Jacqueline lawand“When hard work and results aren’t recognized by others, which will sometimes happen, you have to advocate for yourself.”

That is the lesson Jacqueline Lawand has learned during her rise at Voya, where she is proud of the fact that she has been able to drive business, and exceed goals, no matter what geographic area she was assigned or their subsequent challenges.

Describing her career path as largely linear, Lawand earned a double major in finance and real estate, completing three internships in the field during her college years. An active member of the Finance Management Association and Real Estate Society groups at her college, she first became familiar with Voya, previously known as ING U.S. Investment Management, during a joint field trip in her senior year. After meeting with the management team, she stayed in touch and ultimately joined the firm right out of college as an analyst.

For the past 11 years she has worked her way up through four different positions, to the one she holds now as vice president and senior real estate portfolio manager.

Along the way she has taken on international assignments, twice spending two weeks in Santiago, Chile which she believes helped pave her way to her current role. Fluent in Spanish, Lawand spent part of her childhood in Honduras, which offered her an international perspective she appreciated exploring through those assignments.

She also earned her MBA at the University of Georgia while working, part of her goal to make herself more valuable to the company. “One key path to success is to recognize your gaps and weaknesses, as well as those in your company, and seize the opportunity to grow and advance by filling those gaps.”

Lean In, Be Yourself to Succeed

One lesson she wishes she had learned earlier in her career is the importance of “leaning in.”

“I wish I hadn’t pulled back but had developed the confidence earlier to volunteer for challenging projects, knowing that I was equipped to handle the curve balls along the way.”

Lawand says that one of the keys to her success has been the sponsors both within and outside the company that have wielded influence and helped her become better established both at Voya and within the industry as a whole.

“It always came to me as a surprise when someone would say, ‘I’ve heard great things about you,’ when I wasn’t even aware someone was advocating on my behalf.”

She also credits robust programs at Voya that foster women leaders with training programs and initiatives and mentoring opportunities.

Both a mentor and mentee, she has found them key for learning new perspectives. “I would definitely recommend that others participate in mentoring programs, whether formal or informal, as the benefits are well worth the time invested.”

Describing the real estate industry as “still very much  predominantly a man’s world,” Lawand says she initially tried to be “one of the guys,” but realized that wasn’t sustainable. “I started to be more authentic and transparent and, as a result, was able to forge better relationships and earn credibility. Being ‘you’ can really help your career.”

Finding Balance

As a new mom, Lawand is learning the challenge of juggling a growing family with a prospering career. “I want it all, but it requires balance, which has been a learning experience for me,” she says, adding that her husband is a good advocate. “He believes in a collaborative approach at home which helps me manage career and family life.”

She and her husband run half marathons together and also enjoy traveling. They have visited South Africa and much of Europe and South America, and the family recently took a trip to Alaska.

Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri“I wish I had known earlier in my career that the most rewarding experiences would come from the more unexpected opportunities.”

Reflecting on her career, Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri says that her path might seem to be carefully designed, but in reality what has led her to where she is today is her appetite to try new and different roles at critical points in her career, the wise counsel from mentors and her belief in facing challenges head on.

Analyzing Talent for Individual and Firm Benefit

Vazquez-Ubarri began her career as an executive compensation and employee benefits lawyer, advising clients on employment matters in the context of corporate transactions. Even at an early stage of her career, Vazquez-Ubarri enjoyed advising clients and understanding every aspect of their business to provide holistic solutions, particularly with respect to the people side of the transactions.

This led to her first job at Goldman Sachs in Employee Relations, where she provided advice to managers and employees on how to navigate their careers and manage conflict.She then became chief of staff for the Human Capital Management division and is now Chief Diversity Officer and global co-head of Talent Development.In her current role, she is responsible for evolving and integrating leadership and the talent and diversity priorities at Goldman Sachs.

“Had I known this type of work existed I would have gone into it earlier, since my current position is a perfect match for my interests and allows me to apply the knowledge I have collected throughout the years in the different roles I have held,” she says.

Building and leading this new group has also presented an entrepreneurial opportunity for Vazquez-Ubarri, which she considers to be one of the more rewarding aspects of her job. “I appreciate being allowed to lead and innovate in a space that is so important for the firm and also to have the opportunity to build new career paths for the people on the team. It is a privilege to be part of their professional development,” she says.

As part of this entrepreneurial mindset, she and her team are looking at the firm’s practices with a fresh approach.They have continued to build on the firm’s data-driven approach, using people analytics to identify priorities in their talent strategy.In addition, they use a person-by-person approach to design customized solutions for different talent pools. Realizing the crucial impact that managers have on someone’s career, the firm has also reinforced its emphasis on manager effectiveness as a driver of performance.

“Women Should Feel Inspired About Their Chances for Success”

Vazquez-Ubarri believes that what may have historically been perceived as challenges for women in particular are actually questions and challenges that men and women share. “At different points in our career, we all question our ability to manage our personal and professional responsibilities and interests,” she says.

Vazquez-Ubarri observes that it is critical in those moments for employees to have a support system at work that encourages them to discuss their situation and also take advantage of the resources available to them.“I had just returned from maternity leave a few days before being promoted to managing director at Goldman. It was of course a very important time personally and a significant milestone in my career, and the flexibility and support I received from the firm made all the difference.”

