by Paige Churchman (New York City)
How many times have you and friends, equally frazzled, fantasized about a three-day (or shorter) workweek? Something’s wrong with this picture because maybe like me, you actually love to work. Maybe throwing yourself into a project invigorates you, makes you feel important, connected to the world and happy.
So what’s wrong? A flame needs tending. It needs fuel to keep it going and it needs to be kept in check so you don’t burn out. First on my list of fuels is the work itself. I have to believe in it. My other fuels all start with P -pride, prestige, power and, yes, the paycheck. What keeps the flame from burning me up are the things that ground me and keep me human: good fresh food, sleep, nature, movement, music, meditation, family, friends, new ideas to bend my mind and lots of creativity. But when I’m burning too high, I often don’t know it.
How wide is the gap between how you live and your ideal? Does your work feed or drain you? How do you give your career everything it needs and still know who you are? The Glass Hammer took these questions out into the corporate world to see how some top women find their balance or, if they haven’t found it, what they dream of. We talked to someone in a company known for its quality of life (Cisco Systems, number six on Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For ), someone in an industry known for its long hours (law), and seven women in an industry that’s hurting (finance).
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