Tag Archive for: Challenging the status quo

thought-leadershipLast week at our 5th annual Navigating your career event ( look out for the write-up on friday on theglasshammer) an audience member asked our panel a very good question which was ” How do you challenge the status quo safely as part of advancing in your own career as well as addressing issues?”.

Our panel responded with very sensible and specific answers but for the sake of an answer here, I can sum it up to the following points adding to the panel answers with my knowledge as an Executive coach and Organizational Psychologist:

– Know your environment (context is everything and how work gets done around here is the ultimate organizational culture question- what flies and what does not?)

– Know your audience, who are you asking to change or address something and what is their track record/temperament?

– Know when to make your ask/raise an issue- timing is everything.

This is a very delicate topic but ultimately as I said in the event opening last week, change leaders are people who want to see things be done better and that doesnt come by accepting blindly the status quo.

It is not for everyone, but for those out there who wish to speak truth to power, we want to arm you with the right tools.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Contact nicki@glasshammer2.wpengine.com if you would like to hire an executive coach to help you navigate the path to optimal personal success at work