“Women should enter the industry in full power, with the expectation of success and confidence in their abilities. They should pursue opportunities that put them in the middle of the action, where problems need to be solved, where challenges exist and where they can contribute in a meaningful way,” she says.In addition, Vazquez-Ubarri believes that developing strong relationships with clients and mentors has been crucial to her career trajectory.She equally believes that Hispanics/Latinos should be proud of their heritage and seek work environments that embrace their difference as an asset.

“My cultural background and upbringing has had a major influence on how I approach situations of ambiguity, how I build relationships with people with different points of view and how I manage a team – all things that have been crucial in my career progression,” she says.

Offering Guidance to Others

Vazquez-Ubarri knows that managers and sponsors play a critical role in developing and retaining talented people, and she highlights how important it has been in her career to have managers and sponsors who believed in her and provided tough feedback along the way. “Their belief in me has driven me to want to deliver for them and to make them proud of their investment in my career.”
She recommends that those starting out do their research, be intellectually curious and challenge themselves to expand their horizons as they consider career paths.he suggests that they network to find out information about different sectors and industries, but also so they have different examples of how to achieve success as there is not just one path.

Regarding her responsibility to mentor and sponsor women and Hispanic/Latinos she says, “We have to reach out to the next generation and remember what it felt like to be new and unsure of your next step or how to complete a project for someone you really wanted to impress.” This is particularly important when it comes to women and Hispanics/Latinos, she noted. “We need to be visible and accessible to them in order to continue to build a diverse talent pipeline.”

She urges her peers to spend an extra 10 minutes with more junior colleagues after a meeting or in their office. “To you, it’s only 10 minutes, but to them it makes such a difference,” she says.

Outside of the office, Vazquez-Ubarri spends her time with friends and family, including her husband and two sons. A competitive swimmer growing up, she has passed on that passion to her two children, ages two and ten, during treks to the pool each weekend – time that she makes all about being with her loved ones.

Natalie Eckford“I am a black woman from Jackson, Mississippi, and that experience gives me a valuable, unique perspective. I shouldn’t shy away from that difference,” says Natalie Eckford. “I’m using my education and my skills to make my stamp on justice and equality, and I’m really proud of that.”

Eckford describes her career path as traditional – developing a solid background in finance by joining an investment banking firm right after earning her undergraduate degree. She then moved back to Mississippi, where she worked for WorldCom in its broadband division. “Even though I was still in finance, my work at WoldCom was completely different. In banking, I worked with prebuilt models to try to make the deal fit, but at WorldCom, I had to build the model to fit the situation. I was learning how to run a company.”

In addition, she had much more interaction with people, which was lacking in her former role as an Investment Banking analyst. When evaluating potential M&A deals for WorldCom, she had to understand how every department would be affected. “I actually had to get out of my chair and talk to people,” Eckford says, adding that it was an important development in her career skills.

After attending Harvard Business School, she landed at Cambridge Associates, which was the perfect fit for her. At Cambridge Associates, Eckford helps institutions navigate the global markets, access profitable investment opportunities, and grow their endowment capital. “My role here takes all the skills I’ve been building and utilizes them to help further missions in which I really believe,” she says. Her clients include nonprofits that work in education, community development and civil rights advocacy.

Eckford feels she is following the model set by her parents, both of whom earned their degrees during the Jim Crow era and used them to combat inequality and poverty. “The example they set was that I had a responsibility to use the privileges with which I had been blessed to try to help someone else, and I’m proud of what I do to help my clients access capital to further their important missions.”

The passion for the work she’s doing has its roots in her undergraduate thesis on women-focused microfinance as a means for broader economic development. She says that she has always been interested in how you can make investments that have a double bottom line – not only are you making an impact that is visible, but you are doing it through a market orientation. She says that she is seeing a broader use of impact investing in portfolios, though it’s still in the early stages. “There are more funds being created to bridge the gaps in income inequality and education through new technology, and a growing number of these funds are being led by women. It is a very exciting time.

Learning To Speak Up

Eckford recognizes the power of sponsors, citing that advocacy as the reason that she earned her initial spot on the real estate investment banking team. Someone for whom she had interned on another team championed her, alerting the decision makers that Eckford had really made a difference on their team and had potential to be a value-add for the group. “I’m very thankful that I have had advocates, but we also need to do it for ourselves – we need to shed the fear of telling our colleagues how we’ve added value to the company.”

And she says that young women should not be afraid of taking risks. She looks back on her business school experience and how most of the women in her class took jobs within very established companies or industries, whereas many of the men were looking for positions with independent groups, angel investors or start-ups. “They were not afraid to go to a place that had been unproven and because of it, many of them have been able to benefit from valuable experiences learned when you are part of a small team working to grow a business or when you have an individual investing in your career because your success is tied to the business’s survival.” She cites her time working for a start-up group at WorldCom as a risk like that: “I was coming up with the ideas and that really impacted my viewpoint on the rest of my career.”

“They were not afraid to go to a place that had been unproven and because of it, many of them have been able to benefit from valuable experiences learned when you are part of a small team working to grow a business or when you have an individual investing in your career because your success is tied to the business’s survival.”

Over the years, Eckford has learned that it’s not enough to just work hard – that women need to promote themselves and develop a network of allies who will help promote them. “As a black woman I had worked so hard to just fit in over the years, it felt unconscionable to try to stand out,” she says, “and yet, you get to a point in your career where it’s critical if you’re going to progress. Most likely, your male counterparts are not holding back.”

