Contributed by Elizabeth Ezratty, Senior Recruitment Consultant at Huxley New York Banking Technology

As a recruitment consultant in the Banking Technology sector, I organize interviews for my candidates on a daily basis for roles in investment banks and hedge funds with salaries up to $400,000.

For some people I work with, the job interview can be an extremely stressful experience, whereas others seem to relish the challenge and the opportunity to sell themselves to prospective employers.

So what are the important things to bear in mind? What makes the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful interview?

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Listen to top female CEO’s tell their professional story to gain their insight and get inspired.

Contributed by Irene Pokh

“I am an associate at a top law firm and I am keen to change jobs soon, what is the best way to do this and should i start looking now, or wait until after the summer?

The best way to begin a job search is to assess your current situation – figure out what you wish to change, what you want to see in your next job, and you want to eliminate when you make your move. Set your goals and be realistic about your prospects.

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2250717738_1246269375_m.jpgThere is a scene in the movie Almost Famous where Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s character advises a young journalist on how to treat people whom he encounters. He reminds the youth that you never know who you are going to run into on your long journey to the middle.

I say you never know who you are going to run into around the block, at your next job or at that cocktail party after the Futures Industry Expo. That’s why when giving your resignation, do it with tact and respect.

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A webinar on practical no-nonsense ways to increase effectiveness of any meeting or presentation.

338624761_3b524b7463_m.jpgThough the real estate market has been down in the wake of the subprime crisis and resulting credit crunch, and foreclosures across America have been way up, the news isn’t necessarily all bad. Indeed, for more and more enterprising women, real estate has presented fascinating opportunities, from fast track career advancement to the security of home-ownership as a single woman. Here, we survey some trends in the field.

Though The Glass Hammer has noted in numerous other blog postings the slow pace at which women have broken the last glass ceiling and joined the elite group of C-suite executives at America’s Fortune 500 companies, there are a few areas where women in finance have made greater strides. One area is university endowment and private foundation management, where several high profile women have bucked the trend and have demonstrated that they can successfully manage and invest billions of dollars.

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Recently, The publisher of Glass Hammer spoke to Juliet Bullick, Head of Institutional Account Management in the UK at BlackRock. Juliet shared her insights about her job, flexible work arrangements, and her advice to young women in finance.

Juliet made a good point when I spoke to her about her four-day work week, a flex-work arrangement she has had in place since her son was born almost six years ago.

“Not everyone wants to take a salary adjustment and deliver a full week’s work in 4 days.” She does emphasize that the key to making this arrangement work is flexibility on her part to work whenever needed.

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Contributed by Jane Lucken

a582238453_471172_7502.jpgYou want a stress-relieving break and are considering a spa vacation. They are great in principle, but often end up costing a lot more than you budgeted for and, if you’re like me, tend to involve more time spent on massages and pool-side lounging than giving your body the exercise it needs. If you are truly looking to escape your everyday life in the city and get healthy without too much effort, then I recommend a canoe trip in Algonquin Park.

A friend and I flew out from London last summer and found ourselves eating homemade muffins and fair trade coffee in a solar-powered lodge in a forest in Canada. The other guests were all participating in a training to become shamans and were wolfing down what was to be their last meal for a few days. We were pleased to see Chris, our guide, loading up food barrels with spices, organic vegetables and wild blueberries.

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This week, The Glass Hammer launched a job board ( filled with jobs that are specially selected by our staff. All of the jobs pay $100,000 or more. We work with evolved employers to put thought into jobs that are going to be great for our readers.

The Glass Hammer is here to help you get a better job than you have today, whether you are looking for a promotion, a lateral yet beneficial move, an on-ramp opportunity, and or a job that is entrepreneurial in spirit. Gone are the days of linear careers where you get a gold watch at the end of twenty years of service. Instead, you can chart and pursue a fulfilling career path.

As publisher of The Glass Hammer, I get to pick the jobs that I feel are noteworthy and my picks this week are interesting and varied. They include:

Commerzbank is looking for a relationship manager – leadership skills, good communication skills and 5-7 years experience of primary corporate banking relationship management. Is a small bank environment with a fast career track right for you?

Goldman Sachs is looking for a non-financial markets person to work with them on designing their new offices. An amazing opportunity for women who have chosen design as their career.

We also have some quant jobs up on the job board that are paying great salaries for all you math whiz kids out there. Have a look during your coffee break!

If you want to speak to me directly about glass-breaking opportunities, give me a call 646 688-2318 or email me on

Last week, The Glass Hammer interviewed Cindy Ko, a rising star in the prime brokerage division of JPMorgan, who happens to work in a chain of three female supervisors. We caught up with Cindy about how she got her current job and what it was like to work on a team of strong women in finance.

Cindy spent some time during university working abroad in Asia. She graduated from Syracuse University in 2001 with a B.S. degree, double majoring in Finance and Management Information Systems. She worked a few years at a previous employer before she took a break in Hong Kong and returned to New York in search of employment in 2005.

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