pat_new_headshot1As part of its ongoing Voices of Experience series, contributing writer Andrea Newell spoke with Patricia Elizondo, an executive woman with Fortune 500 company  Xerox Corporation, about her work philosophy, career path and advice for women climbing the corporate ladder.

“Luck is where hard work meets preparation and opportunity,” says Patricia Elizondo, Senior Vice President of Xerox Corporation. Her career certainly proves this axiom. One of six children, Patricia was raised by practical parents who believed in education and urged their children to enter a field of study where there were good opportunities for employment and develop solid business skills. “I have been able to type 60 words per minute since the 6th grade,” Elizondo says. “My father always wanted me to have something to fall back on.”

Elizondo studied Finance at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. She started her career in banking during a summer job at the Indiana University Credit Union, where she learned about the consumer side of banking, then moved on to retail banking at American Fletcher Bank after graduation. “That experience gave me a great sense of the value of servicing customers. If you treat customers with respect, meet their requirements and exceed their expectations—you can grow relationships that are extremely valuable to the company you work for,” says Elizondo. “Although times have changed and now we do most of our business over email or on the phone—I think there is absolutely no substitute for a face-to-face relationship.” In addition to customer service skills, her early days in banking taught her about operations excellence and transparency, along with control systems and audits. It was this collection of skills and experience that led to Xerox recruiting her out of banking.

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shannonschuyler_pwc1by Pamela Weinsaft (New York City)

While studying at the University of Michigan, Shannon Schuyler, Managing Director of Corporate Responsibility at PricewaterhouseCoopers, had hopes of one day becoming a sportscaster. She would never have predicted that she would end up spearheading the Corporate Responsibility (CR) effort for one of the world’s largest professional services firms.   Then again, this is a woman who once taught English to inmates at a maximum security prison in Michigan for college credit in lieu of classes, and who has built a successful career around taking the uncharted path.

Upon graduation, Schuyler headed to southern France, where she intended to pursue a variety of interests, including teaching gymnastics and the further development of her already-formidable horseback riding skills. 

Then, tragedy struck.  Schuyler’s mother became seriously ill, and she immediately returned to the United States.  After her mother passed away, Schuyler decided to stay closer to home and found a job in Chicago working as an executive recruiter placing senior level actuaries in insurance and professional services organizations, including PwC legacy firm Coopers and Lybrand.   There she learned of a senior campus recruiting position with the firm.  She got the job and is still with PwC, now 13 years later.

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shellye_archambeau_ceo_metricstream_pc_photo_courtesy_of_metricstream1by Heather Cassell (San Francisco)

Shellye Archambeau, chief executive officer of MetricStream, a market leader in quality governance, risk, and compliance process and management solutions for diverse multi-national corporations, always knew she wanted to run a company.

More than 20 years experience in the technology industry, Archambeau is one of the few African American women leading the way in government compliance software, but it’s no mistake she’s where she is today.

“I’m a big believer in planning,” says Archambeau, 46, pointing out that many people believe that by working hard they will achieve their goals, but “unfortunately it just doesn’t always work that way. For some people it happens, but if you just look at the odds the odds are actually against you.”

“So, therefore you have to do things that increase your odds and for me that was planning,” Archambeau continues.

With her focus on running a company and her interest in technology in the early 1980s, Archambeau set off after the commencement of her tenure at the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business to run IBM.

“At 22 years old you are naive enough to be so big and bold,” says Archambeau laughing. “So, that’s what I did.”

Like many of the technology behemoth’s CEOs that she studied, she started her 15 year career on IBM’s sales floor, but she immediately differentiated herself from her collogues broadening her experience by utilizing her marketing degree. Keeping her focus she identified and achieved goals, such as obtaining a profit and loss position and eventually an overseas assignment, in spite of obstacles by making the “right decisions” to stay on her timeline.

“It wasn’t anything that was written down or part of a development plan,” says Archambeau about her path to becoming an IBM executive and ultimately the first African American woman sent on an international assignment to Tokyo, Japan to run a $1.6 billion dollar business for the computing giant.

Achambeau’s path to success was having a vision and filling in the details with careful research, planning, prioritizing, and evaluation, but she didn’t get there alone.

A variety of mentors helped her achieve success in her career goals as well as having a strong “personal cheerleader” in her corner—her stay-at-home husband of 25 years, Scottie, who she met while they both worked at IBM.

“I’m a big believer in mentors,” says Archambeau, but not just as a career resource or opportunity mine. She discovered mid-career that mentors help people “do their current job very well” and that an outside perspective is important.

“It didn’t occur to me to actually build advisors or mentors outside of the company,” says Archambeau when a colleague asked her about professional guidance separate from the company. Since then she’s developed an out-of-company team of advisors.

“Whatever job you have somebody has done it before,” says Archambeau about leveraging other people’s experience to assist you with doing a better job in the current position you hold. ”You won’t get the next one until you do the one that you’ve got exceptionally well.”