She says that speaking up and sharing your unique perspective is what will make people remember you. “I’ve worked so hard to get the seat at the table, and when I got promoted to managing director I really thought about how I wanted to use that.” Eckford knows that even if was her stellar resume that got her in the door, it is the sum of her experience that differentiates her in meetings.

She knows that her clients appreciate the different perspective and voice that she can bring and believes that all organizations can benefit from incorporating diverse perspectives to their governing bodies. She firmly believes that women need more board representation. “Even as we look for more diversity in portfolios, that decision tends to be determined at the board level. We have to have a more diverse board calling for diversity in our portfolios.”

Walking the Walk

Eckford is active in a group at Cambridge Associates that founded a Diversity Council, which encompasses employees of different ethnicities, genders and sexual orientation through all levels of the firm.

She knows that her firm is interested in the business case for diversity – and that clients care. She says that in the past year, they’ve talked frequently about the barriers for women and minority managers. “We’re making progress, but there’s a lot of work to be done,” she says.

As if her busy professional life wasn’t enough, Eckford also makes time to give back outside her firm. “Nonprofit boards have always been a passion throughout my life.”

By Cathie Ericson

Stephanie Cohen“What makes the difference between people who are good, great and world class at their job are small things, and you only find those out if someone points them out to you,” says Stephanie Cohen.

“Even if you are just a little bit off at a certain point in your career, it’s that much harder to get back on track, so it’s vital that women actively ask for, and receive feedback.”

That advice has been crucial to Cohen’s success throughout her career.

As a “lifer” at Goldman Sachs, Cohen is quick to point out that even though the firm has been her only full-time employer, she hadn’t necessarily intended to stay this long when she joined. But the opportunities continued to come. Her first position was as an analyst in Mergers & Acquisitions in 1999, and she was then promoted to associate in the Industrials group, where she has spent the majority of her career. She did a stint in the San Francisco office as a vice president, where she worked in M&A with a broader array of clients, until she was asked to return to New York to oversee Conflicts and Business Selection in the Americas during the financial crisis. She then became sector captain for General Industrials in the Global Industrials Group and a member of the Merger Leadership Group in the Investment Banking Division. She was named managing director in 2008 and partner in 2014.

Building a Business

Just this spring Cohen was tapped for an exciting new assignment – creating and heading a new group, Global Financial Sponsor M&A. Cohen says she is proud that her team’s success in driving financial sponsor M&A for the Industrials Group was recognized such that she was given the opportunity to build this broader business across the company.
“It’s really exciting to be building a team, while being an active part of the current M&A deal environment, which is once again near its previous peak,” she says. “My group is able to assist clients in navigating this complex environment and achieve maximum value for their businesses.”

From a deal perspective, Cohen is proud of her work on the team that helped Chrysler negotiate with the United States government in paying off its debt in May 2011. By living and breathing the deal, she came away highly impressed with how much the employees cared about the company, and the resulting turnaround and pride in the positive strides they made in relation to the quality of their cars.

Seeking Diverse Qualities in Mentors

As she has ascended the ladder, Cohen says that an important lesson she learned is to understand the longevity of your career, and how the relationships you build will help you along the way. “At the junior level, you might be immersed in a project where you are working with someone constantly, and then the project ends and everyone moves on. While you might expect the relationship to go on, the reality is that it takes effort to maintain those relationships — but it’s worth it,” she says. Social networks like LinkedIn give the illusion that it’s easier to stay in touch, but that isn’t a substitute for actively managing your network in today’s transitory professional environment.

While she realizes that the financial services industry has fewer female role models, she has found it largely irrelevant in her career. “I would have really been stuck if I’d fixated on finding the ‘senior woman in M&A’ to emulate,” she says. “Your role model doesn’t have to be someone who is similar to you in every way. And furthermore, trying to figure out exactly what got someone to a particular seat isn’t extremely helpful either, since that exact seat likely won’t exist in its current form by the time you get there.”

Instead, she recommends creating a “personal board of directors,” and incorporating aspects of individual people that will help you in your career. “Thinking that a single mentor will help you to achieve success in all aspects of your career is not practical,” she says. Building a network of different people whom you can go to for advice and feedback means that when you make big career decisions, you have a lot of people whose input you value.

Climbing the Career Ladder

For women starting out, Cohen recommends building a base of expertise and advises younger people to avoid pigeon holing themselves. “At the end of the day, you have to have good judgment, and be able to adapt to different situations,” she says.

And again, she underscores the importance of actively seeking feedback. “If you’re not getting negative feedback, it’s not because you’re perfect. Women might get less feedback because they don’t ask for it, but it took me a while to fully appreciate that men tend to get more direct feedback on areas of improvement which allows them to know what to work on.”

Support of Women

Cohen believes that women should support other women. “There are not that many of us, and we can help each other in ways that are very impactful.”

She has seen that men in the workplace tend to be better at blending their personal and professional lives, and using that to create more client and networking opportunities. She believes that it doesn’t have to overwhelm your personal life, but it makes the networking easier and more fun when you can build and create personal connections at the same time.

To help build those bridges, Cohen created a women’s M&A event several years ago to bring together clients and other professionals who work in M&A, such as lawyers and accountants. The goal is to create relationships between those who are involved in the broad M&A infrastructure. And she reports, it has done exactly what she hoped it would.

