Entries by The Glass Hammer

Ask-a-Career-Coach: Stop Waiting for Feedback

Contributed by executive coach Ann Daly, Ph.D. Do you know what your boss really thinks of you? Not really? Well, you’re in good company. It’s an open secret that women don’t get as much performance feedback as their male colleagues. It could be that male managers fear an “emotional response,” or it could be that […]


Why are Women Execs Twice as Likely to Leave a Job?

By Tina Vasquez (Los Angeles) A new study conducted by professors at Oregon State University’s College of Business found that female executives are more than twice as likely to leave their jobs – voluntarily and involuntarily – as men. This is true despite the fact that women now dominate the ranks of university graduates across […]

Getting Results – Performance vs. Putting in the Hours

By Elizabeth Harrin (London) “In my 20 years of experience both as a practitioner as a VP of Operations & Supply Chain and as a Business Consultant and entrepreneur across multiple industries and globally, I’ve found that those work environments focused on results over presence are at least 80% more likely to achieve bottom line […]

In Case You Missed It: Business News Round-Up

Contributed by Beth Collinge of CTG – a division of ILX Group plc. This week’s financial news was dominated by the following Europe’s debt crisis entering a new phase when EU finance ministers agreed an €85bn bail-out for Ireland and the outline of a permanent mechanism to deal with future debt crises; ECB bond buying […]

Intrepid Woman: Mwen regrèt ou gen pou doulè.

Contributed by Margaret Schramm Horn “Mwen regrèt ou gen pou doulè.” (I am sorry for your pain.) It was the chant that greeted the redhead American, Ian, who led our team, as we returned patients from surgery to their family and cots.  Ian, an American from Colorado, had been volunteering at the hospital in Jimani, […]

How to Find Your Sponsor

Contributed by Kendra Reddy, Leadership Coach and Talent Consultant, Blueprint Strategies Like you, I am thoroughly invested in my career and growth as a leader. To help me along this journey, I rely on the insights, advice, feedback, and guidance of others whom I respect and admire. For a long time, I hadn’t given much […]

5 Remarkable Traits of Female Firsts

Contributed by Tina Savas, author of Women of True Grit What does it take to be the first woman in your field? Do you have it in you? Are you born with a certain gene that enables you to withstand the pressure of taking risks? Perhaps your outstanding ability to successfully face obstacles began at […]