Working motherSo, having recently become a parent myself, I now finally understand some of the challenges of being everywhere at once that so many readers have told me about over the years. There are many ways to be great at work, great at home and maintain your sanity. Carol Evans (former CEO of Working Mother Magazine) wrote a great book in 2006 called “This is How We Do It: The Working Mother’s Manifesto” and in 2016 it is still one of the most practical books I have read on the topic. Carol is a friend of mine and we often discuss the fact that some companies more than others have led the way for working parents to thrive not just survive of both genders with innovative policies that they are continuing to develop. There are some personal choices to make and that is, yes very individual at times but I say we need to stop scrutinizing women’s choices. The best advice I can give you is to examine how family friendly your workplace is, because although some positions are rigid with their requirements, you would be surprised in reality what flexibility can become a reality in the near future

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

ProfessionalWoman-comfort-zoneLook, we cannot all be in our dream jobs (or can we?) but while we are working on that, here are three tips to be happier and more productive at work.

  • Find your passion in the small things. Which tasks are enjoyable to do and how can you do more of them?
  • Find kindred spirits to connect with at work. People are happier at work if they have positive interactions with other people so try and find common ground with co-workers on professional topics as well as personal connections. If you so inclined, join an employee network or committee because this is also a good way to know about future opportunities in other teams etc.
  • Enjoy your life outside work so that you can plow through tough days knowing that work is just one element that you need to feel wonderful about. (This last point is often difficult for so many of us who are so invested in our careers but try it, smell the roses more.)

Good luck!

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

business meeting at office deskWould you apply to work at the meat factory if you are a strict vegetarian? Most people would say no (dire circumstances excepting), and some people would say yes. This is obviously an extreme example of how our values control which job we do and who we will happily work for.

However, how work gets done in your team or firm often is to do with values (the leader or manager’s values mostly). When interviewing for a new job it is sometimes hard to ascertain what the team or company culture is. Ask these three questions to get closer to the answers that otherwise remain hidden to the naked eye:

  • What is the trait or behavior that makes people succeed here?
  • What is the most challenging part of working here?
  • Value x (insert your value) e.g. fairness, is important to me- how does that rank here in the top 3 lived values and is that stated anywhere in the mission or charter?

If you can get honest answers to these questions, you will get a handle on the culture and of course you need to know your values also!

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

women smilingInternational Women’s Day known as IWD is on Tuesday 8th March this year and we have great coverage from our writers, our clients and our partners all month long.

The career tip of the week has a distinct hint of counting our blessings as we look at the broader scope of women everywhere. My advice today is to get out of the weeds and do some big picture perspective taking today. Never mind the nitty gritty at work, list the 3 regular tasks that you enjoy most at work currently. Now look ahead at what you want to achieve in the next 18 months. Are you on track to increase the number of things that you enjoy doing? If so, excellent! if not, time to think about what is your next move to improve your work life and while you are at it, take a look at the big picture also. What can you commit to doing to make your life overall better and more fulfilling?

Check all month for our International Women’s Day coverage and our usual selection of excellent profiles.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

People waiting for an interviewPeople leave industries for many reasons ranging from transferable skills or vertical growth in skills creating new opportunities for professionals to the less talked about but real phenomenon of burnout. The Financial Services industry is vulnerable to peaks and troughs and being laid off without prospects such as the mass layoffs that happen every recession cycle on Wall street is fairly predictable albeit sometimes a small correction only.

Either way, it is time to transition to a new career. What are the top three things you need to consider in the move?

A. Do your skills apply to what you want to do next? If not exactly, can you weave a truthful narrative of how what you have done before will empower you to do the new tasks required? If there are gaps, before you leap from your current job you should close any skill gaps with formal education or informal means.

B. Who do you know in the new arena? How is your network? Start by meeting people who can tell you what you need to know about the product, processes and cultural norms of your desired future gig. These folks are much more likely to know of open opportunities and relevant networking opportunities than anyone else. Information is power.

C. Interview, interview, interview. Practice makes perfect and will give you a good benchmark on how viable it is to move into this space and help you understand your bottom lines regarding money and other factors such as hours, location etc.

Good luck!

