personal setbacks and leadersWhen you’re going through a hard time in your personal life, you’re probably not thinking about how it might impact your career. It’s often hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you’re dealing with a personal setback. But, going through such things can uniquely position you to excel in leadership roles – especially as a woman.

There’s no question that women in leadership roles often have to deal with unique, specific challenges. Being able to overcome those hurdles can help you foster enhanced leadership skills and empathy.

With that in mind, knowing how to connect personal setbacks to career growth can make a big difference in how you carry yourself in a professional setting, and how you move forward in a leadership position.

The Overlap Between Personal and Professional

Striking a healthy work-life balance is important for everyone. But, it can feel like walking a tightrope when you’re a woman in leadership. Unfortunately, gender bias still exists in many industries, and it can cause many women to feel guilty about spending too much time at home. You might rush to complete milestones at work, or feel a sense of competition. You might even feel guilt for taking the time to practice self-care.

It’s important to let go of that guilt. There’s a greater overlap between the things you learn at home and what you can use at work than you might think. For example, if your family has struggled with financial difficulties in the past, you can use the skills you learned from overcoming those issues to help your business manage its finances, too. Managing personal finance challenges can help with:

  • Fostering resilience
  • Being financially savvy
  • Strategic thinking
  • Decision-making abilities

When you have experience with financial setbacks, you’ll feel more comfortable and knowledgeable talking about them. That can help to break the taboo around money in an office setting, and allow for more transparency when it comes to your business’s financial situation. It can also help remind us that when we face challenges on a personal level, we gain spiritual wisdom that we can bring with us into the workplace too.

Mental Health Awareness

Over 40 million adults in the U.S. deal with anxiety. Millions more struggle with depression, and a variety of other mental health conditions. While the stigma surrounding mental health has lessened over the years, it can often still be found in the workplace. Some people are afraid to talk about their mental health issues, so they struggle in silence. Too many business settings don’t do enough to promote mental health and create a safe working environment that allows people to open up about their struggles.

When we normalize conversations concerning topics like anxiety, depression, and burnout in the workplace, we begin to see just how many people are affected — and we may even begin to see how these issues might be stemming from cultural and systemic factors, rather than personal ones. When you realize that some of these struggles are less about personal factors than you originally first perceived, you’ll naturally want to create mentally healthier work environments. All of this helps support professional workplaces that support personal health and wellbeing.

If you’ve dealt with mental health issues in the past – or you’re still dealing with them – you can use those issues to be a better leader and create a healthier workplace environment. It should come as no surprise that your job can actually have an impact on your mental well-being. Fostering a workplace that promotes mental health awareness can help with things like:

  • Employee productivity
  • Boosted morale
  • A sense of trust and safety for employees

When you’re in a leadership role, people will look to you for the “green light” when it comes to certain issues. If you’re willing to open up about your own mental health struggles, it will be easier for others to come forward and do the same. When word gets out that your work environment has completely slashed the taboo nature of mental health issues, it’s likely that you’ll increase employee retention while becoming a more desirable business for new hires.

The Importance of Empathy

Overcoming personal challenges can help to boost your emotional intelligence. Specifically, it can make you more empathetic. You might not think that’s an important skill to have, especially as a woman who wants to be taken seriously in the workforce. But, empathy goes a long way – especially in a leadership position. In fact, it’s one of the top leadership qualities, as vulnerable, empathetic leaders are better able to:

  • Be completely and entirely honest with themselves and others, even when it’s difficult.
  • Take creative risks and step outside of their comfort zones.
  • Embrace imperfection as an important part of learning and growing.

Leaders who have overcome mental health issues, themselves, are naturally more likely to be empathetic. Taking care of a family and dealing with the daily challenges and setbacks that arise from being a leader at home can also carry over into the workplace. Leaders who empathize aren’t showing weakness. Rather, they are able to identify the feelings of the people working for them. Not only does that help with self-awareness, but it makes them more thoughtful, conscientious, and confident in their decisions.

One example of empathy-as-a-strength can be shown in the form of cultural wealth — more specifically resistant capital. Resistant capital is “the inherited foundation and historical legacy of communities of color and marginalized groups in resisting inequality and pursuing equal rights.” This includes resisting stereotypes that you don’t identify with. If you’ve ever had to integrate from another culture, you understand how hard it can be to feel like an outsider — and you can bring that knowledge as a strength to your workforce.

Leaders who are empathetic understand the needs of those who work for them. They’re more likely to build healthy relationships with those people, fostering a more positive, communicative work environment.

Emotional intelligence is more than just a soft skill. Take the same empathy you might show to your family and friends and carry it over into the workplace.

Everyone faces challenges in their personal lives. Using those setbacks to enhance your leadership can be an effective way to “humanize” yourself in the business world while still gaining the respect you deserve. Learn from your setbacks instead of letting them bring you down. They can help you become the leader you were born to be.

