Entries by The Glass Hammer

Ask-A-Recruiter: Choose and Use References Proactively

Contributed by Caroline Ceniza-Levine of SixFigureStart Many jobseekers think about their references only when they are in the offer stage. But the proactive jobseeker uses references as a marketing tool. The right references can push an average finalist to frontrunner. Furthermore, even the content employee should be proactive and have ready a list of references […]

Corporate Performance Management Conference

Predictive Analytics in Perilous Times Corporate Performance Management will focus on the latest developments in corporate performance management and analytics — topics core to the finance department and to the CFO role. What are the latest best practices in corporate performance management? How can analytics help in a volatile economy? How can a CFO push […]

Tips for landing that Board room Post: An insider’s view

WECNY This breakfast event will be hosted by WECNY with keynote speakers from the global executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles and Vice Chairman of their CEO and Board Practice, Ted Jadick. Joining Ted will be two dynamic board members of Fortune 500 companies, Nancy Newcomb and Yvonne Jackson. Please Click here to register We […]

Career Teleseminar: SixFigureStart Career Check-up

Is Your Job Search Where You Want It To Be? Take the 60-question SixFigureStart Career Assessment and see exactly what you are doing well and what you need to do better; Learn the six job search steps that really matter in the hiring process, developed by former Fortune 500 recruiters who have hired thousands of […]

The Value of Work Life Balance: The CFO Perspective

by Liz O’Donnell (Boston) Even though many of today’s Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) recognize that work life flexibility can positively impact their company, few of them report working in organizations that offer formal programs to take advantage of the benefits. According to the 2008 CFO Perspectives on Work Life Flexibility, 90 percent of CFOs say […]

Execs Drinking to Excess

by Elizabeth Harrin (London) You wouldn’t say no to a pay rise, would you? Well, be warned. Once your salary rises above £52,000 (about US$75,000) your alcohol consumption is likely to go up too, according to figures from the UK government released in January. Women earning more than £52,000 a year drink more heavily than […]

In Case You Missed It: News Round-Up

Contributed by Martin Mitchell of the Corporate Training Group In case you were too busy to have kept up with all the news, contributor Martin Mitchell has gathered some important market events from last week to help you start this week well informed: Mergers and Acquisitions In light of Pfizer’s $68bn takeover of Wyeth, French […]

Parent’s Guide To Internship and Entry-Level Recruiting

Free SixFigureStart Teleseminar Learn surprising trends in the recruiting of students for internships and entry-level jobs. Find out what your child needs to know about the job search process and what parents can do to help. SixFigureStart co-founders Connie Thanasoulis and Caroline Ceniza-Levine have a combined 40 years of HR and business experience. Connie led […]