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

women stressedChances are if you like your manager, your team mates and the tasks at hand are still interesting, then you may be less likely to jump ship unless you are vastly underpaid or you have a personal situation that requires your attention. There is a saying that “People leave managers, not companies,” and a bad manager changes everything. If your relationship is less than cordial with your manager, this can permeate daily interactions to a point where you feel that he or she is a hindrance to your advancement or even your emotional wellbeing in the worst case scenario (and I hear about this more than you think with serial offenders showing patterns with the new hires.) This issue is very tricky and I hesitate to give advice in a one size fits all matter since there is nuance to this topic and I would advise you to speak to your career coach or a trusted advisor first.

What can you do? Explore other options within the same company and navigate the politics by lunching with peers from other teams and even get a sponsor who a leader (the boss of your boss, or higher or a different team leader) so that you can start to understand the bigger picture of mobility, project allocation and promotional tracks. Also, sometimes a bad manager isn’t just someone who has a bad personality but someone who is stuck between a rock and a hard place themselves suffering from systemic constraints ( such as lack of resources, understaffed etc.) and so you have to figure out if this is a temporary issue or a true sign of dysfunction of the entire company.

Failing that, sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade and move on. There are other firms out there.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

clear path way featuredThis week as week 3 of our series of decision making around staying out or getting a new job, we explore what happens when you see less of a career track where you are and you think you can get further in another firm. Basically, it boils down to the old saying “dead men’s shoes” or in this case, “dead women’s heels” as if you cannot see a promotional track ahead of you, chances are you are ready to look elsewhere and who could blame you?

Goal setting theory and other organizational psychology theories and basic principles suggests that motivation is not a specific trait in any one person but rather it is a combination of your ability to do the job and experience more successes than grinding organizational obstacles, along with your ability to see a clear path forward otherwise known as “opportunity”. This is how you stay motivated at work.

However, make sure you are actually seeing the big picture- firms often offer much more mobility than you can see with the naked eye. First port of call is to ask your manager how he or she feels you can grow in the firm and how you can grow in the next year or two? Network outside of your direct team as openly as you see fit in your specific situation. Look at job boards and see what opportunities are being advertised.
The art and the science is knowing how much trust you can have in your manager to sponsor you. Next week we shall talk more about this.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist
Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

money money moneyLast week we began looking at how to weigh up your options regarding staying and progressing at your firm or making a move to further your career.

Let’s start with the financial factor of feeling or being actually underpaid for the job that you do. First thing to do is to do some research on what your peers get paid online and yes interviewing is a way to do this as well as conversations with trusted peers. Secondly, before leaving, there are ways to explore pay and compensation changes with your boss and your HR team without threatening to leave and never present an ultimatum and especially if you don’t actually have a new job to go to. Do Not Bluff unless you are independently wealthy and can afford some time off.

Go to your boss and say that you would like to take him or her to lunch to chat about the past year. If you did a great job, present your case and ask for a higher base and/or a higher bonus or commission structure. Sometimes base salaries are harder to play with than commissions but ultimately if you are truly under market values ( as women often come in lower than men on base salary) there is a real case to give you the bump that aligns you with peers. If it is just about the money, and you are otherwise pretty happy, then why jump ship to an unknown workplace culture and structure? This conversation is worth having and then you can decide what to do!

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist
Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

People waiting for an interviewSo, bonuses are paid and you are ready to make a move to your next job. You have your reasons for leaving and they are one or more of the following:

  • You think you can do better financially for the same work
  • You see less of a career track where you are and you think you can get further in another firm (title and responsibilities)
  • You are leaving your manager, not your company
  • You are changing industry or function and can only do that by leaving
  • You are not aligned with how things get done in your current job

Over the next five weeks we will look at each of these factors to give you a sanity check on whether you truly are leaving for the right reasons.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist
Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work

money money moneyChances are, if you work in banking, you are thinking about bonus season. If you are keen to move companies, do your research before you get your bonus and start conversations with the right firms ahead of time. Why? Well, it is sometimes like being in a bad relationship, a small gesture can make you stay for a little while longer when you know you need something different. Money is always a factor, but look at culture, growth opportunities and ultimately the job you want after the next one as you make your decisions to move. Good luck!

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work in technology