Tag Archive for: leadership styles

introvert leadersIntroverts are the folks who prefer to recharge their batteries alone rather than with other people. That isn’t to say they don’t like people — many introverts love working with others, but they also value their alone time. Sometimes, but not always, they may also have low self-confidence. They may not be able to see themselves in a leadership or administrative role. That’s where they’re wrong — introverts make some of the best leaders for several reasons.

What Is an Introvert?

An introvert is someone who may keep to themselves more often than not. They recharge their batteries by working and relaxing alone and may prefer small groups to large gatherings. However, being an introvert doesn’t mean someone is afraid of speaking or can’t step up to be a leader. Around 12% of people identify themselves as completely introverted, often drifting toward extroverted partners who likely can help them express themselves better.

Some traits commonly associated with introverted people include the following:

  • Quietness
  • Shyness
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Prefers privacy
  • Easily overstimulated

These traits are loosely related to introverts, meaning they may not fit every introverted person and might even relate to some extroverts. Many introverted people enjoy being around others and participating in social activities — they may just choose to take part on their own terms.

Introverts and extroverts have their places in business. However, workplaces with extroverted leaders yield 14% lower profits on average. While every person is different, introverts more often have traits that would make for exemplary leadership.

3 Stellar Traits of an Introvert Leader

Introverts often have traits that ensure they can lead teams well. Sometimes, the best leader isn’t an outgoing one who blazes the way — it’s the strong one who quietly reassures their team while supporting them from behind and picking them up when they fall. Strong leaders allow their employees to stand on their own without getting in the way of their successes, but they’re always there to provide guidance and offer a listening ear.

Many introverts are born with traits that naturally help them grow into better leaders than their peers. While some introverted people may not feel comfortable leading large groups, their quiet awareness and thoughtful decision-making can be vital to any team.

1. Expert Listening Skills

Many introverts prefer to listen over talk, participating more passively in conversations. Because they spend less time talking, they can study their conversational partners and pick up on small nuances, especially tone and body language, making them experts at listening to and reading people.

For example, something as simple as the pitch of someone’s voice can indicate whether they’re nervous or confident, something that people who aren’t as intuitive wouldn’t pick up on. Introverts might be able to identify these subtle changes in a person because their listening skills are often sublime.

2. Sincerity Above All

Extroverts can be genuine, too — they may find it easy to connect with other people and praise them for their exploits. However, you may be less likely to receive compliments from an introvert. Since introverted people often don’t talk as much as extroverts, going out of their way to compliment someone might mean much more than an extrovert who praises someone whenever they get the chance.

Around 96% of people feel praise makes them more productive, so an introverted leader who genuinely expresses their opinions is a must-have in any business. An introverted leader will assess the situation and praise anyone who deserves it — and they’ll be able to guide anyone who needs assistance.

Similarly, introverts will stand up for themselves. Introverted people may often come off as shy, but in a workplace, they can feel empowered to stand behind their decisions and won’t let people walk all over them. An introvert can exude confidence just as much as an extrovert, so employers can feel assured in enlisting an introvert in a leadership space.

3. More Creative Solutions

Extroverts and introverts can both be creative, but since introverts use self-reflection and think before acting, they have more time and opportunity to develop innovative solutions to tricky problems. When in business, you must understand situations from several angles. Having someone who considers every perspective is vital to the well-being of any company.

The best decision-making process relies on gathering the necessary information and sitting with it before making any conclusions too hastily. Many introverted people prefer to wait before making a decision and think over all the possible outcomes and variables so they understand the facts before making a decision. This person is valuable for any business, especially during times of crisis.

Introverts often use their intuition, leading them to success and practical decision-making. As a result, they’re more likely to realize when someone needs a little extra encouragement or just a friend to lean on. They’ll likely ensure everyone is involved in a project or feels appreciated in their team. That way, these leaders know everyone is included in a group.

How to Make Yourself a Better Leader

The good news is you don’t have to change yourself to become a better leader or pretend to be something you’re not. Both introverts and extroverts are valuable in leadership roles — as long as they demonstrate the right skills to prove they can support a team.

If you want to gain some of the most beneficial traits of a powerful leader, you’ll have to tap into yourself and learn how to reflect and listen more than you talk and act. Introverts make great leaders because they tend to solve problems more effectively, adding immense value to their company.

Here are some soft skills you should work on building if you want to succeed in a leadership role:

  • Active listening: To help others solve their problems
  • Critical thinking: To solve problems with your head instead of on impulse
  • Proper communication: To get across ideas and uplift others

You shouldn’t have to change who you are to fit any role. However, improving certain skills and learning different methods of problem-solving and communication can benefit you as you transition into a leadership position.

Introverts Are Some of the Best Employees to Have

Introverts tend to lean on the more intuitive and reflective side, making them an asset to any business, thanks to the skills they’ve honed in their interactions throughout the years. They’ll provide a fresh viewpoint and sage wisdom after thinking over certain possibilities. While some introverts might not have the best conversational skills, they’ll do their jobs to the best of their abilities and tackle new things that come their way.

