Presented for the first time in Syracuse, NY, this year’s program features sessions on public speaking, practical tips for reducing stress in dealing with difficult people, work-life balance and entering/re-entering the profession.

111515924_cd0b07f0c2_m.jpgOn April 7, 2008, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) hosted a New York City launch party for the book, “Why Women mean Business: Understanding the Emergence of Our Next Economic Revolution,” by Avivah Wittenberg-Cox and Alison Maitland. Highlights of the event included a lively panel discussion on the changing role of women as global business leaders, chaired by Chrystia Freeland of the Financial Times. The two authors shared the state with three insightful male business leaders: Bob Moritz, US Assurance Leader at PwC, Alan Siegel, Chairman and CEO of Siegel+Gale, and Thomas Cooley, Dean of the New York University Stern School of Business.

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This eight-week teleclass series meets Mondays at 7p-8:30p EST via a conference phone line. Hear from former Fortune 500 recruiters how the hiring process really works, what the candidates who do get hired are doing right, and what the candidates who lose out do to blow it.

You’re offered an excellent management position. What are the essential factors you need to know to negotiate the right compensation package? Join our panel of experts to learn how to successfully close the deal.

This week, BusinessWeek released its Top 50 list of all-star performers. The list identifies top performers across the 10 sectors that make up the S&P 500. BusinessWeek notes that this list of executives is the most international ever, with companies across the globe represented. Trends emerged in the energy sector, where winning performers were able to capitalize on higher energy costs, and in the housing sector, where rising stars were able to take advantage of the housing boom before it went bust.

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Contributed by Heather Cassell

MECCAdoors.jpgSan Francisco’s professional women know where to go for great food, wine and cocktails, entertainment, and socializing: Mecca, a hip restaurant and bar located on the edge of the Castro district at 2029 Market Street.

“It’s a destination for a lot of people in the community to have your special dinner to celebrate or to lounge and just be chic,” said Ginny E. Brown, Mecca’s new general manager and wine director.

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Contributed by Caroline Ceniza-Levine

I am lawyer who is sick of practicing law. I have practiced corporate law for 5 years at a big firm, want to leave the law for a job in business with greater autonomy and better quality of life. How do I market myself? Where should I start my job search?

The above question also tells me some things but not everything. I know this is a career change: law to business. I know this is a lifestyle change: more autonomy and balance. What I don’t know is what sector in business you are interested in pursuing or what company within that sector you have in mind. Any successful job search, whether a career change, lifestyle change, or just a company change within the same field, is a combination of what the target is and how you get there. Most of my clients are fixated on the how: how do I market myself? How do I start?

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To have the best talent in your organization, women must be part of that picture. As a professional responsible for women’s career advancement from either a line or staff position, you are always looking for new ways to engage women for the benefit of themselves and the organization. The challenges of finding and keeping the best and brightest female managers to lead your company in the future are many. Join us as we discuss how to recruit, train, integrate, promote and retain these valuable employees with senior executives who have proven strategies for success.

139818702_44dc937e1f_m.jpgYou have heard the rumors that your company is going to be announcing yet another round of write-downs and lay offs. Maybe you have been sneaking off during your lunch hour to make clandestine calls to headhunters and surreptitiously sending out resumes from your gmail account during work. Or maybe, in the last month or two of bloodletting on Wall Street, your boss sat you down, thanked you for your years of service to the company, and told you all about the wonderful severance package the company was prepared to offer you, before shaking your hand with a grimace and ushering you out the door.

In that case, perhaps you have recently enjoyed a relaxing week or two of vacation, catching up with friends and family and cleaning up your apartment. Or maybe you have been of getting up at noon and watching day time talk shows, while sitting on your couch in your underwear and eating Capt’n Crunch.

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2334619694_7965929af1_m.jpgMy mother and I were checking out of our hotel in the old city of Vienna when the receptionist behind the desk asked me if I wanted to pay in euros or dollars. I handed her my Visa and said I would pay in euros, since seeing the inflated price in dollars would only depress me. The woman agreed and handed me a bill for 330 euros. Knowing quite well that I had just spent about $600, I signed the bill quickly and pushed the amount out of my head.

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