Tag Archive for: Michael Volkmann

Guest Contributed by Michael Volkmann

Only 10 years ago did the idea of remote work seem like an outlandish proposition.

Recently, however, the tide is beginning to shift. With remote work becoming more feasible, and employees becoming more receptive, remote work is due for a boon.

For some, remote work is still a strange idea but the benefits are becoming obvious. With companies as large as Yahoo! taking part in the remote work revolution, its appeal is growing rapidly. While many employers are still doubtful about the logistics of remote work, the cultural trend towards it is apparent. What are the benefits of remote work? Some are more apparent than others, but all in all remote work is cost-effective and productive for companies of all sizes.

One of the more obvious benefits of remote work is the reduction in cost for most businesses. When the bulk of a business’s employees telecommute the need for an office is greatly reduced. Decreasing the need for a large office with multiple cubicles has a positive effect on a business’s finances. While the monetary side of it is nice, the important part might be how it affects the culture.

In telecommute environments, there are less office politics and more working. Those companies that have large telecommute employee bases are oftentimes immune to the machinations of office personalities. There is less self-aggrandizing and less cutthroat behavior. The culture of remote work typically leans toward a more progressive and open view.

Those environments are generally less about ladder climbing and more about the work speaking for itself. The benefit of less office gossip and interpersonal drama is immense as it tends to lead to friendlier interactions and work-focused employees. When the weight of office drama and expectation is lifted from an employee they tend to perform better and are happier. In the new age of work, happiness is very important to employees.

Those who work in remote companies post the highest job satisfaction ratings. What employers sometimes fail to realize is that office culture can weigh heavily on employees and reduce the comfort they feel doing their job. By taking the office away, companies can create very positive and uplifting work environments.

On the subject of money, businesses that use remote work forces typically post higher profit margins. This is due to a number of reasons, but one of the largest is the lack of expenditure. This, coupled with higher productivity, leads to an inevitable increase in revenue. Another strong factor in this is that remote work also leads to less employee turnover.

Companies that use telecommuting have more satisfied employees that are less likely to quit and, because of their increased productivity, are less likely to be fired as a result.

Companies that adopt early are in for an evergreen opportunity for profit. The reduced cost and better productivity of remote work is creating a business environment that is ideal for revenue generation. This is helping the popularity of the model tremendously. In a few years telecommuting will go from being a fringe idea to the secret for a growing revenue-generating business including companies such as WordPress, Toptal, and many other tech companies.

On the employee-focused side of things, there are a number of great benefits as well. One thing that helps employees tremendously is the reduced cost of not having to go to an office. No more shopping for work-specific clothes or burning all that gas driving to and from work. For those that work telecommute jobs, traffic becomes a thing of the past.

Being able to work in the comfort of your own home without office politics or over-eager managers gives employees a comfortable work environment. This can also improve the health of employees as they can focus on the most crucial tasks and get more done than if they had the luxury to chatter with coworkers in a traditional working environment. This also works well for aging employees as the physical requirements to go to work lessen tremendously.

For new families as well, telecommute work can provide a way to generate income while not being away from their families. This employee-oriented style of work creates a positive environment while also being a more generous employer strategy.

With a positive impact on both profits and employees, remote work is clearly a beneficial pursuit. The remote revolution is coming in fast and companies keeping up will be rewarded greatly. The strategy of telecommute employment pays off incredibly well. It is a more positive environment for both owners and employees than a traditional office environment.

The numbers for remote work and the feedback from employees strengthens the argument. The new age of work is heavily focused on employee happiness and satisfaction. No other strategy accomplishes this like telecommute work. As remote work continues to grow, and technology follows, remote work will become the rule. The world is ready to work from home and you should be too.

About the Author

Michael Volkmann is a tech entrepreneur with a focus on business operations and finance. He has worked with many small businesses helping them with their M&A for over 6 years. When not in front of the monitor thinking about the future of AI and robotics, he spends his time snorkeling and traveling.

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