However, both introverts and extroverts can make great employees. The best team members are well-rounded and demonstrate characteristics that will help a business flourish and positively affect company culture. One personality trait can’t guarantee a good leader, but it can help people understand where they’re lacking and how they can improve for the sake of their workplace.

By: Mia Barnes is a freelance writer and researcher who specializes in mental wellbeing and workplace wellness. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind magazine, an online women’s health publication.

(The opinions and views of guest contributions are not necessarily those of theglasshammer.com).

Liora Haymann I am at lunch with work-friends; the conversation idles to what we enjoy about our work and how we describe what we do. As Managing Director at OBMI, I do everything, everyday: I listen, write, sketch, calculate, interview, discuss, argue, analyze, resolve, decide, direct… I am aware of every project we are designing. I love the diversity, the complexity, and the strategy. But the image in my mind that describes what I do is this: I am a Shepherd; I am moving a herd organically forward towards our goal. Some in the herd are big, some small, some arrow-fast, some slow and determined, some head straight to the front, some stay in the pack, and some veer off to explore.

The path is rugged; there are steep slopes, fences to open, streams to cross, dry patches, predators, and enticing pastures farther away. I have a clear direction in my mind. I am looking simultaneously at the pack and at the road ahead. I attend to both, what is now, and what may come. I am in the front to decide a direction at a fork, or to examine a narrow path. I am in the heart of the pack if someone is stuck, to remove the blockage, to keep us moving on. I keep an eye on those veering off, as they may be onto something of value; if they veer too far, the task is to bring them back. I am totally hands-on.

I am not a Visionaire or a Storyteller, but as Shepherd Leader, I have vision: of the goal, of the road ahead, of key actions necessary to get us where we want to go. I believe that Full Leadership has Side and Underside. Yin and Yang. The Visionaire inspires the team with a High Vision, the why and a shared desire for the goal. But alone, the Visionaire cannot get us there. The Shepherd inspires later -as we traverse the challenges of the path- with her actions, her values, and her unflagging commitment to move us through. The vision keeps us high above; the reality of the path forces us to ground. We need both, Visionaire and Shepherd to take us through.

As Simon Sinek stated: “Genius is in the idea. Impact, however, comes from action.”

This Shepherd Leader image is supported by Linda Hill’s article “Leading from Behind” in Harvard Business Review, in which she argues for “harnessing the collective genius”- encouraging members to contribute their skills for collaborative problem solving and innovation. She compares this to the work of a shepherd who leads from the rear, allowing the more able to run ahead for others to follow. “It is about empowering others to lead in addition to yourself. It’s about being in front when there is danger, but allowing others to join with independent thought, creativity, and exchange of ideas.”

Curious about shepherding, I read Ken Downer’s article “9 Secrets of Leading Sheep” and Robert Moor’s shepherding story, part of his book On Trails. As they both explain, collective thinking looks down on sheep as passive, blind followers – but, in fact, they are absolutely not. Downer and Moor describe that sheep can be head-strong, energetic, or languid; that they are ungovernable when hungry; that they have strong spatial memory, but without the shepherd, they will wander around; and that they build strong trust in their good shepherd. Among sheep there are Leaders who seek the front, Middlers who prefer the center, and Tailers who stay in the back. There can be multiple leaders, emerging in different situations.

Thus, a shepherd does not passively lead “from behind.” Leading the herd takes effort, planning, experience, and requires vigilance and example. In shepherding there is Intended Direction and there is Intentional Action. The shepherd will take the front when needed, when there is danger, when decisions are to be made. All leadership incarnations are active.

In telling his experience in the British Army in WWII, my father writes: “In moments of calm, the Commander can enjoy some treats, but in times of combat or action, it is the commander who steps in first, leads by example, and attends to everyone, playing the role of leader, father, and server, all at the same time.” As expressed by Simon Sinek: “Leadership is not a rank to be attained. Leadership is a service to be given.”

The Shepherd Leader:

Purposeful. A Shepherd exercises influence purposefully; a goal, a direction is established, and the Shepherd ensures everyone gets there. There are dangers and opportunities along the way.

Hands-on. The Shepherd is hands-on, committed to move the herd, whatever it takes. The Shepherd is constantly scanning for danger, food, shelter, and direction forward. When action is required, the Shepherd will step in.

Strategic. The Shepherd applies foresight. The Shepherd must view the moves ahead of the flock to plan the route: Where is there water?  Good pasture?  When/where can we rest if the heat is too much?

Creates Culture. The first steps tend to dictate the next. A wise Shepherd will establish pace and patterns from the start and will adjust to what the flock brings, too.

Allows Exploration.  A member may wander off; the Shepherd will observe, as the explorer member may lead to a good pasture that otherwise might be missed.

Aligns. The Shepherd works the flanks of the herd to keep everyone aligned; Laggards are brought in.

Mentors.  Shepherds train their leader members to help move the flock at the right pace and in the right direction. A Shepherd exercises influence through and with others.

What is your leadership style?

By: Liora Haymann, Managing Director, OBMI International 

(Guest Contribution: The opinions and views of guest contributions are not necessarily those of theglasshammer.com).