By: Indiana Lee is a passionate writer from the Pacific Northwest, specializing in business operations, leadership, and marketing. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

Helen Chang“Don’t be afraid to take the road less traveled, because as you do, you will find new horizons that will take you to the next level,” says Helen Chang. “Finding something you’re passionate about is important because you’ll do better than if you’re forcing yourself into a career or role that isn’t the best fit for you.”

Chang shares her journey about the benefit of international perspectives, taking on new opportunities to evolve and inspiring yourself and others through passion.

Growing Your Career from Outside the Comfort Zone

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Chang went to boarding school in the UK, attended college in Canada and then started as a trainee at JP Morgan Chase where she gained exposure to various areas of banking. She then obtained her MBA at Yale University. Living abroad at an early age, she developed an international perspective and a high degree of adaptability in connecting with multicultural people from different backgrounds.

While at Yale, Chang worked on Wall Street for a summer before returning to Hong Kong with Credit Suisse. She then decided to take a major career pivot from sell-side (lending and credits) in the private sector to the buy-side (investments and policymaking) in the public sector by joining the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) (the de facto Central Bank in Hong Kong). Eventually, she was promoted to lead the internal direct investment team, where she gained deep insight into asset management and the investment decision-making process. She also went onto work in international relations, working with central banks and sovereign wealth funds in the region. It’s safe to say that Chang built a solid growth platform to build upon with her deep knowledge of central banking over nearly a decade.

After leaving HKMA for a brief stint with Standard Chartered Bank, Chang went back to the private sector with Principal Global Investors in asset management. There, she was charged with building the business and investment profile across North Asia. In this role, she grew the business from scratch and was instrumental in raising assets, increasing headcount from one to eighteen by the time she left to take on a new and exciting role with PGIM Fixed Income in 2020. Beginning in her new role just two days before the COVID-19 pandemic, she embraced the opportunity to lead a broader regional remit.

“As an Asian, I was brought up in a culture where my parents told me to be modest. So, we’d often say we’re not very good in doing certain things, when in fact, we were,” says Chang. “In interacting with so many diverse backgrounds internationally, I’ve learned you need to believe in yourself, and you need to be open-minded and have the courage to get out of your comfort zone.”

“I was courageous enough to make many career moves even when people advised me not to make those changes,” she says. “In hindsight, I feel I’m a more well-rounded professional and person for having experienced both the private and public sector as well as both buy-side and sell-sides.”

Embracing Vast Opportunities to Develop and Grow

Chang encourages taking a long-term approach to career development, advising others to prioritize new opportunities and experiences. While there may be detours on a career path, all experiences will contribute to one’s future career trajectory. She provides two examples from her journey.

First, in broadening her exposure and knowledge base during her tenure in the public sector, Chang experienced the biggest culture shock of her journey. The long and painstaking decision-making processes and lobbying to many stakeholders were a major adjustment to her private sector background. Even though this challenged her patience, she also feels it was one of the most rewarding experiences and enhanced her ability to get to where she sits today.

Second, Chang learned about what she wanted to do when she took on a new role at Standard Chartered. In what she now judges as too early, Chang says she took on a senior management role, which comprised of sitting in executive meetings, reporting progress and focusing on developing people internally. While she enjoyed parts of this role, she found herself missing her active strategic role in developing and growing the business. She had the big title. She was competent. But it simply didn’t get her heart beating or her blood pumping to be so far removed from the strategic work she loved doing, so she knew she had to move on.

“I’ve always enjoyed building business, and this is where I know I add the most value,” she says.

Using Your Voice with Confidence in Your Knowledge

Often the only woman in the room, Chang has been fortunate enough to have coworkers and mentors from diverse backgrounds who helped shape her leadership style and showed her the value of speaking up.

“Like most Asians, we can be shy and were taught that speaking up may not be courteous, but in reality, it’s not the case.” She notes, “I’ve learned from these leaders, and a lot of them have become very senior executives, in the United States and across Asia.”

Being comfortable voicing her opinions was something that happened slowly for Chang. Early on, she was more conservative about using her voice, but as she advanced, she began to realize that she was hesitating to speak when others who were unafraid to use their voices in the room simply did not possess the same expertise she had.

“You build up your confidence. Once people know you know the business, they respect you and are more open to hearing what you have to say,” she says. “But you need to work hard and know your stuff: you can’t bluff. Because once you start bluffing, people don’t believe you.”

Inspiring Others to Enjoy Work and Grow

“As a leader, gone are the days when one can be bureaucratic. When I started my career, some leaders would say, ‘I’m senior, your job is to listen.’ Things have changed. Many of my team members are younger than me and have a different mentality when it comes to leadership and management styles. Using an old-fashioned management style won’t work – nor is it beneficial to the business,” she says. “It’s important to have connectivity with your whole team, to be able to joke and laugh with them, which helps contribute to them enjoying being at work and enables them to produce a high-quality of work. We’re no longer talking about how many hours you spend in the office, but how much you deliver.”

