Entries by The Glass Hammer


The Top 10 Graduate Employers For Women

Despite continuing advances in gender equality in the workplace and beyond, there’s a reason conversations about the issue continue: female graduates still face some disadvantages in the jobs market. Recent reports have revealed the extent to which the gender pay gap still exists, and the difference can be seen between male and female graduates’ starting […]

Voice of Experience: Lia Turri, Partner, PwC Italy

By Cathie Ericson With a 20-year track record of success at PwC, including 10 years as partner, Lia Turri has always specialized in the financial services sector, developing a strong client services background. She has focused on engagements with leaders of Italian companies and helped oversee IPOs and a variety of special projects. This longevity […]


Why Leaders Need More than Mirror Reflections

By Aimee Hansen Amidst increasing access to a broader worldview, we are paradoxically retreating into narrowing, amplified, separated tunnels of perspective. One of the clearest examples is the side-by-side blue feed, red feed posted by The Wall Street Journal. These views are never side-by-side but rather constructions of completely different realities. Social media (with Facebook […]

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Time Gaps in your Resume? Turn Black Holes into Wins

Guest Contributed By Sharon Nir Recruiters and hiring managers have unconscious and conscious bias and judgement based on employment intervals can be one of the greatest organizational impediments for success. But if organizations attempted to understand black holes in employee resume the way astrophysicists strive to understand black holes in the universe, they could uncover […]

‘Surround Yourself’ with Guys Who Get It!

Guest Contributed by Rayona Sharpnack We have only to watch the progress of the U.S. presidential campaign to understand that bias (against any underdog group) and bullying are contagious. But so, in my belief, are courage, integrity, and commitment as demonstrated by the male professional athletes who have stood up to say, “not in my […]


Giving Season: Make Your Donation Dollars Go Further

By Aimee Hansen As #GivingTuesday approaches on November 29th and Giving Season kicks off, are you making the most of your donation dollars? During the last six weeks of the year, up to 40% of all charitable donations are made ($373 billion in 2015). Individuals are reported to contribute 72% of all total giving that […]