Entries by The Glass Hammer

The Future of Investment Banking

by Lisa Novak (New York City) In an interview on Bloomberg in July, Nouriel Roubini, a professor of Economics at the Stern School of Business at NYU and Chairman of RGE Monitor, had some dire predictions about the economy. Foreseeing no end to the current financial crises, he warned, “It’s a vicious circle between a […]

3rd Annual Women & Wealth Forum

Now in its third year, the Women and Wealth forum was created to meet the specific needs of high-net-worth women and their advisors. In response to feedback from past attendees and industry experts, the all-new 2008 program will include more focus on hedge funds and other alternative investments, newly emerging ‘hot’ investment strategies, the role […]

Don’t Get Dooced

by Elizabeth Harrin (London) Only 12% of Fortune 500 companies have a corporate blog. Compare that to the millions of personal blogs using tools like WordPress and Blogger. Maybe you write one yourself. And as work is such a large part of our lives, maybe you even mention office life in your posts. It can’t […]

Ask-A-Recruiter: Everyone Needs A Resume

Contributed by Caroline Ceniza-Levine of SixFigureStart I’ve seen a lot of advice about having an up-to-date resume. Since I’m not actively looking and my job seems pretty safe, do I still need one? Everyone needs an up-to-date resume. Even if you are not actively looking, updating your resume forces you to take stock of your […]

Walking the Wire: Work/Life Balance and the Single Woman

by Heather Chapman (New York City) The hot topic these days is the quest for work/life balance. It’s something that everyone – man or woman – struggles with, more so now that technology has gotten us to the point where we are eternally connected to our work obligations. When people talk about work/life balance, they […]

eTechnology 2008 Conference & Exhibit

eTechnology 2008 is designed by industry insiders who focus on the above issues in their day-to-day responsibilities, and thus are in the forefront of developing the latest in trading/risk strategies and systems to meet those challenges. The one-day program will enable participants to learn from these individuals about the latest trends in electronic trading and […]

Practice – Not Perfection – Leads to Work/Life Balance

Contributed by Sylvia Warren of SimplytheBestCoaching.com Are you wondering if a balanced work/life is even possible? Does it feel like balance is just another thing you have to achieve? If you have answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. What you are experiencing is part of a phenomena that exists in […]

ReturnshipSM program

In conjunction with the Goldman Sachs New DirectionsSM initiative the firm is proud to launch our signature ReturnshipSM program. A ReturnshipSM is a full-time, 8 week internship-like program for women who are returning to the workforce after an extended voluntary career break and are interested in pursuing a new career path. The program targets on-rampers […]