Entries by The Glass Hammer

Build Your Personal Brand in 30 Seconds

What can take you about 30 seconds to do? Maybe apply your favorite shade of red lipstick, lace up your running shoes for a run in the park, or send a text message to your best friend on how your day is going. All mundane, non-consequential personal activities we may do on a daily basis. […]

Black Women Are Raising Their Hands For Leadership

By Aimee Hansen. It takes both ambition and confidence to aspire to a top corporate position, and many professional black women have both in spades according to recent research. Not only would Corporate America benefit to listen up, but there may also be a message for non-black women when it comes to owning our impact […]

Margaret Anadu, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

Patience. That’s a word that Margaret Anadu, managing director at Goldman Sachs, would recommend to others in the industry, especially her millennial cohorts. “There is some truth to the millennial stereotype that we want everything in business right away,” she says. “But I’ve found that the hard work you put in during your early years […]

Have You Been Told You’re Overqualified? Here are some Tactics to Help You Get Your Foot in the Door

“You’re overqualified” is probably the most dreaded compliment in the history of hiring. This assertion is usually accompanied with remarks such as: “What sort of position do you really want?” or “Don’t you think this position would be a step down?” According to a Career Transitions post in Psychology Today by Katharine Brooks, Ed.D, accomplished […]


Voice of Experience: Meredith Addy, National Chair Patent Litigation, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

Mimi Addy is probably the only artist/electrical engineer/lawyer/MBA you will ever meet. And each part of that description represents an interesting facet that has contributed to her successful and varied career. Addy initially earned a degree in electrical engineering for one important reason: she recognized the value of being financially independent, and when researching which […]


Professional Women in Germany: The Chutes and Ladders

How easy is it for German woman to climb the corporate ladder in modern day Germany? Despite Germany’s reputation for cutting edge modernity, there still exists a big gap between men and women in Germany’s corporate world. It may be surprising to learn that no other industrial nation has as few top female managers as […]