The successful leaders who have inspired Chang are people who were never afraid to take calculated risks and knew how to inspire a team. They have a passion for their work and for making a difference with their contribution, even in the face of adversity.

“If you love and are passionate about something, you’ll be able to do well. Sometimes there are even these hidden abilities within yourself that you didn’t know,” she says. “So, when you see passionate leaders doing what they love and bringing out more of themselves, it inspires you to think maybe I can as well.”

Nurturing Diversity to Thrive

True to her own international perspective and tasked with the challenge of working across cultural nuances in building relationships with clients and counterparts in the region, her team of direct reports is diverse. She appreciates the cultural transparency in advising clients honestly on what will and will not work, and the focus on long-term business building.

“I have always believed in diversity to help the team grow and build business,” Chang says. “I encourage people to speak up. No one will get punished if they don’t speak. It’s just more engaging when the team share their perspectives and what’s on their minds.”

Having experienced various company cultures, too, Chang appreciates how PGIM is team-oriented, encourages diversity and is respectful of people, which she thinks drives firm loyalty and longer tenures. Even though PGIM is one of the largest asset managers in the world, Chang says that it doesn’t have the same grueling workplace culture that other NYC-firms she worked for has and encourages flexibility while also getting the job done.

The Importance of a Refreshed Perspective

When not traveling for work, Chang enjoys spending time with her family. She also enjoys cooking, hiking and personal travel.

Chang emphasizes the importance of recharging and taking good breaks to rejuvenate yourself to start the week with a clear head and on a positive note. Coming back with a fresh perspective is important to making a stronger impact and contributions to her job, as she continues to do.

By Aimee Hansen

Rhonda Johnson “I like to view people as generally good. Without a tool to understand when you’re doing something that causes harm, you may not even know you’re doing it,” says Rhonda Johnson. “In the corporate world, we have tools, training and social pressure to moderate our bias and behavior, but not as much in small businesses. Without a tool, how can we address it?”

Johnson speaks about the unfolding of her DEI journey from Wall Street to Washington, D.C., being part of the founding team of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and launching Different Like You, Inc and the Sacki App to weave the principle of inclusion deeper into the social fabric of small businesses and our daily lives.

A Culture Change from NYC to D.C.

Growing up as a New Yorker in a diverse neighborhood, Johnson was struck by the lack of diversity when she entered into Wall Street, often as the only woman or woman of color in the room.

“Different perspectives add value to the solution. If everyone was coming from Harvard or Stanford or Ivy League schools, I felt there wasn’t enough diversity even in the way people think, because they’re trained how to think at these schools,” she recalls. “I was interested in diversity of thought and experience and felt we needed to do something different.”

At James D. Wolfensohn, Inc., a private equity firm, Johnson began recruiting at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), too. Quickly, she witnessed how diversity shifts the culture. She observed how bringing in people of different economic, educational, and ethnic or racial backgrounds disrupts group think and status quo approaches to problem-solving, which also introduces tension.

“At that time, nobody was confronting these questions. What does inclusion look like when you bring in different types of people if we don’t operate on the same plane?” she was asking. “How do we solve this problem?” Diversity was being addressed but inclusion was lacking. Over the years this became a nagging question.

In November 2009, during Barack Obama’s presidency, Johnson moved to Washington D.C. to work in the Office of the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance within the U.S. Treasury. Her boss Jeffrey Goldstein, then chairman at Hellman & Friedman, was nominated to the post and brought her in. She served as a review analyst for two years, during which her passion to advance inclusion increased.

“Back in New York, even though diversity was limited within financial services, I didn’t feel isolated or marginalized, as it was a melting pot. If you work in NYC you are exposed to different types of people as part of daily life. D.C. felt way more polarized. Even where people lived was very racially divided. I was frankly shocked at the difference in culture,” she notes. “It started to slowly change because people of color from across the country were moving to the area to work for Barack Obama, so more racial, ethnic, cultural and economic diversity was being infused into the DC area and the federal government.”

Johnson moved on to become a founding member of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in 2011, initially as D&I Program Analyst and then as Senior Advisor, Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, before stepping into the deputy director role as of April. Now she focuses on assessing diversity and inclusion within financial services, essentially going full circle to help financial institutions address the challenges she identified early in her career.

Why Diverse Perspectives Bring Creativity

“I am curious about people. I want to hear about your story. I want to know about you, what you’re doing, where you’re trying to go,” says Johnson. “I also want to hear your perspective about solutions we’re working on. I feel no one person has the answer, and all products and solutions can benefit from different perspectives.”

Meeting people where they are and valuing collaboration, she is a furtive gatherer and proponent of the creative value of multiple perspectives.

“So many big decisions have been made by people who were all thinking alike. I feel it’s critical to have different perspectives on solving problems, especially big problems,” says Johnson. “More than one thing can be true. I try to remind people that it doesn’t have to be either/or. It can be and. I like to consider how we can meld ideas to come up with a good solution. If there are two opposing ideas, rarely is one or both entirely wrong.”