Planning and mentors have been key elements in her success, but the foundation has been her “phenomenal partnership” with her husband, she says.

“I owe a great deal of my success directly to him,” says Archambeau of Scottie about not only managing their busy family life with two, now college-age kids, and many moves around the world, but also in believing in her.

“Everybody, especially every woman, needs a personal cheerleader,” says Archambeau, stating that cheerleaders don’t need to be a “stay-at-home husband,” but people who counterbalance the negative messages by telling you no matter what happens, “‘Hey you are good. You are capable. You can do this.’”

“There are a lot of messages out there telling you just the opposite,” Archambeau tells The Glass Hammer. That support strengthens the plan both at home and career.

“You have to think through, “How are you going to do it and what has to be true to make it work?” she says about how she makes it all work saying that it’s a “constant self-check” asking yourself what is important and why it’s important as “elements of your life” and priorities shift.

The plan and examining the “elements” especially came into play when she decided it was time to transition from being an executive of a large company to becoming a CEO of a smaller company.

The market wasn’t a friendly environment in 2002 for a technology executive without experience at the very top tier to make the transition to CEO—it was flooded with more experienced CEOs vying for the very few open positions. Rather than going ahead with the original plan, Archambeau took advantage of the time to research the experiences of other executives who had left large companies to run smaller companies.

Finding that a great percentage of CEO’s failed at their first few attempts, she decided to increase her odds of success by accepting executive officer level positions at a few small companies in order to gain an understanding of the dynamics of running the business, she says. Her plan paid off. Three companies later, Archambeau turned around formerly challenged MetricStream to being the leader in compliance management technology as its CEO.

Archambeau starts her days off with an early workout at the gym, before heading off to lead MetricStream into its future and ending the day at a board meeting for Arbitron, Inc., Forum for Women Entrepreneurs and Executives, IT Senior Management Forum or Silicon Valley Leadership Group.

Just as much as she enjoys her professional life, Archambeau loves socializing with her family and friends. She runs a gourmet dinner club as well as going out to the theater, enjoying music, and dancing with her husband and friends, she says.

secil_watson1by Tina Vasquez (Los Angeles)


Secil Watson, Senior Vice President of Customer Experience, Money Movement, and Mobile Banking with Wells Fargo’s Internet Services Group, may not have had a sense of herself after graduating from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, but that’s certainly not the case anymore for the thirty-seven-year-old mother of three. “I now know what I value in life and my priorities reflect that, but after graduating from college I didn’t know what kind of person I was; what my strengths and weaknesses were. I was just a sponge soaking everything up,” Watson said.


Admittedly, most college freshmen have a lot to fear. Many times they are far from home, in a new state, completely out of their element, and forced to somehow gracefully transition into a parentless world, where attending class is arguably optional, and their futures are in their own hands for the first time. For Watson, college was about all of those things and more. The native of Turkey had never stepped foot in the United States before when she was dropped off by taxi, in front of her dorm at Cornell University where she would complete her undergraduate degrees in international relations and economics. Watson, then only 18, had two suitcases in hand and not a clue as to how to navigate through this new country and its unfamiliar culture.

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pimco_liz_philipp1by Pamela Weinsaft (New York City)

Elizabeth Philipp, Head of PIMCO‘s New York office, has always loved numbers. “I know that sounds just so trite and generic,” she said, “but I loved math in high school. I excelled at it. I always liked the organization of numbers.”

That said, she went off to college at the University of Iowa with the intention of becoming either a pediatrician or a physical therapist. After taking a finance course in her second year at university, however, she quickly migrated back to math, and ultimately finance. “When I took my first finance course I just felt it was natural. I also felt that there was something about it that created a lot of independence. I just always felt that I could be very much in charge of my career destination if I chose finance and business. It is also very entrepreneurial.”

She added, “I didn’t know exactly what area of finance I would go into but I liked that there were many different avenues to pursue. That was the key. Whether it was running a company or doing more of the controller function or sales and trading, I thought it would be fascinating and evolutionary.”

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Marlene_Gordon___Burger_King_1_.jpgby Pamela Weinsaft (New York City)

Like many successful women, Marlene Mitchell Gordon, Vice President and Assistant General Counsel of Burger King Corporation has, struggled to find a proper work-life fit. “A few years ago, I was a total workaholic, and never made any time for myself. I began to feel the negative physical effects, which made me take a step back and make some changes in my lifestyle. I realized that life is not all about work.”

“I wish I had understood early on the importance of balancing your personal life and your career,” she added, “I always thought marriage and family would come later in life, but I got married right out of college and had my first child when I was in law school.” She credits a friend and mentor from law school for with helping open her eyes to the difficulties that lay ahead. “[My friend, a pioneer in her field] took me under her wing and helped me understand what life is like as a lawyer in a big firm. When I was pregnant and had an ‘I can do it all’ attitude, she told me that I didn’t understand what motherhood was yet and helped put it into perspective for me.”

