Entries by The Glass Hammer

Best of Congress Awards Breakfast

Working Mother Media and Corporate Voices for Working Families will be holding the Best of Congress Awards Breakfast to celebrate the visionary individuals who are working to improving the quality of life for working families by partnering with business to create long-term solutions to work-life issues. The event will take place on September 10, 2008 […]

TechLeaders: Realizing Your Vision for Women of Color

TechLeaders: Realizing Your Vision for Women of Color is an exciting new workshop offering by the Anita Borg Institute. National Science Foundation Research shows that women of color (Asian/Asian-American, Black/African-American, Hispanic/Latina and American Indian) earn less than 9.4% computer science and 7.1% engineering bachelors degrees and are all but absent from the most senior technology […]

Planning a career change?

Contributed by Huxley Associates We regularly work with people who are desperate for a career change, sometimes after many years of working in a completely different sector. Depending on the candidate’s background, and the role they are interested in, we will do what we can to facilitate their ambitions. However, there are occasions when we […]

How to Get the Salary You Deserve

This workshop will concentrate on the issue of getting the salary you deserve (and even more), and the necessary aspects of achieving this. According to the Greater London Authority (February 2008) women are still paid up to 23% less than men, and in part time jobs the figures are even worse. Waiting for companies and […]

FIA and OIC New York Equity Options Conference

The options industry has experienced phenomenal growth in the last few years, a testament to the effectiveness of options as a risk management tool used both by retail and institutional customers. The Options Industry Council and the Futures Industry Association have partnered to coordinate the third New York Equity Options Conference. Last year, more than […]

Is the Glass Ceiling Thickening in the UK?

By Erin Abrams (New York City) New research out this week indicates that the glass ceiling for women’s upward mobility in the corporate world may be thickening, at least for women in the U.K. According to a survey released by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, progress for women is “moving at a snail’s pace,” […]

2nd Annual Brand Building for Banks and Financial Services 2008

With hundreds of financial institutions across North America and similar product offerings rolling out every day, consumers find themselves choosing banking services with nothing more than a gut feeling about a particular brand. In a world where similar bank services are extremely ubiquitous, how can one bank compete with another for customers? The struggle for […]