Entries by The Glass Hammer

Juggling Work and Kids? Yes, You Can Have It All

Guest Contributed by Marissa Evans Alden, Co-Founder and CEO of Sawyer Recent research shows that more than one in three working parents have missed a significant event in their child’s life due to work commitments. Current standards can be very high standard for parenting, much higher than what existed when we were growing up. There’s […]

Voice of Experience: Madelyn Caple, Head of Wholesale Partnerships and Business Development, Wells Fargo Wealth & Investment Management

Being a leader in the wealth management industry can be lonely for women at times, but don’t give up, says Madelyn Caple, Head of Wholesale Partnerships and Business Development for Wells Fargo Wealth & Investment Management. “It’s important for senior female leaders to continue to mentor and coach,” she says. “It can be lonely and […]

The Power of the Word No

Guest Contributed by Janelle Bruland Isn’t it funny that one of the most important words to say is also one of the hardest? One simple word: no. Yet, to say it brings up a flood of feelings – guilt, defensiveness, a fear of offending. Sometimes the feelings flash by so quickly we don’t even notice […]

Stephanie Rader, Partner, Goldman Sachs, Securities Division

Stephanie Rader, head of the Distressed Sales and Bank Loan Sales Group, is a program co-sponsor of the 2019 Women’s Career Strategies Initiative (WCSI), an annual program at Goldman Sachs that provides high-performing women associates access to training sessions, resources and touchpoints with senior leaders across the firm. Associates are encouraged to develop their leadership […]

Voice of Experience: Tatiana Segal, Head Of Risk Management, Morgan Stanley Investment Management

Don’t underestimate the importance of the company culture when making a decision about your career choices. “Make sure the company’s values and philosophy are aligned with yours.” says Segal. “You need to be assertive and understand your options, and then put yourself in a position where you can leverage your skills to the highest possible […]

How to Be Present and Gain Greater Power in Communication

What comes to mind when you think about being present in business? Is it having razor-sharp focus, paying attention to every detail, anticipating every possible flaw or problem, looking people in the eye when they talk to you?

We are taught that focusing on one aim or purpose in life or business to the exclusion of everything else is how to be present. What if that actually keeps you from being present and therefore being able to authentically and powerfully engage and communicate with others? Being present doesn’t mean being single-minded. Being present doesn’t mean putting blinders on. In fact, focusing on one thing or person requires you to cut off everything else around you.