developing my technical skill set: I’ve got to manage up, I’ve got to manage sideways. I’ve got to manage down. All of those facets still exist,” she says. “But that’s the big leadership pivot people don’t realize: You don’t have all the answers. You’re there to listen. You’re there to serve and support others to be successful.”

Visibility has been the major factor that distinguishes the C-Suite from other levels of leadership, and again asks one to evolve.

“The visibility and impact you can have as a C-Suite leader are multiplied. It’s so important to be aware of how you behave, how you treat people, and how you react under stress.”

The Obligation of Being a Voice

“With all the learnings on how important it is to have diversity and diversity of thought around the table, and often being the only woman in the conversation, I feel it’s my obligation to ask those difficult questions and make sure we’re challenging ourselves to do the right things and to hold ourselves accountable,” says Ninonuevo. “So I’ve used the difference as an opportunity to have a voice, to be honest and to say it like it is.”

Ninonuevo has reflected with compassion, too. “When firms are in crisis, they are driven by fear. And when you’re afraid, you basically hire in your own image because you trust it and it’s what you know. Taking risk is hard when you’re in a crisis.”

When it comes to managing your career, Ninonuevo emphasizes to be your own advocate, communicate your ambitions to your stakeholders regularly, focus on your transferable skills and don’t be afraid to go after challenging roles.

“As Citi’s Jane Fraser has spoken to, your career is over decades. It’s not the be-all and end-all. There’s periods where you can really lean in and put 100% into it, and there’s periods where you can’t, and that’s okay as long as you stay connected.”

Why Relaxing Into Yourself Makes All the Difference

Ninonuevo admits that for years, being gay and feeling unable to talk about her life outside of the workplace inhibited her ability to relate and feel belonging with colleagues on a personal level, but that also touches upon everything else.

“In the workplace, people relate and connect by sharing things about themselves, whether it’s their family life, their children, or what they did over the weekend,” she says. “I found it really hard to share because I was self-conscious.”

If she could go back and give her junior self some words to lighten the road ahead, she would advise to be more of herself at work, sooner. But, at times, she worried about how others would react and whether it would count against her. She even got a coach to seek out help in confidence-building.

“After a few seconds of work, he stopped and told me, ‘You don’t have a confidence issue. You’re confident. You know what you’re doing. People enjoy working with you,’” says Ninonuevo. “Then, he said, ‘You just need to be yourself and selectively find opportunities to do that and connect.’”

For her, this meant becoming more willing to bring her full self to work, despite the challenges she felt. As a change agent, once she becomes aware of something, Ninonuevo starts to move forward in a more effective way.

“Before that, I’m sure I was projecting a lack of confidence. But I was just closed with that part of myself. But the more that I was myself, the more I relaxed, my body language relaxed and people relaxed around me,” she says. “I started being more approachable, people enjoyed working with me more, and I got results from that. I actually had more gravitas because I felt relaxed and confident and became a better communicator, and it all started coming together.”

Ninonuevo is a dual citizen, practices pilates and enjoys walks. She loves spending time with her six year old daughter, traveling and good food and wine. After a month in Spain, she’s been inspired to get her Spanish fluency to where it was those years ago, back when she first professed to her mother that she would become an international business woman…let alone, fill a big seat in the C-Suite.

By Aimee Hansen

LaShonda Fuselier“For me, it all comes down to a genuine intellectual curiosity about people and places and cultures and things,” says LaShonda Fuselier. “As a banker, you’re building bridges and relationships, trying to understand people and their business, and being inquisitive enough to ask the right questions. In an international context, we’re taking that to a totally different level.”

An Innate Passion for International Perspectives

That unique international aspect is what magnetized Fuselier to banking and what has kept her at Wells Fargo for over 18 years. Despite growing up in a small and rural town in Louisiana, her fascination with gaining international perspective started early. She took her first flight at 20 years old to Belgium. After graduating Dillard University with degrees in accounting and French, she interned in Paris and went on further to obtain her MBA from Emory’s Goizueta Business School – with an international exchange at HEC Paris.

“I love the need for a global perspective for us to be able to serve our clients. My clients are headquartered outside of the US in my current role, and I love working across borders and across cultures,” says Fuselier. “I love thinking about not just how these factors [cross-borders and cross-cultures] impact the business but also the individuals in the businesses.”

As a leader, Fuselier encourages new hires to not only execute on the “what” they are responsible for, but to also go beyond and consider the “why” (“why is it important?”) and “how” (“how can I add value/make it better?”). Embracing this herself, two years ago, while discussing the next potential stage of her career development, she pitched a new role to the Head of Corporate Banking – the one she presently finds herself in. This coming fall, she’ll host an inaugural Multi-National Corporations Conference as a means to be more consultative to Wells Fargo’s international client base.

Finance Is a Relationship Business

Growing up in a small town with hardworking parents, Fuselier was raised with a strong work ethic and sense of responsibility.

“Your word is your bond, my dad always said,” she shares. “I grew up in a family where if you say you’re going to do something, you’re going to do it. And if you want something, you’re going to have to put a little sweat into it.”

On top of trust-building, she’s recognized she possesses the important relational skill of making people feel comfortable: “You might think we’re talking finance. It’s numbers. But those are table stakes,” she says. “It’s a relationship business. People do business with people they’re comfortable with and they trust.”

Learning What Is In Your Control

Sometimes, it takes a difficult experience to learn how to be a leader.

While Fuselier has had many great managers, that has not always been the case. At times, she has even found herself offended by some past managers’ lack of leadership skills. Always committed to engaging professionally, she does surmise, she may not have engaged productively in one situation where she felt a past manager was not a great leader: “I have a tendency sometimes to stand on principle,” she says, “and so I focused on what I saw as the injustice about how this person was leading.”

