Entries by The Glass Hammer


Op-Ed: Ana Botin got promoted on merit not nepotism.

In September 2014, Ana Botin succeeded her father Emilio Botin at Santander and has been named the top female banker in Europe by Bloomberg. This appointment makes Ana the first woman to chair a global bank. She has worked hard to win this position and has positive endorsements from Citi’s ex chief Sanford “Sandy” Weill.

Why Wall St. Wants You Back: Returning From a Career Break

By Cathie Ericson Attention, downshifters: Wall Street wants you back. And they’re proving it with a plethora of returnship programs especially designed to appeal to those employees, especially women, who have taken a break and now are ready to jump back in. There are differing opinions over who was the first to launch a returnship […]

Evaluating Progress and the Road Ahead at FIA’s 30th Annual Expo

By Jessica Titlebaum The Futures Industry Association (FIA) held their 30th annual Expo in Chicago last week featuring over 4000 delegates representing 30 countries and showcasing the latest in technology and services with 130 exhibitors. While attendees and speakers were optimistic about the state of the markets, serious issues impacting the derivatives industry were discussed. […]

Lessons from Female Veterans: Command with Confidence

Guest Contribution by Col. Jill Morgenthaler If you wish to lead, you need to demonstrate confidence. If you don’t have the conviction that you can lead, why would anyone follow? In 1996, as a lieutenant colonel, I was a peacekeeper in Bosnia. War had turned neighbor against neighbor, and many villages bore the evidence of […]

Voice of Experience: Kim Anderson, Senior Vice President of Mutual Fund Product Development, Voya Investment Management (formerly ING U.S. Investment Management)

Whether it is searching out long-lost shareholders for a proxy vote, creating new or merging existing mutual funds, or overseeing the myriad steps it takes to rebrand a family of 161 mutual funds, Kim Anderson spends her days finding ways to get things done. Learning by Doing – Often without a Net Kim Anderson started […]

Optimistic Outlook at Third Annual WILD Symposium

By Jessica Titlebaum Women in Listed Derivatives (WILD), a not for profit organization launched in 2009 and dedicated to helping women advance in the listed and OTC derivatives space, held the 3rd annual WILD Symposium at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in October. While the derivatives industry has experienced change due to Dodd-Frank regulation; […]

The Importance of Becoming a Lifelong Learner

Guest Contribution by Ashley Bryant In a recent interview with Campbell Soup’s CEO, Denise Morrison, she’s quoted as saying, “I knew from an early age that I wanted to lead a company. I developed a strategic process for my career path that set the final destination, developed the career track, identified skills to build, took […]

Want to get ahead in tech? Get a male sponsor, go to industry events, and check your bias at the door

By Lucy Sanders Lucy Sanders CEO of NCWIT (National Center for Women & Information Technology) gave the keynote on “Women and innovation” at theglasshammer.com ‘s 5th annual women in technology career event on 23rd October 2014. NCWIT is an amazing organization that connects and supports change leaders from across the nation and across the pipeline […]