Entries by The Glass Hammer

The Convincing Side of Change

Contributed by Marsha Egan, CEO of The Egan Group, Inc Struggling with people resisting making the changes you know you need to make in your organization or group? Don’t know how to get buy-in from people so that you can change things for the better? Challenged by an undercurrent of resistance to your attempts to […]

Ask-A-Recruiter: Should You Ever Work For Free?

Contributed by Caroline Ceniza-Levine of SixFigureStart If I am really interested in working for a company, is it a good tactic to offer to do a project or a trial basis for free? I have been seeing more press coverage about “adult internships” lately. These refer to experienced professionals who take on a short-term project […]

Swine Flu (H1N1) and the Working Mother

by Liz O’Donnell (Boston) While health officials scramble to control an influx of questions, guidelines and cases related to swine flu, or the H1N1 virus, another demographic is impacted–working parents. Schools have been closing all over the country. In Boston, at least six schools closed. In New York City, 16 schools closed. Entire districts have […]


Underrepresented Minorities in Tech: African-American and Latina Women at Double Disadvantage

by Pamela Weinsaft (New York City)    Last week, the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology released an eye-opening report. Entitled  “Obstacles and Solutions for Underrepresented Minorities (URM) in Technology”, the report examines why women—and men— from underrepresented minority (URM) backgrounds, namely African-American/Black; Hispanic/Latino, Native American, or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, are generally in few […]

In Case You Missed It: News Round-up

Contributed by Martin Mitchell of the Corporate Training Group In case you were too busy to have kept up with all the news, contributor Martin Mitchell has gathered some important market events from last week to help you start this week well informed:  Mergers and Acquisitions Data Domain, a data de-duplication company already under offer […]

The “New” Homeless: Women on the Edge

by Liz O’Donnell (Boston) The National Alliance to End Homelessness recently issued a report stating the current recession will cause more than 1.5 million additional Americans to experience homelessness in the next two years. Reflected in those numbers are professional women who never thought they were at risk to lose their security and independence. While […]


The Boston Club: Supporting Professional Development for Women Executives in Boston

by Tina Vasquez (Los Angeles) It’s an uncomfortable fact, but many professional women’s organizations began as a result of the exclusion and in some cases, blatant sexism, experienced by women in the workplace during the 1960’s and 70’s. The Boston Club, an organization of over 600 Boston-area women devoted to promoting the personal and professional […]