
Breaking the Glass Ceiling -Jobs on The Glass Hammer


This week, The Glass Hammer launched a job board (https://jobs.theglasshammer.com) filled with jobs that are specially selected by our staff. All of the jobs pay $100,000 or more. We work with evolved employers to put thought into jobs that are going to be great for our readers.

The Glass Hammer is here to help you get a better job than you have today, whether you are looking for a promotion, a lateral yet beneficial move, an on-ramp opportunity, and or a job that is entrepreneurial in spirit. Gone are the days of linear careers where you get a gold watch at the end of twenty years of service. Instead, you can chart and pursue a fulfilling career path.

As publisher of The Glass Hammer, I get to pick the jobs that I feel are noteworthy and my picks this week are interesting and varied. They include:

Commerzbank is looking for a relationship manager – leadership skills, good communication skills and 5-7 years experience of primary corporate banking relationship management. Is a small bank environment with a fast career track right for you?

Goldman Sachs is looking for a non-financial markets person to work with them on designing their new offices. An amazing opportunity for women who have chosen design as their career.

We also have some quant jobs up on the job board that are paying great salaries for all you math whiz kids out there. Have a look during your coffee break!

If you want to speak to me directly about glass-breaking opportunities, give me a call 646 688-2318 or email me on nicki@theglasshammer.com.