She gives the example of a mechanic looking at a problem in the medical field. Their opinion may be invalidated because they’re not a doctor, but being outside of that frame also gives the mechanic an opportunity to see a totally different solution which the doctor may not be able to consider from his vantage point within it.

“When you have diversity of thought, I genuinely believe you open the door to much more and many creative solutions,” emphasizes Johnson. “I often think the creativity lies not necessarily in the subject matter expert, but in the person who is looking at the problem for the first time.”

Raising Her Voice To Advocate for Inclusion

Johnson has always valued giving employees a voice – through surveys with disaggregated data results, through ERGs, and diversity councils. She also had to raise her own voice to make sure that happened.

“I’ve always been that person to fight for the underdog. I don’t like unfairness,” says Johnson. “So anytime I saw unfair treatment, I was definitely always willing to speak up, even in an environment where I didn’t feel like I had a lot of power.”

Early on in her career, Johnson focused on being observant, listening, learning and working hard, not so much on her voice being heard. Until it became necessary. Compared to the NYC culture, where people were more forthright, Johnson found the culture polite and evasive in D.C.

“There was a disconnect between what people were saying and what they were willing to do,” she observed, “I take people at their word. If you say you support this, I expect your efforts to reflect that, and so when that didn’t happen, I would confront the person. I found out people weren’t used to being challenged on what they promised in this space,” she says. “So I had to find a different way than directly calling people out. That’s when I shifted my approach, I started to dive deep into the research to ensure that my colleagues could better understand the importance of diversity and inclusion initiatives being proposed, I began sharing the data behind the strategies, and working collaboratively to gain buy-in and then documenting the commitments people made. It often requires more work to help people understand the importance of equity, so it became more socially acceptable to also hold them accountable.”

Launching a Social Inclusion App

Her professional focus on DEI and the culture shock of moving from NYC to D.C. also spurred Johnson on an entrepreneurial journey. Whereas in the NYC melting pot, she could go into any restaurant and see diverse customers, when going out with friends in D.C., she often experienced being treated differently.

“People take their biases everywhere and if there’s no incentive to check them, they won’t change. We are imperfect and the result of so much we’ve experienced,” she says. “In the corporate world, we get training to check our biases. But I’m not sure that happens at small businesses, merchants, apparel shops, gift stores and restaurants. I felt there was a need for more communication around how different groups of people are being treated – whether it’s because of race, language proficiency, or size.”

She launched and the Sacki App. Sacki is similar to Yelp with a diversity matching dimension. Consumers are invited to create a profile and share positive and constructive reviews on their experiences with merchants. Sacki matches consumers (based on their demographic profile) with relevant review data.

In 2015, she first began to frame out the App but then got stalled on development setbacks. During the lull of the lockdown, she decided not to watch television and found that she was re-energized in her passion for developing Sacki.

She notes, “I began to research the impacts on mental health and physical illness from the stress of life for groups of people – Hispanic people, black people, people with disabilities, obese people. All these interactions they have on a day-to-day basis cause so much stress and affect health and mortality,” she says. “How people are treated on a day-to-day basis while going about their lives has such a massive impact on our society, daily micro-aggressions result in anger, frustration, depression, that lead to decisions and behaviors that affect all of us. The goal is that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect.”

Johnson’s Sacki App will hold people accountable in smaller, less formal business settings that also contribute to day-to-day interactions. Currently, the Sacki App is in beta in Atlanta. Sacki will go national to major cities within a year and international within a couple of years. Currently, she is in the process of learning how people behave with the App and what modifications need to be made.

Dealing with development, technology and design, Johnson has been stretched by launching an App, but her entrepreneurial spirit had already been there.

“When I went to the CFPB, I had the opportunity to be super creative informing our office, our function and our role,” she says. “There was a lot of opportunity to be innovative and bold because we were just launching and building the agency.

Building A World Without Shells

“I have always been extremely sensitive, and I think I built this shell around myself because it wasn’t working for me,” she recalls, giving the example of a female colleague once stealing the idea Johnson had shared with her and presenting it to their boss. “I felt so naive. Different incidents in the work culture broke my heart. That hardened me. I didn’t trust people.”

Though part of her feels putting a guard up was necessary, she also knows operating with a survival mechanism is not the same as thriving, and she doesn’t want to do it to herself, anymore.

“What’s for you no one can ever take away. Stay true to yourself. Maintain your authenticity,” she would say she has learned through the years. “I think my authenticity is important. Sometimes you have to figure out whether you’re in the right spaces for who you are, who you truly are,” she muses. “Without the shell, I may not have survived in certain environments. Being authentic may lead you to different places and even doing different things. It sounds cliche but I think people should follow their heart.”

