Entries by Nicki Gilmour


Bonus Banked? What’s Next?

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist Bonus season is over for another year and so the should I stay or should I go question could loom again for you? Chances are, if you work in banking and financial services, you stayed put until this payday. But, with a year ahead, its a good […]

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Black History Month and Your Role in Helping Others

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist Black History Month is about celebrating amazing people of color. For us on theglasshammer.com we celebrate women of color and all types of women all year long but we do recognize that intersectionality is real (simply put, being a woman with another social identity that is “other”, […]


Getting What You Want in 2018

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist Happy New Year! Most of us have new resolutions and all of them will rely on a behaviorial change in their essence, as they require action. If you have figured out what you want (and what you don’t want) and have named this as a future state, […]


Why Does Being Recognized in Our Job Matter?

 By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Pyschologist   We all have different personalities and we all have different needs, some based on personality and some based on the constructs and paradigms that we have become attached to over time.  Some people care about status and title and others care about responsibility or money regardless […]


Women in Tech- Just Do It

By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Pyschologist We know that there are barriers for women in technology, from hiring and promotional bias to pretty awful cultural issues, making the day to day environment hard going. I could go on and on about the ugly underbelly and about the fact the system is stacked but […]


What Would Oprah Say?

 By Nicki Gilmour, Executive Coach and Organizational Psychologist Advice giving is a tricky business and when I thought up the title of this week’s column, I actually googled the sentence “What would Oprah say?” to find out she is the modern day Plato. No one can argue with her words of wisdom as she is a […]