Entries by The Glass Hammer

Voice of Experience: Licenia Rojas, Vice President and Global Leader for Risk and Payments, Technology, American Express

This week The Glass Hammer is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with profiles of senior Hispanic women in the financial and professional services. Check back all week long to read more. By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) According to Licenia Rojas, Vice President and Global Leader for Risk Automation and Payments for Technology at American […]

Why Gossip Has To Go

Contributed by Beate Chelette What would you guess is the amount of time most of us spend gossiping? Thirty percent? Not even close. Research studies report that in everyday conversations, gossiping takes up 65 to 80 percent (!) of speaking time. And 15 percent of work email is gossip, according to a new Georgia Tech […]

Connecting the Dots: From Networking to Coordinating

By Jessica Titlebaum (Chicago) While networking is a crucial skill for success, it’s become a stale concept. These days, every conference, seminar, or workshop is followed by a networking reception offering attendees a chance to meet and mingle with their peers. Don’t get me wrong, I am a strong believer in sipping a cocktail, rolling […]

Five Steps to Your Personal Board of Directors

Contributed by CEO Coach Henna Inam Are you stuck in a career rut? Do you wish for more coaching and feedback but don’t get it in your work environment? Do you want to learn to better integrate work and life? Do you wish you could tap into others who have complementary skill sets to you […]

Off Balance: Unequal Work-Life for Parents and Non-Parents?

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) Do parents get a better deal in the office when it comes to work-life balance? An increasing chorus of workers says yes. A recent article in The New York Times called “When the Work-Life Scales Are Unequal” garnered hundreds of comments reflecting conflicting viewpoints on how to address the perceived […]

Just How Much Does Emotional Intelligence Matter?

Contributed by John Keyser, Founder and Principal of Common Sense Leadership It is widely accepted that soft skills make an important difference in how people feel and respond to their boss and senior management. If they feel they are valued, appreciated and heard, they are engaged and motivated to achieve goals set out by leadership. […]

Wall Street Women and the Power of Networking

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) Networks can provide many means for support – a way to find out about new jobs or projects, a group of friends with whom to laugh or cry, your own private strategic advisors – and sometimes all of these things at once. The first generation of women on […]