The Glass Hammer is delighted to partner with Lily Benavides, a 4th-year Doctoral candidate at the University of San Francisco on her research about the executive development of women. Lily is investigating the efficacy of executive coaching on the organizational performance of female executives to determine if this leads to their further promotion.

So please take a moment and reflect on your experience with executive coaching: how has it impacted your organizational performance? What business areas were specifically impacted? What new knowledge was gained? What do you do differently as a result of your experience with executive coaching?

More women are needed in the executive suite. Click on the link now and join in the quest. This is your opportunity to tell your story, a valuable one it is.
Survey closes Saturday, October 4. We will report back to you with the findings!

bank2.JPGby Sima Matthes (New York City)

We love it when companies on the Fortune 1000 are recognized for having women at the top! The October issue of U.S. Banker, profiles the 25 Women to Watch, a ranking that honors women whose leadership continues to shape the financial services industry.

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governmentbailout.JPGby Heather Chapman (New York City)

Labeled the ‘Hail Mary’ of bills, Congress’ revised $700 billion bailout plan was expected to be passed by the House of Representatives on Monday. Yet, despite all expectations, the House rejected the plan by a vote of 228 to 205—a mere 13 vote margin. Investors had been relying on the proposed bill to buoy the sagging markets; however, with the House’s repudiation of the bill, the Dow Jones Industrial plummeted, dropping more than 700 points, while the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index fell by more than 8%, making Monday the worst single day in trading history for the United States in at least twenty years.

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excluded.JPGby Sima Matthes (New York City)

There seems to be at once an unwritten expectation that women will be “nicer” (whatever your definition of that word is) than men, and that if they’re not, they’re considered impossible to work with. What does it mean for women to be condemned (or elevated) to the “nice niche”– the place where women in corporate America often find themselves stuck?

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istock_000005168521xsmall1.jpgContributed by Caroline Ceniza-Levine of SixFigureStart

I cast a wide net in my job search and interviewed with some companies that I am not that interested in just to practice and get out there. Well, I am far along in the process with some of these and just beginning with my first choice companies. I am afraid that an offer will come along that I don’t really want. At the same time, in this market I am afraid to turn down a sure thing with just the hope of something better. What can I do to buy time?

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