Entries by The Glass Hammer


Behaviors That Build Confidence

Guest Contributed By Melissa Greenwell I’ve spent decades watching both men and women climb the corporate ladder to build highly successful careers. I have watched and listened carefully to understand the actions that enabled these people to be called out from the crowd. They weren’t all good-looking or even charming. If there was one single […]

Mover and Shaker: Stefanie Stewart, Vice President, Senior Real Estate Portfolio Manager, Voya Investment Management

“Hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. It’s important to be aggressive and vocal, but respectful. People won’t always agree with you, but in a relationship business, upholding your reputation is essential.” Conquering a Male-Dominated Industry These words of wisdom have helped propel Stefanie Stewart through her ascent in a traditionally male-dominated industry. A finance and real […]

Mover and Shaker: Carey Ryan, Director, Citi

By Cathie Ericson Hard work is a key component, but just one of many that will lead to success, finds Citi’s Carey Ryan. She says she put her head down and produced for years, which worked well until she moved into more senior roles and had an instance that reframed her thinking: She had thought […]


Women in Tech: Climbing the Ladder

Guest Contributed by Evan Fraser Working in the tech industry can be incredibly exciting. It is a fast-paced industry with seemingly unlimited potential. Technology also has one of the smallest income gender gaps, high work schedule flexibility and generous pay in many positions. While that draws many women down this career path it is still […]

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Want to Win in the Fight For Female Talent? Urgent Change Needed!

Contributed by Aoife Flood. Based in Dublin, Ireland, Aoife is Senior Manager of the Global Diversity and Inclusion Programme at PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited Around the world, the workplace gender gap is an area in need of immediate and serious attention and at PwC we believe that we must, and can, drive change more quickly. The […]