Entries by The Glass Hammer

Crisis on Wall Street – The Investment Banking Giants Are No More

by Erin Abrams (New York City) This Glass Hammer financial reporter went on vacation last week, and returned to find the financial landscape in New York utterly transformed into something practically unrecognizable. Walking down Wall Street this morning, I felt like an astronaut doing a moon landing. Sure, the buildings physically looked the same, but […]

The Seven Biggest Opportunity Blockers in Career Development

Contributed by Ari L. Kaplan, Esq. Just as superheroes have their arch enemies, opportunity makers have their career blockers. Individuals motivated by possibility and inspired by their peers can be stifled in their efforts, whether they are related to business or career development, by a few key characteristics that have varying degrees of influence. Purge […]

Building a Support Network to Create Work-Life Balance

Contributed by Alicia Anderson of AttacheServices.com The key to work-life balance for female professionals is a holistic, comprehensive, trustworthy, and reliable support system. As a woman in a key leadership role you must remain alert and sober minded, capable of making good decisions for your organization and clients. People are depending on you. Maybe you […]

Work/life Balance Around the World

by Elizabeth Harrin (London) Think you work a long week? Spare a thought for the Koreans, who work the longest hours, around 2357 a year: that’s over 45 hours a week, every week. The UK and Ireland have the longest working week of the EU states and the Japanese only take an average of 8 […]

In Limbo Land at Lehman

by Paige Churchman (New York City) When your coworker goes into quit-and-stay mode, it’s a drag but you can work around it. Your job gets a little harder when your boss does it. But when your company gets stuck in a holding pattern like that, even for a day or two, well, that’s when people […]

Voices of Experience: Rachel Glaser, COO/CFO at Reunion.com

by Natalie Sabia (New York City) Her journey started immediately after business school when she landed a much-coveted job at Disney. Over twenty years, she worked her way up in the company, holding various leadership positions in finance, operations and technology with studio entertainment, as well as corporate and consumer products divisions. The imminent birth […]

Intrepid Women: My Life on the Street, Part II

by Paige Churchman (New York City) The next morning, Genro and Paco marveled that we hadn’t been chased out, and we set off for breakfast at the St. Francis Mission, more than 50 blocks north. Outside a church on some midtown street, we joined a long line, spreading ourselves out among the real homeless people […]


Intrepid Women: My Life on the Street, Part I

by Paige Churchman (New York City) Labor Day weekend approached, and all week I’d answered what-are-you-doing-this-weekend with “oh, sticking around.” True, but… For the next four days and three nights, I would be living like, and with, the homeless. I had signed up for a Street Retreat run by the Zen Peacemakers. The street that […]

Movers and Shakers: Real Estate

by Sima Matthes (New York City) We try to focus on the positive here at The Glass Hammer, giving examples of women who’ve made it or are well on their way to the top of an industry. And much progress has been made, as can be seen from our reports on women in industries from […]