Entries by The Glass Hammer


Men Who Get It: Mike Jones, CEO, Core Consulting

“As a country, we are 80 years away from gender equality.” That statistic, which was shared during the World Economic Forum, caught Mike Jones’ attention, because as he says, “If that’s true, I won’t live to see it.” Jones is CEO of Core Consulting, a technology and management consulting firm. His personal mission is reflected […]

She Hates You After You Confronted Her – Now What?

Guest contribution by Beate Chelette It happens to even the best communicators, especially when we are having that kind of day. One thing pushes us to the edge of our tolerance and the voice inside our head says, “You have to confront her about this.” And we do—with disastrous consequences. The calm yet firm conversation […]

Voice of Experience: Seble Tareke-Williams; Managing Director, NYC Interborough Fund; Emmes Asset Management Company LLC

Seble Tareke-Williams describes her professional path as nontraditional, but each step has been vital to creating her current career, which combines her real estate investing acumen with her passion for community development. She started her post-college career at a social policy think tank before running an economic development program at Pratt Area Community Council, a […]

International Women’s Day Coverage: Professional Women in Nigeria

International Women’s Day is an opportunity for theglasshammer.com to look at the status of professional women in other parts of the world. Africa is a huge continent with varying business environments. South Africa gets the most attention followed by somewhat negative attention for Nigeria due to reported high levels of corruption. Nigeria is Africa’s most […]