Entries by The Glass Hammer


Voice of Experience: Efrat Ravid, CMO, ContentSquare

By Louise Magrath I’m a great believer that women have what it takes to be great engineers, says ContentSquare’s Efrat Ravid. “It’s imperative that more woman study engineering and technology to ensure that more women enter the field and become technology leaders. Women should be represented at least at a 50% ratio in engineering schools, […]


The Multitasking Way of Life

  Guest contributed by Terri R. Kurtzberg and Jennifer L. Gibbs There’s an old joke that says that if a man wants to know what a woman’s mind feels like, he should imagine having a browser with 2,857 tabs open ALL THE TIME. Indeed, we do, as a society, promote the image of women as […]

Is it a Concrete Ceiling for Women of Color?

Guest contributed by Funmi Ogunlusi When it comes to improving women’s access to professional opportunities, there is an elephant in the room. It is intersectionality: the appreciation of the various ways in which different aspects of our identity intersect to create different experiences of privilege and discrimination. A white woman fighting to break through an […]

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Happy Thanksgiving week to our readers in the US and to our readers in the UK and elsewhere happy getting ready to sprint to wrap up the year. We are taking a publishing break this week but wanted to unveil our new sister company Evolved People Coaching. Evolved People Coaching is a firm exclusively dedicated […]