In addition, Cohen acts as a mentor to junior women as they think about their careers, and she stays involved in recruiting and retaining a core group of female analysts. “Keeping top-quality women is vital,” she says.

Making a Difference Outside of Work

Outside of work, Cohen spends time with her husband and young son, who “helps me hone my negotiation skills,” she laughs.

She is also on the national board of the nonprofit group Reading Partners, which focuses on literacy in grammar schools, helping underprivileged kids who are behind in reading. She was first involved with the effort when she worked in San Francisco, and brought it with her when she came back to New York. She helped the organization to secure financing for a local chapter, and the group has since spread nationwide.

“The organization does great work very efficiently. The fact that we are working on literacy lends itself well to testing, so we are able to ensure the efforts are successful,” she says. The program is self-sustaining in that schools pay for it with money set aside for a literacy specialist.

“If you can’t read, you can’t succeed. Teaching a child to read will fundamentally change his or her trajectory in life.”

Laura RogersYou have to be your own best advocate,” says Laura Rogers. “Sometimes women can shy away from opportunities that they don’t feel ideally suit them, but when you take assignments that are good for your company in the short-term, they can end up being great for your career in the long-term.”

With degrees from University of California at Berkeley, New York University and an MBA from Wharton, Rogers chose a career path in financial services. She has worked for firms such as Merrill Lynch, Citibank, and Cognizant Technologies focusing on leading internal teams make smart decisions based on strong financials and metrics.

Own Your Opinion

Working in the financial services industry after recently graduating can be difficult, especially given its competitive nature. However, earlier in her career, Rogers learned a critical lesson on holding her ground that has enabled her to be successful to this day.

In the period leading up to the financial crisis, when markets were especially frothy, many business units were taking on more risk. Though many in her company at the time wanted to expand into different types of trading, she didn’t believe the right risk management systems were in place in her business unit and advised against some trading they weren’t prepared for, ultimately saving the company millions of dollars in potential lawsuits.

“You have to think about the full vision and take ownership of your position rather than going the easy way,” she says. “I was able to make a significant difference for our division and our clients even though my stance was unpopular at the time.”

Rogers believes that this is a great time for women’s careers, since there is a real drive to engage them and help them succeed. Her advice for women is to have an opinion and own it.

Managing Change through Technology

By owning her opinion, Rogers has continued to carve a successful career path. She joined TIAA-CREF in 2013 and was recently named executive business manager for the production services group, overseeing business management and metrics, the project management office, software licensing and continuous improvement efforts. “TIAA -CREF feels like home to me,” she says, citing the open environment and the company’s mission, unchanged since 1918, to serve those who serve others – focusing primarily on institutions and individuals in the academic, medical, cultural, research and governmental communities. “Its motto of ‘Created to Serve. Built to Perform.’ is a great match for my personality and beliefs.”

In her new expanded executive business manager role, Rogers leads a cross functional IT team which is focusing on analyzing software spend and identifying opportunities for the company to reduce costs. “It’s a role that will allow me to look outside my day-to-day functions and help make a significant difference to our cost structure.”

Rogers says that as IT moves to cloud technology, it will be a game changer in terms of how people engage within the firm. “We are increasingly using the cloud as a complement to our current infrastructure, and incorporating it in such a way that it is seamless to the client.”

Networking for Career Success

Aside from leading cross-functional working groups, Rogers is a strong proponent of cross-functional mentoring. She encourages women at all stages of their career to set up peer networks – both within the company and also outside their particular division and company.

She finds that women have different questions in different stages of their career. This makes it vital to have a group that you can rely on to ask how they handled something, or what worked or what didn’t given a certain situation. “It’s about more than networking,” she says, adding that it’s important to be open and ask for advice, because people want to give it.

She herself has engaged in formal peer-to-peer networking and found it to be a game changer because of the accountability factor. She cites a friend in a similar position in a different company who was reluctant to seek a new opportunity and how Rogers was able to counsel her to try it. “Select someone you trust and seek their advice,” she says. “The further you get in your career, the more reluctant we are to be vulnerable but we still need that guidance.”

Benefits of Women’s Groups

Rogers does not just employ these practices herself, she shares her experiences with her colleagues. At TIAA-CREF, Rogers is involved in three key women’s initiatives.

First, she co-leads a mentoring group that launched in April which has received excellent feedback. It consists of two tracks – women only and mixed groups – with each group having two mentors who work with a group of eight to discuss topics that are both industry-specific and company-related.

Secondly, Rogers is active in the firm’s women’s ERG (Employee Resource Group), which she values because it allows her to get to know others in a wide variety of departments around the company.

And finally, she is excited about TIAA-CREF’s Woman2Woman: Financial Living, an online community where women can connect with both experts and peers to ask questions and share stories and tips related a range of financial topics and goals. “It fits in well with our mission of being created to serve,” Rogers says.

An Advocate for Bone Marrow Donation

Rogers, who is married with three children, enjoys spending time with her family and also is a passionate advocate for bone marrow transplants. While just out of school she volunteered in the pediatric cancer ward of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and saw firsthand the immediate benefits of bone marrow donation.

She is a involved with charities focused on this effort including both Gift of Life and Be the Match, and has encouraged family and friends to register for the national bone marrow matching site. “Becoming registered essentially takes no effort,” she says. “If you could save someone’s life, why wouldn’t you?”

Rogers was extremely gratified that her mom in New Jersey was matched with George, a 43-year-old man who lived in England, and was able to save his life.

