Entries by The Glass Hammer

Movers and Shakers in Energy

It’s the first bud of the spring that gets noticed. It pokes its head out of the dirt, and blooms regardless of whether others around it are doing the same thing. This is true of women at the top of corporations as well. Often, they’re the only women at the table, and even as their […]

Golf Outing with 85 Broads and the Women’s Bond Club

Sign up for the Golfing and Golf Workshop at the beautiful Harbor Links Golf Course – either play 18 holes of golf or take a day of lessons to learn to play golf. A half-day of lessons and play is also available. The workshop consists of 6 students for each instructor. Learn the basic swing […]

Girls Bond Over Banking

by Caroline Shannon While many expect young girls to be fascinated with Disney Princesses or to memorize all the songs from High School Musical, some business experts are working to push a more practical interest – an interest in finance. Yep, we’re talking about clubs and camps that teach gals about saving, investing and other […]

WSTA 2008 Summer Magic

WSTA Socials afford industry professionals the opportunity to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere. Ticket Price Includes: 4-hour open bar, hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, buffet and music all at a spectacular venue. For more information on WSTA For tickets to this WSTA Social Event *After July 11th all tickets will be $195 plus shipping and […]

Stay at Home Husband? One Lawyer’s Story

Ilise*, a female attorney at a big New York law firm, is the envy of most of her female peers, at least those with children. Unlike most of the other lawyers at her firm, who have to juggle unpredictable hours with inflexible and costly childcare arrangements, Ilise has a built in child care system that […]

Facilitating Social Intelligence: A Woman Thing?

An Interactive Workshop in Social Awareness and Social Facility. This learning event will unveil your inner capacity to create humanwealth through creativity, empathy, generosity and curiosity. How can we best produce a healthy and intelligent community… Are womenleading the way in facilitating social intelligence? Is it a genderneutral issue? (And does it matter…) The audience […]