Entries by The Glass Hammer

Start with the Personal: Managing and Coaching with Empathy

By Natalie Soltys (Kansas City, Missouri) In a competitive, fast-paced and ever-changing industry such as information technology, caring and nurturing instincts are usually seen as detrimental to success. Oftentimes, women are encouraged to suppress this natural predisposition in order to grow their careers. (For example, check out Karen Firestone’s recent Harvard Business Review piece.) However, […]

Working Moms Would Choose Pay Equity Over a Year Off Work

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) According to new research by Working Mother Magazine and Chase Card Services, working mothers say that, given the choice, they would rather have a 20 percent raise than a year’s vacation from the workforce. Jennifer Owens, Editor at Working Mother Magazine and Director of the Working Mother Research […]

Voice of Experience: Mary Strother, Managing Director, Investor Relations, Athenian Venture Partners

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) Mary Strother, Managing Director of Investor Relations at Athenian Venture Partners, has built a successful career out of leveraging her differences. She explained that if your background varies somewhat from the more traditional CVs in your industry, you’ll have skills others don’t necessarily have. The key is to […]

Diverse Mentors Offer Career Inspiration

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) “Have you ever wanted to sit down with the exceptional women executives that have climbed the ranks and ask them how they approach work and life?” asks a new report by the International Consortium for Executive Development Research (ICEDR). The network of top companies and business schools interviewed […]

Promises, Promises. Do You Keep Yours In Business?

Contributed by Beate Chelette You’re waiting, by the phone, for a scheduled business call or an exploratory communication about a new project. Fifteen, then 20 minutes pass, and no call. Not even a text message explaining the delay. It’s happened to me three times in the last week and it is plenty annoying. Or people […]


Women in the Boardroom: Focus on Solutions

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) In December, ION (the InterOrganization Network) released its 9th report on women on boards in the United States. ION is made up of 16 regional women’s networks, and this report used numbers from 15 of them. According to the research, the numbers haven’t moved much since the last […]

Career Inspiration from Trailblazing Women in Politics

By Melissa J. Anderson (New York City) Last week, the Financial Women’s Association of New York hosted an event featuring three prominent women in New York’s politics. Moderated by award winning journalist Marcia Kramer, the panel consisted of New York State Senator Liz Krueger, New York City Councilwoman Jessica Lappin, and New York City Council […]