circuit_board.JPGBy Pamela Weinsaft (New York City)

America is falling behind. A recent study revealed that many executives are concerned that the United States is in danger of losing its global leadership position in science and technology. Why? Perhaps it’s that we’re not tapping a valuable resource: women.

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iStock_000007316323XSmall_1_.JPGby Heather Chapman (New York City)

The passage of the $700 billion bailout plan last week by Congress and the President was supposed to be the first step toward fixing the U.S. economy. But, instead, not only is the U.S. economy worsening, but the European and Asian economies are faltering as well. While steps are being taken worldwide to bolster the economies, it may now be a matter of “too little, too late”.

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financialdecline.JPGby Erin Abrams (New York City)

What a difference a week makes. After the rejection of the bailout by the House on Monday, September 29th and watching the Dow plummet 777 points in a single day, a beefed up version of the legislation passed the Senate on Wednesday, October 1st and the House on Friday, October 3rd. President Bush signed the bill into law on that same day. Both senators running for president, Barack Obama and John McCain, returned from the campaign trail to Washington, where they expressed their support for the bill.

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governmentbailout.JPGby Heather Chapman (New York City)

Labeled the ‘Hail Mary’ of bills, Congress’ revised $700 billion bailout plan was expected to be passed by the House of Representatives on Monday. Yet, despite all expectations, the House rejected the plan by a vote of 228 to 205—a mere 13 vote margin. Investors had been relying on the proposed bill to buoy the sagging markets; however, with the House’s repudiation of the bill, the Dow Jones Industrial plummeted, dropping more than 700 points, while the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index fell by more than 8%, making Monday the worst single day in trading history for the United States in at least twenty years.

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bailout_1.JPGby Erin Abrams (New York City)

Over the weekend, both Democratic and Republican members of Congress worked in overdrive to try to hammer out the details of the $700 billion bailout plan for America’s beleaguered financial institutions. Late on Sunday night, lawmakers in both Houses and the White House reached a deal.

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wall_street.JPGby Erin Abrams (New York City)

This Glass Hammer financial reporter went on vacation last week, and returned to find the financial landscape in New York utterly transformed into something practically unrecognizable. Walking down Wall Street this morning, I felt like an astronaut doing a moon landing. Sure, the buildings physically looked the same, but the financial terrain seemed alien in light of the recent news on the Street.

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by Lisa Novak (New York City)

financialdecline.JPGIn an interview on Bloomberg in July, Nouriel Roubini, a professor of Economics at the Stern School of Business at NYU and Chairman of RGE Monitor, had some dire predictions about the economy. Foreseeing no end to the current financial crises, he warned, “It’s a vicious circle between a contracting economy and greater credit and financial losses feeding on the economy.”

Roubini further prognosticated that, “in a few years’ time, there will be no major independent broker dealers as their business model…is bust and the risk of a bank-like run on their very short term liquid liabilities is a fundamental flaw in their structure…”

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Now in its third year, the Women and Wealth forum was created to meet the specific needs of high-net-worth women and their advisors. In response to feedback from past attendees and industry experts, the all-new 2008 program will include more focus on hedge funds and other alternative investments, newly emerging ‘hot’ investment strategies, the role of women in family businesses, family governance, legacy planning and more! High-net-worth women and single family offices will benefit from candid discussion amongst their peers, and advisors and service providers will gain cutting-edge insights on how to achieve effective service differentiation for this growing population.

For more information and to download a brochure

The program is now available – please contact Sara Thompson to receive a
copy of the program on +44 (0)20 7316 9722 or email

eTechnology 2008 is designed by industry insiders who focus on the above issues in their day-to-day responsibilities, and thus are in the forefront of developing the latest in trading/risk strategies and systems to meet those challenges. The one-day program will enable participants to learn from these individuals about the latest trends in electronic trading and risk assessment. Don’t miss this year’s top event for the eTechnology community.

This event will attract fixed income and equities leaders from the buyside, such as money fund managers, hedge fund managers, bank treasury managers, proprietary desk traders and managers, and senior technology managers. We also expect eCommerce managers, salespeople, and market makers in addition to traders from the sellside. Issuers, regulators, and representatives from multi-dealer and single dealer trading platforms will also be in attendance.

To Register or for more information

Onsite Registration at the door is:
* $995 for SIFMA member firms
* $1,295 for non-member firms
* $495 for regulators.