No matter whether its work related or her personal interests Rogers is a passionate advocate for anything she believes in, owns her opinions and encourages other women to do the same.

Tina YoungbloodTina Youngblood (formerly Mallie) began her career as the first woman professor of accounting, with a PhD, to receive tenure from Miami University. From there, she has carved her pathway to success with the force of lions and a graceful ease. After 7 years at the University, Youngblood took her sabbatical in New York City. During that time, she decided to leave academia for an opportunity to work for PricewaterhouseCoopers as their global chief of staff. When PwC’s CEO, Jim Schiro, left the company to lead the then failing Zurich Insurance Group, he took two people with him—Youngblood was one of them.

“This was definitely a watershed moment in my career”, says Youngblood. She spent two and half years working with Schiro in Switzerland before returning to the United States as Zurich’s Chief Administrative Officer in North America. Again, she was the first woman ever to hold this position, managing human resources, governance and “all functions of the company that were not directly related to insurance.” From there, she moved from one promotion to the next. She became the first woman to run Construction Services, and then head of Direct Markets for Zurich North America Commercial where she was responsible for overseeing the company’s insurance offerings to businesses that service cars, trucks, motorcycles and auto recyclers. In total, Youngblood held 5 different positions in her 10-year run with Zurich, addressing new challenges without pause or consideration of what it might mean to be the “first woman” over and over again.

“This was definitely a watershed moment in my career”

With a diverse set of management experiences, Youngblood moved on from Zurich to become US CEO of Cunningham Lindsay. She has served as Vice Chair of Spencer Capital Holdings since 2013 and has recently been named CEO of their subsidiary, Spencer Re in December of 2014.

Youngblood took her time when looking back over the years to find her proudest moment, “This is a tough one for me because I have had an incredible career with lots of opportunity.” But once she has decided, she is clear. While head of the Direct Markets group at Zurich, Tina was responsible for putting together a team of people who would turn around the company’s bottom line in only a couple of years. “Putting together that team and building a culture of transparency and turning the company around from the employee engagement perspective, making it a place that people were proud to work, and leading them through the process was a very proud and gratifying experience. It was a tough decision—to save 600 jobs we had to get rid of some—but because we were honest, we transformed the business from a financial and cultural perspective as well.”

Listen before you leap

If Tina could pass a bit of advice to her younger self, she would counsel her on the art of communication, “It is 90% listening and 10% talking.” Luckily, she learned this lesson early in her career when she was a professor. “I had a student ask me a question, and I answered her. She stared back at me blankly and I knew I hadn’t gotten it right. When she asked me for the third time, I repeated her question back to her, and when I did that, it was wrong. We got though it and it was a great lesson for me then as it still is today. Every single day of my career and my life, I see how active listening is the most essential part of communication. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a board room, listening to a discussion between two people who are talking about two completely different things. I say, ‘Hey, do you guys even realize you are talking about two different things?’”

Breaking from tradition

Not surprisingly, Tina sees a lot to be excited about in her new position, “we have a tremendous opportunity that will allow us to make a real difference in the company and the industry.” For customers, she is excited about the unique options that Spencer Re will be able to offer as a result of the ongoing consolidation in the insurance industry. “We are in a unique place right now that will allow us to have new conversations with stakeholders who haven’t previously been at the same table. There are a lot of new options outside of the traditional offerings when we think of the reinsurance industry.”

“we have a tremendous opportunity that will allow us to make a real difference in the company and the industry.”

It is with this same good business sense that Youngblood approaches the many challenges facing women in the workforce today. “As a woman who has been in a male dominated industry for my entire career, I think it is always possible to overcome the barriers. A lot of times the barriers are because of expectations—there are expectations of women with a particular role that they will succeed in, there are lots of them. Some of them are self-imposed and some are imposed by the industry. There are jobs traditionally held by women and those that people expect to be held by men. I’ve never felt like there was anything I couldn’t do if I set my mind to it. It’s never really occurred to me that I’m the only woman or the first woman. It’s more about how I can contribute, this is how I can add value. I just look at other people as people.”

Value integrity

Obviously, this perspective has served Tina well. She advises her mentees and other young women in her industry to remain true and just be who they are, right down to their haircuts. “I used to have longer hair, I was given advice to cut my hair, and wear my glasses. I thought, ‘Why would I do that, and what does that have to do with anything? At the forefront of everything is your integrity – when you put your head on the pillow at night, you sleep on your integrity, and that’s all you have. If there is something that you don’t think is right and it goes against your belief system, then you shouldn’t do it. Don’t forget your core, your purpose, as they say.”
Youngblood feels that Spencer has a culture that supports her own sense of integrity. “One of the reasons I took this job is because of the culture that we are building is all about retention, advancement, education and values.”

Tina served as the head of women in leadership group at Zurich and says that mentoring is still her favorite part of the job. Finding young people to mentor is an essential part of her plan as she works to build and grow Spencer Re.

Share your blessings

As the surviving sister of a younger brother with special needs, Mallie has found great satisfaction in working with the St. Michael Special School in New Orleans. The relationship began while she was with Zurich. The school serves children of all ages; giving them the education and support they need to be their best selves. “There are opportunities to serve everywhere. If you are blessed, I believe you should share.”

In her free time, Tina “sincerely enjoys” the game of golf. Still a resident of Kansas City, she spends a lot of time traveling for work, but still loves to travel for fun as well.

