Entries by The Glass Hammer

One of the Boys

I love being one of only three women in my office. I work at a small technology company in Chicago that caters to the financial industry. We have 20 male developers and a few business development guys. I work in the Marketing/Public Relations department. We spent one of our recent happy hours at Monk’s on […]


The M.B.A. is Dead! Long Live the M.B.A.!

The New York Times ran a thought-provoking article this week called “Hedge Funds and Private Equity Alter Career Calculus,” by Louise Story. The article challenged the conventional wisdom that getting an M.B.A. puts young Wall Streeters on the fast track to top finance jobs. Instead, Ms. Story explains that many of today’s top performers in […]

Working with a jerk?

Continuing our exploration of the different varieties of office jerk, we’ve already looked at how to cope when the jerk is your boss. This week we outline the pitfalls of working with a peer Jerk:

Expert Answers: Blocked from moving up in Equity Sales

I’m a female associate with two years’ experience working in Equity Sales. My immediate boss is a very nice man, but overworked and snowed under, so we’re always very busy. I’ve seen similarly qualified and experienced male associate peers move ahead, assigned to bigger, more lucrative sectors, but I seem stuck in a relatively small […]