Entries by The Glass Hammer


How I Landed the C-Suite (And Why You Can, Too)

Guest Contributed by Deborah Gregory Ambition, potential, and talent are incredible gifts, but so often they aren’t big enough hammers to help women shatter the glass ceiling. Difficulty breaking through to the C-suite can be frustrating, but I believe everyone has what it takes to become a leader worthy of notice. As I worked my […]


Voice of Experience: Paget MacColl, Partner, Investment Management Division, Goldman Sachs

By Cathie Ericson “Develop great friendships at work, across the industry and at every level,” recommends Paget MacColl, Partner at Goldman Sachs. “If you’re working with people you have a strong relationship with every day, work is more rewarding and certainly more enjoyable,” she says. Through both formal and informal networking, MacColl says she has […]


Happy Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day is a public holiday here in the US that we always acknowledge. For our US readers, enjoy the day off and use it wisely. For our readers all over the world outside this part of the Americas, I want to talk about what is means as I came to the United […]