Now Johnson is expanding into more of who she truly is while enjoying the culture and nature of Washington D.C., too. The Sacki App, based on inclusion, is her way of trying to impact the world so people can be who they are everywhere they go.

By: Aimee Hansen

human designNo one wakes up and hopes to make bad decisions. You try to make good choices daily for your team and company, but that requires drawing from numerous parts of your personality. Human design can help you understand your mind better and strengthen your connection to your inner authority. Making leadership decisions for yourself or others will become less stressful once you know and trust yourself more.

What Is Human Design?

Human design is a technique that combines traditional spiritual beliefs from numerous cultures. Each type factors in your place of birth, date, and time before matching you with your inner authority type.

When someone makes a decision, their metacognition draws from their self-confidence to choose the option that best prevents mistakes or loss of resources. Human design types explain where that self-confidence may come from based on your personal body graph. Understanding your intuitive nature may help optimize your choices based on how your natural energy flow utilizes opportunities.

How to Find Your Human Design Type

Inner authority in human design differs in each person because it comes from your unique personality and intuition. Take a quick human design quiz to get your results. Understanding how you’re one of these types could help you feel more confident when making business decisions.


Someone with sacral authority might describe themselves as a person who listens to their gut. Their instinctive feelings are their motor because they’ve spent a lifetime weighing choices and learning from mistakes. Sacral-centered people ground themselves in their physiological responses by recognizing signs of stressors, like fatigue, or indicators of good choices, like an even heartbeat.

Making a decision with your sacral chakra could mean feeling a buzz in your body when something is clearly right or wrong. Imagine conducting a department meeting where you must assign someone to a leadership position on a budget revision project. Two of your best team members volunteer, but your gut says to pick the person who evaluates the math while considering the human impact of budget cuts.

A sacral authority type could also heed this skill when leveraging marketplace research during high-stakes negotiations or deciding how to manage a massive portfolio. Your internal comfort or discomfort is a sign your sacral intuition is pointing you in the best direction.


People who talk through problems to find solutions use their self-projected authority. This could be you if you’re one of the 95% of Americans who reach for the phone first when they need to talk with someone. You could also journal your thoughts before deciding something, meeting with a therapist, or talking with an executive coaching professional.

Take a human design type test to see your results and consider if they match how you typically make decisions. Seeing it in writing may solidify your decision-making process and teach you how to approach challenging professional dilemmas with confidence.

Human design for leaders may lean more into this inner authority type as well because good bosses are in touch with their self-expression. Knowing who you are as a leader and how you operate best is key to a self-projected leadership style.

Self-projectors may start a conversation with another C-suite peer and realize they need to change their daily workflow to become more productive. This design type will best succeed by naming the challenge with their supervisor and verbally brainstorming new ways to increase their productivity.

Embracing this approach is good for numerous reasons. Self-projectors will reach solutions more quickly by working with their human design type instincts. They’ll also demonstrate effective problem-solving and leadership skills by authentically communicating with others around them. It strengthens the entire workplace — starting with a quick human design quiz.

Emotional Solar Plexus

The solar plexus authority centers around emotional waves. You might use this instinct for guidance by following your emotional truth when it points you in specific directions. It’s a crucial part of any workplace because it centralizes everyone’s humanity in business worlds driven by growth charts and revenue.

The most vital part of emotional solar plexus authority is learning your emotional scale. When you feel something, are your emotions reacting at their peak or out of a grounded place in your heart?

Time is the best way to identify this balance. Imagine a team member asking you to plan your workplace’s next holiday party. Waves of excitement and joy overwhelm, instantly bringing to mind ideas for party planning and hosting skills. You recognize how your feelings are a bit strong for the topic, so you let your co-worker know you’ll get back to them tomorrow.

Sitting with the idea overnight allows your emotions to settle back down. You know you’d love to take charge of the party, but emotional clarity reminds you how your upcoming board member meeting require your full attention. The next day, you thank your co-worker for the consideration but pass on hosting duties this year.


Spontaneous people often draw their choices from their splenic inner authority. It generates an impulsive energy that is powerful in highly self-aware people. This human design type thrives in roles like entrepreneurship, marketing, and creative director positions. Your splenic authority inspires others through your quick ideas, making this personality type invaluable in the workplace.

Scholars argue that emotions are inherently spontaneous, so people should accept when they happen. Splenic individuals use those same emotions and follow them without overthinking where each path might lead. It’s a skill that makes choices easier if you can identify your automatic emotional responses.

You might listen to your impulses when you get a rush of happiness after solving an efficiency issue with your financial operations team. Listening to your intuition about problem-solving enables you to guide others toward optimized solutions that benefit shareholders and consumers.

Listening to your splenic energy will help you make bigger decisions if you balance it with enough time to consider the pros and cons of your next choice. If a C-suite member asks you whether letting a team member go would be best for their department, the gravity of that decision calls for more time than an instinctive reaction. The intense adrenaline rush is a warning sign that your stress could keep you from seeing the entire situation clearly.

