Entries by The Glass Hammer

10 Ways for Executives to Green Their Business

By Andrea Newell (Grand Rapids, Michigan) Every day, more organizations are recognizing the impact sustainability practices can have on their business and are implementing sustainable initiatives. However, sustainability can’t exist in silo, it should be integrated into all aspects of organization. To be authentic and effective, sustainability must be measured, then goals set, documented and […]

STEM Fields: Something’s Gotta Give

By Tina Vasquez (Los Angeles) We hear it all the time: why are women still so underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) fields? There are scientific fields in which women are plentiful, such as medicine, and though it’s true that women remain grossly under-represented in engineering and computing, things are changing – perhaps […]

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Standing Out Online: The New Realities of Job Search for Executive Women

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) Technology, social media, and the recession have drastically changed the face of job seeking—it’s much harder today to stand out from the noise. Talent hunters now have access to literally hundreds of millions of online resumes in an instant through job boards, search engines, and networking sites. Yet the online […]

Mastering the Art of Diagonal Networking

Contributed by The Runaway MBA Diagonal networking. Have your heard of it? Probably not… because I made it up several years ago. It’s a phrase that I coined after noticing a trend in networking efforts that were more and not less successful. As I set off in my job search, I began the process of […]


Women, Risk, and Banking

By Liz O’Donnell, Founder of HelloLadies.com The day before the Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston last week, Mary Ellen Iskenderian, president and CEO of Women’s World Banking, was fired up. Iskenderian was reflecting on a story in the Financial Times that ran with the headline, “Women bankers linked to rise in risk-taking.“ The article, based […]