By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

Marcia Wakeman, Banking Partner at the consulting firm Capco, believes strongly in the power of mentoring. After spending almost two decades in the industry, she has experienced first hand how finding the right mentor can make a difference in someone’s career. Now, she encourages seasoned women to remember to give back.

“My advice is really taking interest in mentoring, especially the junior women. Reach out and share your experiences. We tend to forget that all the things we have learned would be of value to them,” she explained.

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By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

According to Nancy Reyda, Managing Director and COO of Global Technology Business Solutions at Deutsche Bank, being a leader of change requires a delicate balance between vision and awareness.

“There’s an art to leading transformational change that requires both passionate vision, undying confidence, and the resilient belief that you will achieve that vision – coupled with a deep humility for the complexity of change, and why people may be resisting it,” she explained.

Reyda, who described her career path as unique, started out as an engineer working on the oil fields of California. She’s now a Wall Street executive immersed in the business of transformation.

“In my early days, I’d say I was an enthusiastic leader, but I’ve learned that when you really master the art of the craft is when you have coupled that enthusiastic leadership with humility. People who get that graceful balance are truly able to lead transformational change,” she said.

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hannaderryBy Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

“Be visible,” advised Hanna Derry, Managing Director of Technology at Blackrock.

Derry, who is a COO for one of Blackrock’s global software development divisions, encouraged senior women in financial services technology to recognize their capability for leadership. By talking about their own story, she explained, women can illuminate new pathways for young people advancing their careers.

“Be a visible female leader to set an example for younger women – as well as younger men,” she said. “Be available to mentor so people can hear your story. People want to know your story.”

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joyceulrichBy Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

Joyce Ulrich, Chief Information Officer at Legg Mason, is still learning to get comfortable with her position as a role model. “Some women in the firm have said to me that ‘you are a role model,’” she explained. “A role model is someone whose behavior you emulate, and I had never thought of myself in that way.”

Ulrich, who has spent her entire career in financial services, and all but three of those years in technology, has developed a clear perspective on how women can thrive in the field – and how companies can help them achieve a leadership position.

She encouraged women with less career experience to enter technology, and to figure out what they’re passionate about. “Be a geek. Find your passion for the technology and exploit that. Be flexible and open to learning new things, and don’t be afraid to approach different territory. And especially don’t be afraid to approach new territory that is currently dominated by men.”

As for advice for women who are more senior, she continued, “As I survey the landscape, I’m not sure that as women we’re necessarily good at playing by rules of the old boys’ network.” So we have a choice: we can learn to play by these obscure rules, or not, but what I would really prefer is for the rules to go away altogether.”

“I want to lead by example,” she added, “I have always tried to lead an honorable life. I hope that is what makes me a potential role model.”

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GabrielleVitaleBy Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

“As opportunities were presented over my career, I made a variety of shifts. These shifts came with unique challenges that I took on with a great deal of gusto,” says Gabrielle Vitale, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at American Express, looking back on her almost three-decade long career at the company.

“I have been incredibly fortunate to perform in a number of roles, and had job opportunities you might not expect to encounter at a single company.”

She added, “It is not just about getting the job done, but being curious and having the desire to make it better and do more. The status quo never sat well with me.”

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pamjacksonBy Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

“Believe in yourself,” advised Pamela Jackson, Partner and Founding Member of PwC’s Mergers and Acquisitions Tax business in the UK.

Through a career spanning over three decades – and three continents – Jackson has had the opportunity to learn a lot. She went from being mistaken for the receptionist when she first started out, to ascending to partnership and leadership within PwC, to being named Women in the City’s Woman of the Year, to now leading one of PwC’s new key strategic initiatives.

Jackson encourages women to embrace their self-confidence. “Tell people what you want. Keep asking for it. Don’t sit and wait for things to come to you. Success comes to people who go out and take it with both hands,” she said.

“Take calculated risks and go for it. Every time you take a risk, you continue on your journey.”

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One of the most important lessons Laura Sanchez has learned throughout her career is the importance of being yourself.Laura Sanchez

Sanchez, now a Managing Director in Private Wealth Management at Goldman Sachs, found that by allowing her unique personality to shine, she was better able to connect with clients, which ultimately helped her career.

“When you’re new – and I had also switched industries – you may be anxious about fitting in and looking like everyone else or acting like everyone else. But trying too hard to fit in can stifle who you are.”

She continued, “To not be yourself for the majority of your day creates a lot of stress.”

Ultimately, she says, authenticity was her key to a more fulfilling career. “When I’ve been true to myself and let my own light shine through, that’s when I’ve been my best. That’s when I think the success started,” she explained.

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This week The Glass Hammer is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with profiles of senior Hispanic women in the financial and professional services. Check back all week long to read more.

RosaBravoBy Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

“One of the things I wish I had known earlier,” began Rosa Bravo, a Business Development Director for Accenture, “is that it’s okay to ask for help.”

Bravo, who started her career as an aerospace engineer before moving into consulting, explained, “There are so many choices you have to make along the way, and you just can’t do it alone.”

Asking for help was particularly difficult for her at first. “I’ve been culturally conditioned to be a strong woman, to want to be able to do everything on my own. It took a few years to feel comfortable to raise my hand and ask for help when I needed it.”

She added, “But it made things much easier when I did.”

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This week The Glass Hammer is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with profiles of senior Hispanic women in the financial and professional services. Check back all week long to read more.

ValeriaStrappaBy Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

According to Valeria Strappa, Head of Efficiency and Cost Management for Citi Latin America, defining a career path and learning to get comfortable with negotiation are critical for women to advance in their careers. What I think is important is to first be the designer of your own destiny and second, to learn that you might not necessarily get what you think you deserve, you will get what you are able to ask for and to sell for your results

Strappa has quickly risen through the ranks at Citi, distinguishing herself as a skilled turnaround expert with a passion for results. She continued, “A lot of times women think people will recognize their work. And they do, but that doesn’t mean you get what you were expecting for it. You have to be able to solve a big problem for a big leader and of course be able to stand up and show your results.”

She added, “This is something I learned from my boss. He once told me: you don’t delegate to your parents the decision of who your husband will be right? Then why delegate designing your career path to your boss? I was shy about this before. But just by letting people know what I want and sharing what I was doing – it made things much easier to get what I wanted.”

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This week The Glass Hammer is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with profiles of senior Hispanic women in the financial and professional services. Check back all week long to read more.

elizabethdiepBy Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

According to Elizabeth Diep, Senior Manager in PwC’s Asset Management Practice, it’s important to be open to new possibilities. “Be open minded. There is such a changing landscape in this profession. We are seeing growth in Latin America, while in Europe, there are challenges now but absolutely something different is going to come out of it. It’s about being open to opportunities and not hesitating to take on new roles.”

Diep is enthusiastic about the pace of change in the industry and how women can leverage that change to advance their careers.

“Every experience, whether good or bad, is going to help you grow. Don’t resist change,” she said. “Change will help you become a seasoned professional a lot faster and a lot better.”

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