Entries by The Glass Hammer

Fast Contributors Make More Money than Fast Learners – Which One Are You?

Contributed by Melissa Llarena Conversations with 15 executives, many who earn more in one hour than some employees make annually, revealed that progressing toward important goals commands more money than simply being a fast learner. I find that many aspiring career changers focus on their ability to quickly learning complex subjects while hiring managers unanimously […]

Say “No” with Power and Grace

Contributed by CEO Coach Henna Inam I have a confession to make. I am not exactly an expert in saying “No.” I spent the entire day recently running from one meeting to another. It was Sunday. I was taught early on that it’s impolite to say “No.” A lot of my executive coaching clients have […]

Voice of Experience: Stephanie Breslow, Partner & Co-Head of Investment Management Group, Schulte Roth & Zabel

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) “You really have to take charge of your career,” began Stephanie Breslow, Partner & Co-Head of the Investment Management Group at Schulte Roth & Zabel. The reason, she explained, is because while partners or senior people may take an interest in you, you have to leverage that interest […]

A Conversation with Young Women in Business

Contributed by John Keyser, Founder and Principal of Common Sense Leadership I had the privilege two weeks ago of conversing with Georgetown Women in Business, a club formed by women in the MBA programs at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. They all had worked at least four years in the corporate world before coming […]

5 Tips to Handle Stress During the Holidays

By Robin Madell (San Francisco) You know the drill: the holidays are here again already, and not only must you keep up with everything already on your plate, but you must somehow add another long list of holiday-related deliverables. The combination of everyday stressors (like juggling end-of-year work projects and client meetings) with seasonal-specific ones […]