Your initial feelings may be what you go with anyway, but harnessing your splenic mindset and expressing it when you feel is best will ensure you’re a helpful leader in the workplace.


People with more ego authority tend to consider or prioritize their needs before others. This isn’t always a bad thing, especially if your needs directly tie to your employer’s or company’s.

An executive handling enormous responsibilities every day knows their professional reputation intricately ties to the company they lead. They may push harder for specific changes in brand marketing or business practices so the company works better for consumers, uplifting their reputation simultaneously.

Additionally, this skill can stop massive mistakes from happening. If you’re well-versed in your executive vision, you’ll know which steps could take your teams away from your mission statement in the long term. The personal perspective may save your company from something that costs revenue or even its viability.

Ego-driven choices can also come from a strong desire in your heart. When that overcomes your logical mind, it can leave you emotionally exhausted. It could be easier to make decisions when you note if your ego energy is equally from your head and your heart.


Environmental inner authority is another human-design approach to decision-making. Instead of encountering a problem and making a decision based on your instinct, you would wait until you’ve had the chance to consider your response in a more optimum environment.

Emotionally-driven workplace leaders can be engaging and form the heart of their company. It’s also not a skill that’s optimum in every situation. If your human design test result comes back as an environmental authority, you’ll feel more confident in your decisions after spending time in a peaceful place where you can contemplate by yourself.

Picture yourself meeting with the chief financial officer of your company. They mention how it would help quarterly revenue to cut the marketing budget. Reducing your brand exposure instantly feels like a bad idea, but you spend time with the dilemma. Maybe you spend lunch alone in the office kitchen or sit under the stars that night to think it through.

Giving yourself permission to pause is a vital skill in any field. It demonstrates thoughtful leadership and teaches others how to establish boundaries as leaders within their teams.


Some people believe they operate best from a place of lunar authority. It means they wait a full moon cycle — 28 days — before making big decisions. Your human design quiz results may reveal this aspect of you, which is a fascinating skill to bring to work every day.

Lunar authority is a lesson in taking time. You won’t be able to wait 28 days for every decision, but it could make the more significant ones more successful. You might use that time to negotiate with others in a series of meetings or plan a detailed campaign approach to expanding your company before committing to anything.

Whether you decide to wait a full month or not, sometimes distance makes it easier to conquer challenges. Don’t be afraid to claim more than a few hours to weigh your options and chart a path forward.

Start Understanding Yourself Better

Inner authority in human design is personal. It depends on your body’s genetic makeup and how energy translates through your chakras. Generating your human design chart will help you connect with your inner authority type and make better decisions in your role as an executive. You’ll know your strengths and potential weaknesses, which is essential for dynamic leaders adapting to industry challenges.

By: Beth Rush is the career and finance editor at Body+Mind. She has 5+ years of experience writing about the power of human design to reveal entrepreneurial potential and time management strategies. She also writes about using the emotion of awe to activate our leadership prowess. You can find her on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth Rush.

(Guest Contribution: The opinions and views of guest contributions are not necessarily those of

Lola Ninonuevo“As a leader, it’s less about you the more senior you become. It’s about who you lead and being available, honest and authentic with your teams,” says Lola Ninonuevo. “It is a pivot to realizing you’re here to serve people and you have to make time.”

When she was twelve years old, Ninonuevo told her mother she wanted to travel internationally, see the world and become a business woman. Growing up speaking Spanish at home, she then studied Japanese while obtaining her economics degree, began her career in a Japanese bank in New York, and has spent the last 25 years working out of London in global positions, joining Wells Fargo in 2020 to help lead the international business strategy.

Finding a Bigger Reset in London

From early on, her Puerto Rican mom and Cuban Puerto Rican father impressed upon Ninonuevo the value of a good career. She was drawn to banking for the multicultural, international environment and the financial security. In 1991, she took that first trading assistant job with a small Japanese bank in World Trade Center in New York. As the only woman on the trading floor, she both served tea but was empowered early on to take on additional responsibilities such as cash management for the branch and representing the bank at industry round tables hosted by Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Having gained experienced in the fixed income market, she then joined BlackRock, which at the time was a start-up and small boutique asset manager, and worked with the founding partners to set up the middle office and trading support functions.

In 1996, she was approached by HSBC to help build out their Global Markets business. She was attracted to their global footprint, and in 1999, she relocated to London with HSBC and went onto work for 23 years across a variety of global roles in the Corporate and Investment Bank. London offered her international travel, a strong learning curve and new career prospects. But what London also provided was a reset and new freedom of self, supported by now being a part of a multicultural global and diverse organization.

“I had not been ‘out’ in the workplace in New York, and that was hard. It impacted my decisions and ability to bring myself to work, for example talking about what I had done over the weekend and attending corporate events with my partner,” she recalls. “I felt more at home in London where I felt comfortable to be more open about my personal life, because I could be Lola, the American woman who moved. Not the Puerto Rican woman. Not the gay woman. It was just Lola.”