By Rebecca S. Caum

Teresa Weintraub

By Cathie Ericson

“To whom much is given, much is expected.” Those are the words Teresa Weintraub lives by, especially when it comes to mentoring other young women, and she urges her peers to also lead by example.

Weintraub’s career has spanned the worlds of international tax, fundraising and now the wealth management world as the president and CEO of Fiduciary Trust International of the South in Florida, which she joined in 1998.

“Though my path seems circuitous, when you step back, you can see how it’s all connected,” she says. She left her career as a tax attorney when she realized it didn’t offer the flexibility she needed for her young family and her desire to spend as much time as possible with them in addition to activities such as president of the PTA and other roles. As a tax attorney, she gained the technical and analytical skills while her 11 years in fundraising at the University of Miami offered her the community knowledge and people skills necessary to succeed in her current role.

“Though my path seems circuitous, when you step back, you can see how it’s all connected,”

One of her key focuses right now is developing her firm’s Latin American strategy, which she has been working on for the past two and a half years in order to help families from that region, or who either have moved to the United States or have beneficiaries who are residents or citizens of the U.S. The fact is, there are many U.S. nationals who are living abroad who may not realize that there are certain reporting requirements. Her firm has identified a significant market to work with and the goal is to ensure those families will be able to successfully transfer their assets to future generations in the most tax advantageous manner possible.

She is extremely proud of having grown Fiduciary Trust International of the South to be the fifth largest trust company in Florida, with the help and support of her team and her colleagues at Franklin Templeton, the parent company of Fiduciary Trust.

Weintraub knows how vital it is to have a team that you believe in, because as she mentions, as you rise in management and the business grows, it becomes harder to work directly with clients. “You need people in place that you trust to do a great job. If you’ve done your hiring, training and mentoring well, you have those people,” she says, adding that one of her favorite aspects of her position is mentoring and working with young people in the firm and seeing them rise through the ranks.

Advice for Those Starting Out

Though her career path makes sense in retrospect, Weintraub is the first to admit that she never spent too much time assessing career goals or making long-term plans. “I have never felt regret over something I didn’t do because at that time, I didn’t realize it was something I should have been doing.”

She advises women who are starting their careers to speak up and make their voices and opinions heard. “Sometimes a woman who speaks up is considered aggressive, and a man who speaks up is considered smart. That’s an issue that’s still with us, but we are making strides and shouldn’t let that deter women.”

Weintraub says it’s important to work hard, with focus and integrity, and become that go-to person who can be relied on to get the job done. “People will recognize and be grateful for your support and hard work, and that’s when the promotions come.”

“People will recognize and be grateful for your support and hard work, and that’s when the promotions come.”

She hopes that women in leadership positions take the time to mentor, coach and develop other women. Of course, she says it’s important to mentor all young people, male and female, to really coach and pull people aside after meetings to spend time and give feedback – what did they do well? What could they do better?

“When I started, women tended to be harder on other women,” she recalls, appreciating how much that has changed. “We as women didn’t have role models helping us because they were just trying to survive. But since that’s no longer the situation, we need to be good role models — supportive and encouraging.”

Although the industry has matured – she recalls being told to wear dark suits when she first entered the workforce – there are still advances to be made. One area in particular relates to the issue of women and children. She says that although in this generation, you may see just as many men stepping down, only women deal with the prevailing mindset of ‘are they going to be coming back? “How can that be after so many years of women going back to work after having kids, especially when many men have equal childcare roles?” she asks rhetorically.

In past generations, men were expected to work full time, while women did the carpools, but that is no longer the case. Since this generation is more 50/50, with a lot more hands-on fathers than before, leaders have to be aware that men need similar flexibility options. “I believe strongly that we can’t forget the men in this generation.”

Sharing Success with other Women

Weintraub currently acts as global treasurer for the 60 chapters of International Women’s Forum, a global network of preeminent women, whose careers span fields from chefs to writers to educators. She’s also involved in C200, another invitation-only group of entrepreneurial women, and the Women’s Fund, along with other organizations dedicated to helping women and girls. Mostly notably she was on the founding board of the Miami Commonwealth Institute that mentors and trains women in middle management.

“I believe strongly in being a valued member of the community – that could be your work community, the broader community or your family community.”

Weintraub knows she’s been blessed with a large circle of friends and a close family which includes her husband and three kids, a son and two daughters. She and her husband are committed to traveling as much as they can, having enjoyed recent trips to Cairo and Istanbul. “I have met wonderful women from around the world, and it is great to see their countries and learn their cultures,” Weintraub said. “Women around the world have much in common and much to learn from each other. That’s why I believe that mentoring and helping bring up the future generation of leaders is very important.”

By Cathie Ericson

Bin Hwee Quek“The barriers to success for women in our profession are sometimes ourselves,” says the Vice-Chairman of PwC Singapore and the Markets Leader of PwC Asia Bin Hwee Quek. “We sometimes believe we cannot reach the pinnacle of our career. This is not always true. It is possible for those who desire it. These women tend to embrace change and always keep an open mind.”

In her current position, Bin oversees all industries and sectors, both in Singapore and in the Asia Pacific Region, including financial services, health, technology, infrastructure and government. “I spearhead the markets and industries initiatives to enhance a high-performance culture and propel growth,” she says. “For each industry and sector, we aim to bring the best solution to our clients through our subject matter experts.”

