Connie’s diary: the reality of leaving work, second week

Connie Thanasoulis has left her job at Merrill Lynch after seven years, for a much-needed break. She worked at Merrill most recently as Director and Chief Operating Officer for Campus Recruiting, having spent a total of twenty-one years working in the industry. She’s taking time out to enjoy the things she hasn’t previously had the daylight hours to accomplish…

First week of freedom – spent at the beach. This is a real vacation:

Heaven, restful, wonderful.

And the very best thing about this week is all the other weeks to follow.

All those Mondays I don’t have to go to work!

Second week of freedom, and another blissful Monday – I woke up and went right back to bed!

This is fun. Why did it take me so long to do this?!

Tuesday: Should I change the sheets? No…maybe not. No…maybe I should…

Oh dear heavens, What Have I Done?! Is this what my life will be about from here on in? Trying to decide whether I should change the sheets??

For this I gave up my salary and bonus?

Am I Nuts? How could I have been so stupid?

OK. Rewind moment: Stop this. Get to the gym. Need those endorphins…

p.s. I didn’t change the sheets in the end.