4 Questions to Ask Yourself Regarding Your Job

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For many women in senior management positions the workload becomes stable and the opportunities for new and original work start to show up less often.
Here are some questions that you may ask yourself to know if now is the time to ask for more from your job, and what direction you can choose with more awareness.
1. What will my life be like in 5 years if I keep this job?
Often women in senior positions have made it to the glass ceiling of their profession. Is that you? If you were promoted, what is the level of responsibility and what are the daily tasks of this new position? Is this something that you are willing to take on? Is the level of salary increase over the next 5 years in this position something that you are excited about receiving or is it lacklustre? According to 2018 data by SHRM, most executive positions only expected a 3% salary increase, and no one knows what the 2019 forecast. Is working in this job creating difficulties in any other area of your life? Personally? Physically? Relationships? Health? Mental Health? Note down what impressions that you have about keeping this job in all of these factors.
2. What will my life be like in 5 years if I don’t keep this job?
What if you could decide for yourself what your life will be like if you don’t keep this current job? What are the other opportunities for employment? What marketplace demand is there for your skills and what salaries are being offered to seasoned entrants? What is your value proposition as a candidate, how will you shine? Could you choose to take time off right now and develop your own consulting business and become profitable competition for your previous job?
3. What do I love about this job?
Challenge yourself to write 25 things that you actually love about the job that you are in. A long time ago I heard the 80/20 rule applied to work. If 80% of your job is taken up with things that you enjoy and feel masterful about and only 20% of your job is not, then you are in a sustainable career for you. If it is the opposite, it may be time to consider a change. What else is possible for you to love about this job that isn’t obvious at the moment? Sometimes we get bogged down and don’t actually ask for the job to be enjoyable.
4. Is now the time to change?
Jumping back to fantasizing about winning a lottery or having an astonishing inheritance come in so you can retire from working altogether, which of course would be wonderful, realistically is now the time to actually ask for more from your job? What are you aware of politically from the company structure? Could you be promoted? Could you ask for more responsibility and get a pay raise or more benefits that would add to your life? If quitting and opening your own firm or business is attractive, is now the time?
What if it’s possible to ignite a fire under your current job and develop it into something more profitable, something that you are excited to arrive at every morning? Asking and answering the above questions will start to point at possible changes that you can make to your job and your life, to increase the level of satisfaction and joy. Yes, it is possible to have both satisfaction and joy at work, and settling for anything less is not an option for me these days.
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About the author
Deepa Ramaraj is a Computer Science Engineer turned Health and Wealth Educator. Deepa facilitates workshops for corporate companies to boost sales, to dissolve interpersonal or inter-departmental challenges and to transform the way business is done. These workshops are totally unconventional in approach. She also conducts workshops for individuals about how to receive more money, reduce stress, have better relationships, improve health and upskill as a parent.