We are holding our 4th Annual Navigating your career event on 26th Feb on the topic of Engaging Men as Champions, Allies and Sponsors as you advance in your career.
Editorially in 2015, we are interested in profiling men who have “walked the talk” and really stepped up to own their influence as a change leader in ways that are tangible to individuals and to the team or firm. We are currently looking for nominations from women to suggest men for us to interview as we really want the real deal and no lip service to the concept.
Do you have a man who you feel is worthy of being profiles under “Men who get it” in the coming weeks and months?
If so, please email with details. Include who and why you have chosen this man. Perhaps he is your sponsor or has started initiatives within your firm. Perhaps, he ensures all voices are heard and works to promote real meritocracy?
We look forward to hearing from you, the is your career site.
If you would like to be considered for an invitation to this event which in this particular case is designed for VP level women and beyond who are looking to leverage senior people as they themselves become more senior, please register here or contact