She recognizes that this sort of challenge is women face regardless of industry or profession. “I believe that one of the barriers for women in the workplace is that we are the primary caretakers, but yet we still strive to progress our careers. It’s an obstacle and a challenge we need to overcome.”

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Lilly_Chung_color1_1_.jpgby Pamela Weinsaft (New York City)

Lilly Chung, a Partner in Deloitte LLC’s San Jose office, loves a challenge. When she and her family emigrated from Taiwan to the United States when she was in her early teens, she barely spoke English. Yet, as the oldest of three girls in her family, she became the de facto representative of her family. “We came here when I was 14 and I had to be the spokesperson for the family. (My parents didn’t really speak English that well. They never really became part of society, never had a formal English education.) I did the family tax returns and all other documentation [among other things]. I also always worked while I studied; even in high school I had a job to support the family. It taught me not only to really appreciate what I have today but also that even when you have a hard life you can still be happy, feel very loved and have a lot of hope for the future.”

Shy and unsure of herself and her place in US society during her high school years, she focused her attention on excelling at school, which efforts resulted full scholarships to USC/UCLA for her in electrical engineering. “From a personal perspective, I was very shy and lacked confidence [in high school] because I lacked a social network that comes when you grow up together with classmates in the US – I never fit in. But that’s why the way for me to excel was to study very hard and be a good student.” Read more

Leetzow__Karen_2009_NASCAR_1_.JPGBy Caroline Shannon (Dayton, Ohio)

When it comes to hocus pocus potions for success, NASCAR Deputy General Counsel and Vice President Karen Leetzow says it wasn’t a magic wand that led her to success. Instead, she claims the male-dominated sport has taught her to listen — that is, if you can hear above the roar of the firing engines.

“If you listen – you learn,” Leetzow said. “If you learn, then you know your stuff. And if you know your stuff, and work hard, then you will get the respect, assignments and the success you deserve — whether you are a man or woman.”

But it’s her role as a woman that has added the diversity Leetzow likes to see in her workplace. She’s proud of the fact that world-popular organization has taken on the idea that “women can do what men do in every area of the business.” Take a look at the company today, and one will see women not only in corporate positions, sales and marketing, but also hitting the track officials, engineers and team owners.

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Akerblom__Jacqueline_1_1_.jpgby Pamela Weinsaft (New York City)

“In my opinion, the number one barrier to success for women in public accounting is the lack of visible role models. If a woman does not see other women succeeding, it is very difficult to aspire to partnership and senior leadership within a male dominated firm,” said Jacqueline Akerblom, National Managing Partner for Women’s Initiatives and Programs, Audit Partner and International Business Center Director at Grant Thornton LLP.

Akerblom started her career 25 years ago at the Los Angeles office of one of the Big 8 accounting firms. She was recruited to Grant Thornton while working as a manager for that competitor, and quickly moved up the ranks, progressing first to senior manager, then partner. As a new partner, she was asked to go to London to head up Grant Thornton’s US transaction group for Europe, where she stayed for four years.

Upon her return to the US in 1999, she was tapped to head up transaction advisory services for the West Coast. She soon became the national managing partner for international client services and was appointed to the Board of Governors for Grant Thornton International in 2000.

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Grace_photo_1[1]_1.JPGby Pamela Weinsaft (New York City)

Grace Leiblein has been working for GM since she was 18 years old. While attending college at General Motors Institute (now called Kettering University), she worked with GM as a co-op student in a manufacturing plant. She worked her way up through assignments and ranks, with her last position before her recent promotion being the global chief engineer responsible for overseeing the engineering of all several hundred engineers (internal and supplier engineers) working on crossover vehicles like the Acadia and Chevy Traverse.

Says Leiblein, “I remember when I got that assignment. It was a huge challenge—much larger than I had ever experienced—but it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I grew a tremendous amount both personally and professionally. To be on a project like that and able to start from scratch basically and have your fingerprints all over some products – I’m very proud of the way they turned out, and when I see one of my vehicles on the road I feel personally responsible for them.”

She was appointed President of GM de Mexico at the end of 2008. Although Leiblein has a personal connection with Latin America—her father is Cuban and her mother is Nicaraguan—she has never worked in Latin America in her professional career and is thrilled about the new opportunity. “I’ve always loved Mexico…it is one of my favorite places to be. And it is a great opportunity to lead an entire business unit for a country. To have that kind of responsibility and authority and challenge is wonderful. And the team there is a proven, experienced team of professionals—nationals as well as expats from different countries—so it will be fun to learn from them as well.”

Leiblein advises women not to be afraid to take that stretch assignment, something she has done quite often over the course of her career. “Women in particular have a tendency to shy away from opportunities out of their comfort zone, whether that be moving into an area that they haven’t worked in before or moving to a different city or moving to a different country. If you really want to progress in an organization you have to take on those opportunities because that is (1) how you grow personally and professionally and (2) it is how leadership really looks at your adaptability for progression (watching how you do in situations where what you are doing is different from what you know).”

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