sad womenThis Week’s Tip Is…

What are your triggers? We all have them. Think about your most stressful moment, what behaviors tend to surface time and time again? If you can identify them, you have a chance at not reacting in the same old ways. This will give you control over tough moments at work and help you to “show up” the way that you want to!

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

thought-leadershipThis Week’s Tip Is…

“You, according to you” and “You, according to them” can sometimes differ for various reasons- social identity such as being a woman being one example. How do you close the gap between what you know you are capable of and your perceived skills by others? Design a plan to show and tell.

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

woman typing on a laptopThis Week’s Tip Is…

Successful narrative

Think about how all business leaders tend to have an “arc” to their story. What is your arc? How does the tasks you do, and the projects completed, add up to a narrative for your career?

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

woman sitting at deskThis Week’s Tip Is…

Waiting for a promotion? Think about what you have actively done in the past 3 months to ensure your boss/manager/sponsors knows you want to move head to the next level.

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

networkingThis Week’s Tip Is…

Networking in a productive way

Have a think about the last 2-3 networking events that you attended and go back over your contacts from that meeting. Did you maximize those connections? If not, go back and make a few lunch or coffee dates or even send them an email framing an idea that could be mutually useful to you both.

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Nicki GilmourThis Week’s Tip Is…

Reverse Mentoring- join forces with someone from a different social identity group from you (perhaps generationally or culturally?) to see a fresh perspective on things.

This is a great way to work with grow with new lenses on old situations.

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

Nicki GilmourThis Week’s Tip Is…

“After Action Reviews” or AAR are great ways to unpack a recent project with your team or boss. What went well? What could have been done better/differently?

This is a great way to seek out feedback.

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

women shaking handsThis Week’s Tip Is…

Do you have a sponsor? What do you reciprocate with as part that arrangement?

How useful is this relationship in practical terms? How could this relationship become more useful?

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

women shaking handsThis Week’s Tip Is…

Do you have a mentor? Do you need a new one?

Write down what they do for you. What do you reciprocate with as part that arrangement?

How useful is this relationship in practical terms? How could this relationship become more useful?

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist

cardsThis Week’s Tip Is…

Understand what leverage you have at all times!

Continuing the negotiation theme, do you know what cards you have to play? What is valuable to others? You could be in a better position than you realize!

Welcome to Career Tip of the Week. In this column we aim to provide you with a useful snippet of advice to carry with you all week as you navigate the day to day path in your career.

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist