Entries by The Glass Hammer

Update: Professional Women Japan and the Landscape for Working Women

This article is part of theglasshammer.com’s annual women in Asia feature running throughout the month of August. How easy is it for Japanese woman to climb the corporate ladder in modern day Japan? With the establishment of Japan’s Equal Opportunity Law in 1985, Japanese women have become a fixture on factory floors and construction sites […]

Will Gender Equity happen because of Millennial Professionals?

There has been much written about Millennials and the impact they are bound to have on the workforce in the next decade. Many senior women have talked to us at theglasshammer.com about the challenges of understanding and motivating younger team members. Since there have been academic and anecdotal studies noting the differences in approaches to […]


Voice of Experience: Frances Janis, Senior Partner, Pomona Capital (the private equity arm of Voya Investment Management)

“Make sure you take control of your career and assert yourself, and you will be rewarded,” says Frances Janis. “You will have a successful career if you seek out opportunities that fit your strengths and then perform to the best of your ability.” Janis knows that this path will pay off: her career in the […]


Men Who Get It: Larry Ostendorf, Senior Director Business Development, Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company

“We’re all in this together; it doesn’t matter what your gender, race or creed is.” That is the philosophy of Larry Ostendorf, who oversees business development for the aerospace and defense market for Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company. With only a few competitors, the sales environment is largely based on the relationships he builds with […]


Embracing Our Differences to Unlock Possibility

When people discover that I have founded two game changing tech companies and thrived in the predominantly male dominated tech world, the first thing they ask is, “What did you do differently?” There are a few forces shaping business today, making it ideal for women to create greater impact than ever before. Today, Fortune 500 […]


Men Who Get It: Mark Pestrella, Chief Deputy Director for Los Angeles County Department of Public Works

Mark Pestrella knows that everyone has a story, and that women in particular need to feel they can tell their story without looking like they’re weak. “Really listening to my employees’ stories can change the whole environment.” As the Chief Deputy Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Pestrella is essentially the […]