Two decades later, in 2020, Ninonuevo was approached for the COO role at Wells Fargo. While still based in London, returning to a U.S. work culture has felt like a homecoming. She notes that John Langley, CIB COO and Head of International, has been a fantastic leader, support and sponsor. Ninonuevo has found a welcoming, collaborative and optimistic culture at Wells Fargo and enjoys connecting with both international colleagues from different backgrounds as well as reconnecting with American colleagues across the US.

“I can be an American advocate while bringing my international perspective to the table to help drive the Wells Fargo global strategy,” she says. “It feels like coming home, and it’s fantastic to be back.”

Creating a Brand of Speaking the Truth

When it comes to rising up to the executive level, Ninonuevo notes self-awareness is critical – including knowing what you’re good at and what you’re not and building a team that complements your strengths and weaknesses. Resilience and being a powerful collaborator are also essential.

“In banking these days, with both the complexity and risk management challenges we’ve had since the crisis, connecting the dots and bringing people together to solve problems is a key part of what I bring to the table,” she reflects. “I really focus on building relationships. I’m honest and candid in my approach.”

Her willingness to be incisive, which found a home in British culture, helped Ninonuevo to breakthrough to the C-suite in 2012. When HSBC was in a crisis with compliance issues, she stood up and spoke truthfully about what was going well and what was not going well. That became a turning point in her career, catapulting her into a global role leading the firm wide compliance transformation across 60 countries.

“When I came in and talked to the board and the regulators, they knew they were going to get honest and balanced feedback. And that became my personal brand – a person with integrity that got the job done. In my opinion, since the crisis, the role of women in banking has become very important in C-suite jobs. Because I personally think we are more inclined to ask difficult questions, be honest, and not just go along for the sake of going along. And that tribal mentality of going along was a pitfall in the industry.”

Pivoting to a Collective Leader Mindset

“In my opinion, being a true leader is not just about managing up anymore or trying to get the next job,” says Ninonuevo. “I genuinely think I should be judged based on the teams I build and how I encourage and empower them.”

This involves a greater level of willingness to let go and let learn.

“When I was progressing through my career, a lot of it was about me and developing my technical skill set: I’ve got to manage up, I’ve got to manage sideways. I’ve got to manage down. All of those facets still exist,” she says. “But that’s the big leadership pivot people don’t realize: You don’t have all the answers. You’re there to listen. You’re there to serve and support others to be successful.”

Visibility has been the major factor that distinguishes the C-Suite from other levels of leadership, and again asks one to evolve.

“The visibility and impact you can have as a C-Suite leader are multiplied. It’s so important to be aware of how you behave, how you treat people, and how you react under stress.”

The Obligation of Being a Voice

“With all the learnings on how important it is to have diversity and diversity of thought around the table, and often being the only woman in the conversation, I feel it’s my obligation to ask those difficult questions and make sure we’re challenging ourselves to do the right things and to hold ourselves accountable,” says Ninonuevo. “So I’ve used the difference as an opportunity to have a voice, to be honest and to say it like it is.”

Ninonuevo has reflected with compassion, too. “When firms are in crisis, they are driven by fear. And when you’re afraid, you basically hire in your own image because you trust it and it’s what you know. Taking risk is hard when you’re in a crisis.”

When it comes to managing your career, Ninonuevo emphasizes to be your own advocate, communicate your ambitions to your stakeholders regularly, focus on your transferable skills and don’t be afraid to go after challenging roles.

“As Citi’s Jane Fraser has spoken to, your career is over decades. It’s not the be-all and end-all. There’s periods where you can really lean in and put 100% into it, and there’s periods where you can’t, and that’s okay as long as you stay connected.”

Why Relaxing Into Yourself Makes All the Difference

Ninonuevo admits that for years, being gay and feeling unable to talk about her life outside of the workplace inhibited her ability to relate and feel belonging with colleagues on a personal level, but that also touches upon everything else.

“In the workplace, people relate and connect by sharing things about themselves, whether it’s their family life, their children, or what they did over the weekend,” she says. “I found it really hard to share because I was self-conscious.”

If she could go back and give her junior self some words to lighten the road ahead, she would advise to be more of herself at work, sooner. But, at times, she worried about how others would react and whether it would count against her. She even got a coach to seek out help in confidence-building.

“After a few seconds of work, he stopped and told me, ‘You don’t have a confidence issue. You’re confident. You know what you’re doing. People enjoy working with you,’” says Ninonuevo. “Then, he said, ‘You just need to be yourself and selectively find opportunities to do that and connect.’”

For her, this meant becoming more willing to bring her full self to work, despite the challenges she felt. As a change agent, once she becomes aware of something, Ninonuevo starts to move forward in a more effective way.

