Entries by The Glass Hammer

Voice of Experience: Denise Menelly, Shared Service Operations Executive, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Welcome to The Glass Hammer’s “Women in Tech” month! We will be celebrating successful women in technology all month long! With 30 years of experience in financial services now, Menelly got her start early when she was selected to participate in a management intern program at Bankers Trust. Here, Menelly realized that she always tended […]


STEM Companies Keep Driving Women MBAs Away

By Melissa Anderson A new Catalyst study shows that companies in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) industries are setting women MBAs up to fail from the start. “The STEM industry has a poor reputation and our research shows that reputation is deserved. There is a significant gender gap across STEM, and not just […]

Can’t Code, But Have a Degree in Accounting, Marketing or Graphic Design? 4 Tips To Get Hired by a Tech Company

By Mai Browne In the past few decades, the world has seen household name technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook launched by a succession of young engineers. The massive success of these enterprises, and their famous founders, give many people the impression that tech companies are always led by engineers. Not so. […]

Voice of Experience: Jo Hannaford, Global Co-Head of Enterprise Platforms Team, Global Co-Head of Compliance Technology, Head of EMEA Federation Technology, Goldman Sachs

Welcome to The Glass Hammer’s “Women in Tech” month! We will be celebrating successful women in technology all month long! Jo Hannaford has been in Technology for 24 years, and thinks of herself as fortunate for having the opportunity to pursue a career which she enjoys. “Technology is a fast-changing environment,” she explained, “I have […]

Intrepid Woman: Lucy Sanders: CEO and Co-founder of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)

By Cathie Ericson Lucy Sanders’, founder of NCWIT, interest in STEM fields started early. Her father was an early adopter, and her high school math teacher encouraged her by teaching her computer programming skills. Then she saw that her sister, who had earned one of the early computer science degrees, was enjoying enormous success and […]