Additionally she sits on the Global Markets Core Leadership Team which is charged with developing client solutions for the future. The Team identifies megatrends and determines how to help PwC win in the market, which is rapidly becoming more complex, transparent, interdependent and subject to continuous and accelerating digital disruptions.

“I feel privileged to work with talented people on projects ranging from statutory audit to restructuring, debt and equity financing and fraud investigation,” she says. “I am most proud when my team pulls together to deliver the best solutions for our clients and whenever our clients acknowledge our contribution to their success.”

As she has ascended through the hierarchy of PwC, she hasserved in various capacities including Asset Management Leader, Government Leader, Real Estate Leader and Human Resource Leader (Assurance).

With today’s rapidly changing world, full of new technology and disruptions, she is interested in how they work together to create new businesses and drive out old ones. In addition, she is intrigued by Big Data. “It has many secrets yet to be revealed,” she believes. “Data analytics will provide hindsights, insights and foresights to enable faster informed decisions for operational excellence and business growth.”

Advice from the Top

As Bin reflects on her career, she sees that she has always been more externally focused, thoroughly enjoying her work with clients and various government agencies. However, looking back, she believes she would have benefitted from spending more time with her colleagues to take advantage of increased opportunities to collaborate.

She encourages women in the industry to put themselves forward for different roles within their firms and in the network, advising that an overseas stint can greatly enhance work experience. And she believes that women should contribute to their community in areas where they are most passionate. “I strongly encourage everyone to make time in their busy schedule to contribute and to give back to our society,” she says. “Each little bit goes a long way.”

A Philanthropic Mindset

She puts that advice into practice, serving on a number of boards herself, including various Singapore Government statutory boards, such as The Housing and Development Board (“HDB”), where she was honored to receive the Public Service Award from the Singapore Government for her contribution to HDB. “It is humbling to know I have made a difference in the lives of my fellow Singaporeans.”

Other boards she has served on are those for Industrial and Services Co-operative Society and The National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre, and she currently serves on the boards of Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School and Health Promotion Board, where she chairs the audit committees, and The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore.

She also has volunteered her time for the prison ministry for the past 10 years, which stems from her belief that everyone deserves a second chance. Further, as president of the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (“SANA”), she is a firm believer in keeping Singapore drug-free. SANA is committed to empowering the pillars they have identified as the bedrock of a drug-free society: youth, family and the community. “Together, we can work toward creating a crime-free and drug-free Singapore,” she says.

In her remaining free time, she loves outdoor activities, including skiing, trekking, cycling, playing golf and running, having completed a marathon.

Many of her adventures include her husband and three children, who enjoy spending time together skiing, trekking and snorkeling. “I remember feeling a sense of achievement at the summit of Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan and am looking forward to trekking in Patagonia in September this year,” she says.

By Cathie Ericson

Karuna AnnavajjalaKeep an open mind, be willing to try new things and ask for help. For Karuna Annavajjala, this trio has provided the key to her corporate success.

After completing her bachelor’s in engineering in India, Annavajjala came to the United States and earned her master’s degree in computer science. She moved to Columbus, Ohio, to become a developer at a startup company, eventually moving into the role of software architect. She then joined Alliance Data in the marketing technology department prior to segueing into product management. At that point, she realized that she wanted to focus on core strategy as her full-time job, rather than just engaging in special projects or other sporadic engagements, and pursued her Executive MBA from the University of Michigan, specializing in corporate strategy.

After earning her MBA, she worked at Deloitte Consulting in the technology strategy area and then joined TIAA-CREF three years ago in a role that would maximize her years of strategy experience at the intersection of business and technology.

Last year, she assumed a new role at TIAA-CREF, heading up IT teams that support corporate functions, including human resources, legal and compliance. She cites one of her major achievements as establishing solid internal partnerships and providing value as a technology leader for human resources function.

Right now, Annavajjala is working with her team to refresh the company’s technology strategy roadmap and developing the digital strategy for human resources, a project she relishes because of her interest in strategy work.

“It provides the perfect opportunity to partner with leadership on the business side, as I explore what they need and how we can make it happen,” she says.

This is also part of one of the ongoing industry trends that interests her: the increased focus on data centric decisions and the digital user experience.

Career Lessons

As Annavajjala has progressed through her career, she has realized the importance of being in tune with the bigger picture of the department’s function and how it relates to the overall business strategy. In her case, that meant keeping the technology function relevant to the business process change to enable the end to end solution.

“To be successful in a professional environment it takes a combination of skill sets, but one big lesson I have learned and consistently applied that yielded positive results is to always be curious and being a lifelong learner.”

To that end, she encourages her team to always ask questions, especially in the technology sector where it’s imperative to be in tune with the rapid pace of change. “You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn and how much faster things will move forward because you took the time to ask the right questions.”

An Opportunity for Women

According to Annavajjala, the pool of female talent in the technology space is not where anyone would like it to be, but that also offers a positive opportunity for women who excel. “It’s easy to shine if you capitalize on the opportunity because there are fewer women,” she says, adding that more women would bring much needed diversity to the field and adds that more girls and young women would be interested in technology careers if they understood all their options.

As an example, she cites a coding class that one of her middle school daughter’s teachers was holding. At first, no girls signed up for it, but when they created a separate class for girls, it filled up faster than the boys’ class. The girls just needed the chance to try it in an environment they saw as more conducive to their learning. It is important to understand, acknowledge and act on such cultural nuances when educating and encouraging girls to pursue technology learning.