“Before that, I’m sure I was projecting a lack of confidence. But I was just closed with that part of myself. But the more that I was myself, the more I relaxed, my body language relaxed and people relaxed around me,” she says. “I started being more approachable, people enjoyed working with me more, and I got results from that. I actually had more gravitas because I felt relaxed and confident and became a better communicator, and it all started coming together.”

Ninonuevo is a dual citizen, practices pilates and enjoys walks. She loves spending time with her six year old daughter, traveling and good food and wine. After a month in Spain, she’s been inspired to get her Spanish fluency to where it was those years ago, back when she first professed to her mother that she would become an international business woman…let alone, fill a big seat in the C-Suite.

By Aimee Hansen

female entrepreneurFemale entrepreneurs have been making waves in business, breaking barriers, and defying stereotypes in male-dominated industries. Despite their challenges, women are creating successful companies that are making a significant impact in their industries. In this blog, we’ll explore the strategies that female entrepreneurs can use to build a successful business in a male-dominated world.

From identifying a niche to building a solid network, developing a business plan, and embracing digital marketing, we’ll provide insights and practical tips that can help women entrepreneurs achieve their goals and overcome obstacles. Then, we’ll share some women in business statistics so you can see real-world examples of how women are currently leading the charge.

So, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting as a young woman in business, read on to discover how to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a reality.

Find a niche:

When starting a business, identifying a gap in the market that you can fill is essential. This could be a product or service that’s not currently available or an area where there’s a lack of competition. Conduct market research to identify potential opportunities and validate your ideas.

Steps to building a strong network:

Networking is an essential part of entrepreneurship. Building a solid network is an integral part of entrepreneurship—especially in industries completely dominated by men. Here are some steps to help you build a strong network:

1. Identify your goals:

Before you start building your network, you must identify your goals. What do you want to achieve? Who do you need to connect with? Having a clear idea of your goals will help you focus your efforts and build meaningful relationships.

2. Attend events:

Attend networking events, conferences, and industry associations. Look for events that are relevant to your industry or interests. This will help you connect with other like-minded individuals and potential customers.

3. Join online communities:

Join relevant online communities and participate in discussions. This could be on social media, forums, or other online platforms. This will help you build relationships and gain insights from others in your industry.

4. Leverage existing relationships:

Remember your existing relationships. Reach out to former colleagues, classmates, and acquaintances. Tell them about your business and ask for introductions to potential customers or other relevant individuals.

When building relationships, it’s important to be genuine and helpful. Refrain from approaching networking with a transactional mindset. Instead, focus on building meaningful relationships with others. Offer value and help others whenever possible.

5. Follow up:

After meeting someone, be sure to follow up. Send an email or connect on LinkedIn to stay in touch. This will help you maintain relationships and keep the conversation going.

By following these steps, you can build a strong network to help you succeed as an entrepreneur. Building relationships takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the long run. You can also nurture an inner circle of women as you network — this can help support your growth and advancement in your industry.

Develop a business plan:

A business plan is a roadmap for your business. It outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. A well-written business plan will help you stay focused and on track. It will also be useful when seeking funding or investment.

Embrace digital marketing:

Digital marketing is an effective and cost-efficient way to promote your business. Use social media, email marketing, and other digital channels to reach a wider audience. Develop a content marketing strategy that provides value to your audience and positions you as an expert. This is especially important in key job markets where women are underrepresented, like STEM.

Continuously learn and adapt:

Entrepreneurship is a learning process. Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and innovations. Attend conferences, read industry publications, and seek out mentors and advisors. Be open to feedback and adjust your strategies accordingly. Continuously improving and adapting will help you stay ahead of the competition. These statistics are a great way to learn from the past to be a force to be reckoned with in the future:

  • Currently, women wield approximately $10 trillion in financial assets within the U.S. This number is expected to surge to $30 trillion by the close of the decade. (CNBC)
  • Women-led companies generated approximately $1.9 trillion in earnings, employed 10.9 million people, and maintained an annual payroll of $432.1 billion. (Census)
  • Women-owned businesses are projected to contribute to approximately 6% of the anticipated global economic growth. (Mastercard)
  • In 2022, 45% of female-owned business loan applications were accepted. (FED Small Business)
  • 71% of women business owners feel prepared to navigate through an economic recession. (Bank of America)
  • 44% of women-owned businesses experienced an increase in annual revenue in 2022. (FED Small Business)
  • In 2022, 21% of women-owned businesses had an annual revenue between $100,001-$250,000. (FED Small Business)
  • In 2022, 60% of women-owned businesses displayed profitability. (Guidant)
  • A significant 59% of women business owners acknowledge having to exert more effort to achieve the same level of success as their male counterparts. (Bank of America)

By following these strategies, female entrepreneurs can increase their chances of building a successful business. Staying focused, working hard, and persevering through challenges is important for success. With dedication and some luck, you can turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a reality.

Women in Business Statistics

(The opinions and views of guest contributions are not necessarily those of