Tag Archive for: Nice Girls don’t get the corner office

Smartly dressed yyoung women shaking hands in a business meeting at office deskMany women tell me that they are always number two to a male CEO and yet basically do more than their fair share of work and do much of his too. Does this sound familiar? You are not on your own but the good news is that you can do something about it. It is your choice to stand in the shadows for the next 3 projects or to assert your confidence in showing people your capabilities. Apply for the project lead role- what is stopping you?

Reflect upon gender roles- maybe you were told to be a “nice girl” when you were little, while your brother was told to “go get ‘em tiger”.

Recommended reading “Nice girls dont get the corner office”.

If you can do it, why aren’t you doing it?

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact nicki@theglasshammer.com if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work