She also finds that many perceptions of the financial services industry are false as well. “The idea that the entire industry is full of male-dominated Wall Street Type A personalities is a stereotype that’s no longer relevant,” she says, though she does add that there are subtler barriers that typically manifest themselves later in one’s corporate career growth.

For that reason, she advises her peers to be bold about sharing their story openly to help others navigate from what they know and have achieved.

Annavajjala is part of the steering committee for TIAA’s IT Women’s Council and a member at large of the women’s Employee Resource Group (ERG), and adds that she is personally passionate about women in technology, and so is keen to continue to serve in the Diversity and Inclusion Council.

Annavajjala believes that these types of programs have to be a “pull,” rather than a “push.” “It can’t be just about the company sending out communications and making opportunities available,” she says, but rather that individuals should be invested enough to want to participate and make time for such programs.

Throughout her career, she has been active in these types of initiatives, including founding the Diversity Committee at Alliance Data. “It was designed to provide a framework and forum for everyone to feel like they have a place for their voice to be heard and share ideas. Each of us has an important perspective, regardless of what we look like or where we come from and it is vital that we express it.”

Sharing Her Passion for Education

Annavajjala carries her passion for STEM and education into her volunteer pursuits, working to make sure that school-aged kids have access to STEM education and new technology and capabilities. She is also actively involved with the BeEducated Movement, a non-profit organization that helps sponsor libraries in rural communities in India, Nepal and Pakistan.

“Kids in those rural communities drop out of school not because of a lack of interest, but because schools can’t provide text books, and families can’t afford them. These rural libraries were established to provide standard text books, job and exam preparation material relevant to their local regions, so kids can graduate school successfully and then aspire for higher education or jobs.”

Pauline Ho“Women need to understand that they have opportunities, but there will be sacrifices along the way. It’s not easy: you might have to give up your “me” time to be with the family, and you may have to take a back seat for a short time to concentrate on your family and then return to focus on your career,” says Pauline Ho. “It’s a balance that each person has to figure out for themselves.”

Since 1993, Ho has worked for PwC in the Malaysia office, augmented by a two-year international assignment with PwC UK, working with clients in the energy and utilities sectors among others. She became Partner in 2005 and almost immediately learnt that she was pregnant with triplets. Confined to bed rest towards the end of the pregnancy, she worked from her hospital room until her doctor banned her from conference calls. “I am not one to take it easy. However it is a choice,” she says.

When she did return, she decided to take on client work that didn’t involve much travel demands in addition to taking on what she felt would be a more stable position overseeing Human Capital and Methodology for the Assurance practice.

After three years, she relinquished the Methodology duties in order to oversee larger clients, eventually leading to being asked to lead the Assurance practice for Malaysia – the first female Assurance Leader in Malaysia.

She names this as the professional achievement she is most proud of, overseeing 1,200 professionals which is roughly half the firm in Malaysia.

Right now she is focused on working with PwC on building trust in a competitive marketplace, noting that Assurance is the foundation for that trust. “The audit market is very mature, but we are working to change mindsets to view assurance in a broader lens, to demonstrate the value we can bring to our clients.”

Learning to Take Risks

As she has progressed throughout her career, Ho says that she has learned that it’s ok to make mistakes because trying new things is how you learn. She says that in the past she had taken the approach that if she wasn’t certain about something, she’d better not do it.

That held her back, she says, but as she progressed she had mentors who pushed her along and helped her take on more courageous roles and new challenges.

She cites one time when her Managing Partner asked her who would be suited to take on a new role, and she offered three names, excluding her own, and explained why those people could do the job. When he asked about her, she said that it had never crossed her mind because she wasn’t ready. When he said I think you are the person, I agreed,” she remembers, reflecting on a conversation playing in her mind about other times she had turned down a role because it required too much travel or otherwise was outside of her comfort zone.

Making Strides In Equal Representation

Ho is proud that the firm has excellent female representation at all levels – 60 percent of its graduate intakes are women, along with 40 percent of partners and directors, and even two of the nine executive board members, including Ho.

One area where it is trickier to maintain equality generally, but desired by female millennials, is in mobility since it is more challenging for women to take their family overseas in the Asian culture than men.

She also sees that many women take a break when they have children and it is challenging for them to return. The firm is addressing that by supporting the national “Back2Work” program, where they help women re-acclimate, and the firm also offers flexible working arrangements, which allows people to work a minimum of three days a week..

The board level is another place where she sees women can have an impact. “When people retire from board positions, they try to find others whom they know to take their places, so it’s important for women to remember to do the same for women.”

She is also a believer in mentoring, and recently volunteered to help in a pilot program to mentor young, high-potential women called “Womentum,” an idea that came from her Markets Leader, another female partner on the executive board of PwC Malaysia. “Women need to help each other more, share their stories and let people see that there are successes and failures, and it’s ok to do something out of your comfort zone,” Ho says.

She herself benefited from a mentoring program earlier in her career, when she was fortunate to be assigned by the firm’s former chairman to a female CEO of an international bank in Malaysia, whom she says was instrumental in helping her prioritize what was important and how to make it happen.

Away from the Office

Ho’s triplets, now nine, keep her busy away from the office with their sports and activities. The family also prioritizes quarterly holidays – whether to the beach or the slopes to enjoy family time.