Entries by The Glass Hammer

Voice of Experience: Sandra Aresti, Partner, PwC

The Glass Hammer is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by featuring profiles of Hispanic Women Business Leaders all week long! Sandra Aresti, PwC partner, advises young professionals to enjoy the moment because time goes by so fast. “Don’t get caught up in the minute details,” she said. “Work hard, but also take the time to breathe, […]

Voice of Experience: Paula Arrojo, Managing Director and Private Wealth Advisor, Investment Management, Goldman Sachs

The Glass Hammer is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by featuring profiles of Hispanic Women Business Leaders all week long! “Throughout my career, I could have taken the easy road, but I’m proud of myself for accepting a challenge,” says Paula Arrojo, managing director and private wealth advisor in the Investment Management Division at Goldman Sachs. […]

Are You Making Rookie Mistakes in Job Interviews?

Guest Contribution by Devika Arora Today’s woman is ambitious and hungry for individuality. She is eager to live her dreams, for which she wishes to become financially independent by earning her own bread and butter. This is why an increasing number of women are finding themselves back on the job hunt. But what happens when […]

Feeling Undervalued at Work: It’s Not You – It’s Them

What do you do when you’re feeling undervalued at work? The boss doesn’t appreciate what I do. I am not getting paid enough. I am twice as smart as John, and he is getting better assignments. Any of these thoughts ever go through your head? Undoubtedly, because according to the American Psychological Association, almost half […]

Movers and Shakers: Esther Yang, Vice President and Senior Trader-Derivatives at Voya Investment Management, formerly ING U.S. Investment Management

  In a recent round-table of derivative portfolio managers of the largest insurance companies, Esther Yang found herself being the only female among this male dominated profession. How did she get to where she is now? Esther Yang did not have a conventional route to success in financial services. In fact, she didn’t begin college […]