Contributed by Anna Marie Valerio, Ph.D.
Have you ever heard any of these statements in the course of your career?
- “You need one more job assignment in the field before we can promote you to the next level.”
- “A lot of decision-makers in the succession-planning session just did not know your work or even know you very well. Other candidates had more people who could vouch for them.”
- “You need to exude more executive presence.”
- “You have been in staff roles in your career, so no one knows how you perform with Profit & Loss responsibility.”
If any of the above statements have been said to you, then you probably need to figure out how to overcome roadblocks to the executive level. Although many companies have learned that including women at the top is just good business, there have been many obstacles for women in the path to the executive suite. In my book, Developing Women Leaders: A Guide for Men and Women in Organizations (Wiley/Blackwell, 2009), I suggest that there are strategies and tips that organizations, managers and women can apply to women’s leadership development. Before explaining how you can be proactive in your own leadership development, it helps to understand the challenges in your path.