But a colleague of hers with the same manager just focused on the work and ultimately had a better experience. As a result, she endeavored to engage more productively and constructively moving forward and it improved her experience.

“From that tough experience, I learned that you can’t control others. You can’t make someone a great manager,” she said, noting there will always be individual high-performers that are not as suited to be managers. “What you can control is everything that you do. You can control how you respond to the environment and use that response to make it better.”

Engaging and Empowering Others As a Leader

Today, Fuselier’s leadership is in part catalyzed by that experience. Fuselier has a clear view of what it takes to be a great leader and manager, which is a lot about encouraging and empowering her teams – in the same way some managers have done that for her. She advises mentees to “approach every assignment as an opportunity to develop and demonstrate your capabilities.” And as a leader, she prioritizes finding chances for others to do just that.

“It’s a practice I’ve developed to engage and empower others. One of the most rewarding aspects of being in leadership is when I have the opportunity to facilitate leadership opportunities for others and pull them out of their shell,” she says. “It feels really good when I get a chance to support somebody from behind and see them in the spotlight developing their skills, accomplishing things and being recognized.”

Fuselier likes to let her team take front and center where possible and be there in support. If someone mentions they don’t like public speaking, then they can expect to be invited to the next opportunity to push their comfort zone – and later on, they often express their gratitude for it.

“I subscribe to the theory that the best leaders – not only with words but through their actions – encourage and inspire others to achieve their best,” she says. “That is how some of the most influential leaders have impacted me in my career, and I aspire to have the same impact on others.”

Building Connection and Credibility

Many times, Fuselier has been the only woman in the room, person of color in the room, and certainly the only woman of color in the business room. Being culturally raised to believe that she had to be twice as good to earn half as much translated early on into over-preparation and focus. But it’s also gone further at times. Knowing that banking is a relationship business, LaShonda would try to find ways to connect with clients beyond the work. For example, with some clients she would research the highlights of the weekend’s local sport match – even if she had never been to that city.

“We talk within the community sometimes about assimilation and if it’s appropriate or inappropriate,” she says. “Even though I’m not a huge sports fan, this wasn’t an example of me losing my identify. Just like anyone who is new, you’re looking to connect and establish credibility, especially when you’re not like everyone else,” she says. “Once I could establish that connectivity and credibility, I felt like I could combine that with my unique perspectives to drive more meaningful dialogue and impact around the business.”

Once she gained credibility, it became easier to truly connect on a personal level.

“As I talked about things that mattered to them, they started to open up and we started to talk about things that reveal how much we have in common,” she says.

Fuselier has also learned to leverage being a unique voice in the room – whether on a transaction or an organizational decision. For example, she has been an advocate for diversity in recruiting. She also notes that being the only woman of color in the room at times means people will not forget LaShonda, and she’s willing to let that work for her, too.

Impacting Upon Diversity and Inclusion

Fuselier co-chairs the DEI counsel, is an advisor for the Black Connections Employee Resource Network (ERN) in EMEA, and is part of the steering committee of the WomenGoFar ERN.

This year, catalyzed with the idea from Judith Barry, Head of WomenGoFar, Fuselier created an initiative called Double Dimensions that tailors content and opportunities towards women of color within CIB.

“I’ve never been a ‘diversity person’ or someone who is solely responsible for diversity initiatives, but these are important, so I’m always eager to invest the time. However, what’s most important to me is that I’m not viewed as someone who is in my primary role solely because I am diverse,” says Fuselier. “I have always worked to demonstrate that I am a highly talented, hard-working, effective, successful banker who happens to be diverse.”

But with her and Wells Fargo’s passion for DEI, she has found the opportunity to develop and demonstrate her leadership, communication, collaboration and strategic planning skills beyond her client work while also building relationships with colleagues and leaders internally and on a global scale.

“It creates a real connection to the organization that keeps me going even on a day when you don’t get the transaction that you want or it’s not the best opportunity day,” she says. “It makes me feel like this is where I want to be.”

Fuselier’s gift of making people feel comfortable comes into its own in creating a permissive space for brave conversations.

“I think I give people the sentiment they can be themselves and say what they’re thinking. I’m not going to be offended,” she says. “I think people are often taken aback by just how open I am. So when I say ‘candor,’ which is an important value at Wells Fargo, I mean it – I’m going to be really open and so can you. That facilitates the type of environment where we can be collaborative and successful together.”

“Leadership is About Behaviors”

Some years ago, a mentor advised Fuselier to “own your position.”

“My younger mentality and work ethic was I’m going to execute to the best of my ability based on what they tell me to do and I’m not going to ask questions,” she reflects. “But that advice is about feeling empowered to do what you need to do to be successful and also to identify new opportunities and raise your hand to run with them.”

Tying back to creating the role she’s in now, Fuselier is a big advocate of catalyzing agency and ownership. It’s that notion that spurred her to create the Corporate Banking EmpowerHer women’s conference to foster professional development and greater engagement of women across the business. Now in its second year, the conference will be led by mid-level vice presidents and associates. More women will have the chance to step into leadership, develop their skills and be recognized for new contributions.

“You don’t have to be at a certain level or in a certain role to be a leader. Leadership is about behaviors,” she says. “It’s not about titles.”

Speaking of International Perspectives…

As at work, so it is at home: Fuselier’s entire family loves travel, culture and languages. In addition to her French, her whole family practices Spanish and her youngest daughter is studying Mandarin. They visit a few countries each year and like to seek out the cultural culinary delights – most recently they have been Egypt, UAE, Spain, France, Jamaica, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Netherlands, and Ecuador!

By Aimee Hansen